THE MONTHLY VISITOR, AND ENTERTAINING POCKET COMPANION. BY A SOCIETY OF GENTLEMEN. Nature never lends The fmalleft fcruple of her excellence, But, like a thrifty godefs, the determines SHAKESPEARE. Be thou the firft our efforts to befriend; POPE. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR H. D. SYMONDS, NO. 20, PATER- NOSTER ROW. 1797. HB DONATED B BRTH WERCANTILE LIBRARY ASFUCIATI NEW YORK CITY PREFACE. S in the introduction of a Friend, to one with whom we had long been in habits of intimacy, it would be highly improper, after having ushered him into the room, to leave him without further affistance or apology, fo it would be equally contrary to the juft ceremonials of fociety, did we now present ourselves before the Public unaccompanied with a falutary respect. A LITERARY MAGAZINE, conducted on liberal principles, and calculated for general amusement, has, it is believed, long been desired by a numerous and refpectable class of Readers.-This defideratum we have endeavoured to fupply. No personal animofity fhall diftort our Biographical, -no party prejudice, nor vicious infinuation, fhall stain our Miscellaneous pages. In our DRAMATIC REVIEW, we will judge the Actor more than the man-in our LITERARY, the book-not its Author; keeping, in every exertion, that true medium which justice and generofity fhall dictate. Our Plan, gentle Reader, and the execution of that Plan, are now before thee: it would be ufelefs to deprecate thy wrath, fhouldst thou find that we have not performed our promises; yet, remember, that we may improve in thy good graces, while given to hope, that the MONTHLY VISITOR will be encouraged to repeat his vifits. THE |