= BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF PLACES MENTIONED IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, GIVEN PRINCIPALLY IN Extracts from the Works of Travellers. PART I-PALESTINE. • Womans Fournierz PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF GENERAL LITERATURE AND EDUCATION CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE: SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORY, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS; AND BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1843. Harvard College Library Riant Collection Gift of J. Randolph Coolidge Feb. 26, 1900. LONDON: R. CLAY, FRINTER, BREAD STREET HILL. PREFACE. It is now more than two years since the volume of "Extracts from Travellers" was published. While it was in the press, it was suggested to the Compiler, that a work of a similar nature, illustrative of Scripture Topography, might prove acceptable. The present volume is the result of that suggestion. What has been attempted in the work is briefly this: 1st. To bring together in one view those passages of Scripture in which the place under notice is mentioned. 2dly. To give a brief historical sketch of such place. 3dly. To narrate those particulars of its present state, which may be gathered from the works of travellers. And, throughout, to direct the mind of the reader to the fulfilment of prophecy, wherever the accomplishment of the Divine predictions can be distinctly traced. The present volume includes Palestine, as divided, in the time of our Saviour, into Judæa, Samaria, and Galilee; and also the neighbouring countries of Philistia and Phœnicia. A Second Part, containing some account of other countries mentioned in Scripture, is in progress. A considerable portion of the extracts have been taken from the admirable work on "Biblical Geography," lately published by Dr. Robinson, who has done so much, by his careful researches, towards identifying the sites of ancient places. In all cases very great care has been exercised in the choice of the extracts; and those passages only have been selected, on the general accuracy of which we may rely. May it please Him, to whose service all our time and all our works should be humbly devoted, to accompany this volume with His blessing! Newport, Isle of Wight, M. F. M. |