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in which that work is written was severely and deservedly reproved; and his gross mis-statements were confuted by an appeal to the Protestant converts of Agra, of Benares, of Meerut, and of Chunar. " Bear witness," said his Lordship, "those numerous believers of our own immediate neighbourhood, with whom though we differ on many, and doubtless on very important points, I should hate myself if I could regard them as any other than my brethren and fellow-servants in the Lord *. Let the populous Christian districts of Malabar bear witness, where believers are not reckoned by solitary individuals, but by hundreds and by thousands. Bear witness Ceylon, where the cross has lost its reproach, and the chiefs of the land are gradually assuming, without scruple, the attire, the language, and the religion of Englishmen. And let him finally bear witness, whom we have now received into the number of the commissioned servants of the church, and whom we trust, at no distant day, to send forth, in the fullness of Christian authority, to make known the way of truth to those his countrymen from whose errors he has himself been graciously delivered."

In concluding this part of his address, his Lordship observed, that "even from the taunts of an enemy a wise man will increase his wisdom and if we learn from the volume I have quoted, greater moderation in our language, and greater circumspection in our deportment-a more strict adherence to the union and discipline of the church, and a more careful abstinence from every thing like exaggeration in those accounts of our progress in the work which are sent to our friends in Europe; it is apparent, that some essential hindrances would be greatly lessened which now impede the progress of the truth, and a more abundant blessing may be expected on our toils from him who is the God of peace, and order, and modesty."

In alluding to the character and Episcopal labours of the late excellent Bishop Middleton, his Lordship observed, that had the mind of that great and good man been attracted to secular purposes, he was possessed of every quality on which the world bestows its favour. But though his memory was stored with all profane and civil literature, the application of his learning and talents was to ecclesiastical purposes alone. He was, perhaps, the second critic of his age, yet he edited no Greek classics: he was stored, said his Lordship, as I have been assured, with an inexhaustible supply of lighter and more elegant literature, yet he sought to be re

* The Converts of the Baptist Mission at Serampore.

membered as a divine and theologian alone. Nay more, when his life-long labours were at length approaching to their term, as if fearing the applause of men even in those branches of learning which were strictly appropriate and ministerial, he consigned, as a last sacrifice, his laboured manuscripts to the flames, content to live only in the memory of those who loved and honoured him, and desiring no further praise than that which he shall one day receive, of "Well done! good and faithful servant!"

"This-continued his Lordship in conclusion-this is a copious subject, and one on which I should have been tempted to enlarge, if I were not aware of your exhausted condition, from the length which this morning's service has already reached; and if, to say the truth, my own feelings were sufficiently tranquil to indulge in the praises of one whom I had not the happiness to know, while I am yet smarting under the recent loss of a distinguished and excellent friend, from whose eminent talents, from whose amiable temper, from whose high religious principles, and his repeatedly expressed intention of devoting his ample means and powerful mind to the service of that God from whom he received them; I had anticipated the most important and essential aids, in securing the prosperity of the Indian church, and furthering the triumphant progress of those Gospels in which his hope and heart were laid up, and in which, while he lived, his life was hidden *.

"A few days only are gone, since, with animation on his benevolent countenance, he expressed to me his gratitude to God for the many blessings he had received, and his desire to dedicate to God, through Jesus Christ, a larger proportion of his time, his means, and his influence; a few hours only are past since those good resolutions are gone thither, where they are best known and appreciated by a gracious God, whom he had served from his youth, and who, when his noon of life had scarcely begun to decline, saw fit to call him to his recompense and his repose. In him India-in him the Anglo-Indian churchin him the cause of missions here and throughout the world-in him the poor of every caste and country have lost a fearless, a kind, a bountiful, an unpretending friend; but he will not have died in vain, if the consideration of his sudden mortality induces us to ponder the worth

* The late Sir Christopher Puller. This gentleman relinquished an extensive and lucrative practice as a barrister, on being appointed supreme judge at Calcutta. He arrived in India only five weeks preceding his death, which took place, after an illness of a few days, on May 19th, 1824.

of this world in regions where the present moment is all which we can be said to hold of it; and so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

"Finally, Brethren, farewell; be patient and watch unto prayer, and be diligent in the functions of your stewardship; for behold he cometh quickly, and blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing!"

His Lordship concluded his admirable

and truly Christian charge with a short but appropriate prayer.


The Clergy having returned to their seats, the venerable the Archdeacon brought up the candidate for ordination, Mr. Christian, in a surplice, to the rails of the Altar, when the ordination service began; the Bishop reading the Litany, and the candidate reading aloud the Epistle appointed in the office, after receiving imposition of hands, and authority to " officiate in the place whereto he was appointed."


We noticed in our last Volume, p. 274, the petition presented to the House of Commons by the County of Bedford, against the dreadful practice existing in British India of immolating widows alive on the funeral pile of their husbands; and have for some time intended to advert again to the subject, but have been prevented by accidental circumstances. Since that period. an official order, published by our Indian Government, has been transmitted to this country; which, while it is intended to regulate and restrain the burning of widows to the cases expressly allowed by the sacred books of the Hindoos, and thus to diminish their number, has in fact, in our judgment, given the sanction of government to these barbarous murders. We cannot but feel deeply convinced, that the British

Government in India might have terminated the whole systems with as little difficulty and irritation, as they have now proceeded to regulate it. Never let the answer of the Brahmin be forgotten, who, on being asked when these cruel exhibitions would cease, replied, "When your government pleases."

We regret to observe, that the number of these awful scenes is greater in the last year, of which the accounts are made up, than in the preceding.

The total numbers for the four past years are as follow:

In 1818.... 839)

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We hope to insert in our next an extract from a very interesting Letter, which clearly manifests the difficulties to which the present regulations expose men of respectable character who occupy responsible situations in India.

Notices and Acknowledgments.

RECEIVED, and will be inserted, J. W. M.-W. P. W.

We sympathize with a Bereaved Daughter under her severe losses, but we doubt, under all circumstances, the expediency of inserting her communication; it is certainly inadmissible without some alteration.

We have not seen the work to which J. A. alludes, and are not quite prepared to say, whether any and what use will be made of his communication.

J. I. suggests the expediency of having, on all churches and chapels, a plain marble tablet placed on a conspicuous part of the walls, so as to attract the observation of strangers, on which should be mentioned the hours of divine service both on Sundays and week days.

Under consideration, J.-D. M. Clericus. Clericus Northumbriensis. - Εύελπις. We shall be happy to receive a specimen of W. W.'s work.

The circumstances mentioned by Anna, though interesting and instructive, can scarcely be brought forwards as evincing the evil of sabbath-breaking. This might be the case were we justified in interpreting the affliction as a judgment; au interpretation which is obviously improper.

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Church of England Magazine.




Concluded from page 407.]

BUCER disputed with the Papists, successively, at Hagenau, Spires, Worms, and Ratisbon, constraining his enemies as well as friends to bear honourable testimony to his suavity and discretion. It is remarkable, that one of them, named Gropper, commended him to Herman of Wida, Archbishop of Cologne, as a fit person to be consulted on the reformation of religion; and that prelate, who had some previous knowledge of his talents and piety, requested his assistance for this purpose. He went to Cologne accordingly, and made so favourable an impression on Herman, that he enjoined him to deliver a course of lectures at the neighbouring Church of Bonn, on the Rhine. The good Archbishop requested the Elector of Saxony to permit Melancthon also to visit him, which led to a correspondence between that Prelate and the Elector and Landgrave, both of whom, at the instance of Bucer, encouraged the venerable but timorous dignitary in the work of reform. Their exhortations had the happiest effect; and when Bucer and Melancthon had fortified him with arguments, he prosecuted the work with conscientious persever ance, notwithstanding the violent opposition of his clergy.

"After Bucer and myself," says DEC. 1824,

Melancthon, in a letter to Came ravius, "had finished our work for the regulation of the churches, the aged Bishop, sending for his coadjutor and dean, Count Stolberg, a man of sense, and some other leading persons, desired me to read through the whole book in their presence, to which he paid the greatest attention, remarking upon many passages, or suggesting very proper alterations; sometimes, however, preferring our opinion to his own. To this labour, he allotted four hours every morning for six days. I could not but admire the assiduity and diligence of the old man, and perceived how earnestly he managed the whole affair. He decides controversies in the most skilful manner. The book contains in the beginning the sum of doctrine. Afterwards it treats of the collegiate bodies, allowing the retention of dignities, but recommending the reform of ceremonies. The Bishop called an assembly to consider its contents. The counts, knights, and deputies of cities, approved them, and engaged to commence a suitable regulation in their churches. In the chapter of Cologne, though some of the superiors thought rightly, yet there were many bad fellows. The other orders entreated them not to take any measures against their Prince*."


* Melancth. Ep. L. iv. ep. 304.

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