MISCELLANEOUS. As the "Working Men's College." It has already attracted a large portion of the young men of this populous town, and is, no doubt, performing a great use in attracting them from evil associations. A public library is now being formed in connection with the college, and has already been supplied with gifts of books from individuals and societies amounting to between 700 and 800 volumes. there are no New Church works in any public library in the town, it would seem to be a favourable opportunity for any friends of the church to present a volume they may have to spare to the college library. They may be forwarded to Mr. Hodson, 22, Portugal-street, to enclose in his monthly parcel to the secretary of the Ipswich New Church Society, and will be thankfully acknowledged. The secretary of the Swedenborg Society has already been applied to for a grant of books. SHEFFIELD.-The Rev. J. B. Kennerley, of Salford, delivered two discourses in the Council Hall on the 30th October. The subject in the morning was "Adam, where art thou?" (Gen. iii. 9.) in the evening-" The Last Judgment: when, where, and how will man be judged?" Both services were well attended; in the evening several were unable to gain admittance. Mr. Kennerley's treatment of his subjects was very effective and eminently practical. LITERARY HONOURS TO NEW CHURCH STUDENTS.-In the list of successful candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, at the second B. A. examination of the University of London, for 1864, we observe, with pleasure, the names of two well-known and much-esteemed members of the church, John Edward Broadfield, Manchester, and Thomas Cochrane Lowe, Birmingham. NEW CONFERENCE RULE.Allow me to call the attention of members of the church to a new regulation, constituting minute 164 of the last General Conference, which is as follows:-" Resolved, that notices of motion, before being inserted in the secretary's annual circular to societies, shall be signed as required by Rule 11, as evidence that such notices have had the consideration of a society, or of the committee of some society of the church." Rule 11, above referred to, is as follows:-"Every communication to the Conference from a society shall be signed by four of its members, 577 including the minister or leader and the secretary. If either of these officers, from absence or other cause, should be unable to sign it, the same should be specified, and one or two other members, as the case may require, shall sign it in his stead, stating the reason why they have done so." F. PITMAN, Sec. LANCASHIRE DISTRESS FUND.-The London Committee for the Relief of Lancashire Distress met at Argyle-square on the 7th inst. There were no applications for aid; and the signs of distress in the north being now comparatively few, the committee resolved, for the present, to invest in the funds the balance in the treasurer's hands, namely, £78. 13s. 6d., being the sum announced in the report in this Magazine for May, 1863, less £1. 18s. 4d. incidental expenses. F. PITMAN, Sec. RAMSBOTTOM.-NEW CHURCH SOCIETY. On Sunday, Oct. 16, two excellent sermons were preached here by the Rev. J. Boys to large congregations. The collections amounted to £10. 16s. The occasion was the re-opening of the chapel, after alterations had been made to render the building more convenient for the Sunday school, and to adapt it for the establishment of a government day school. The day school was opened last January, and is now recognised by government, being attended by nearly a hundred children, who will be instructed in the doctrines of the New Church. ARGYLE SQUARE.-Junior Members' Society and Literary Institute.-The annual festival of this flourishing society was held on the evening of Wednesday, November 9th, in the school - rooms, Argyle-square. The rooms were decorated in a very tasteful manner, the walls and pillars being draped with crimson cloth that fell in graceful folds, and formed an admirable back-ground for pictures, many of them of great value, by Rembrandt, Vandyke, Salviato, and other famous masters. in particular, by Mr. J. Clark, the wellknown artist (a member of this society), attracted much favourable attention. Festoons and garlands were suspended round the room. Here and there baskets of flowers hung from the ceiling, while on each table were placed bouquets of exquisitely finished artificial flowers, the production of a few young ladies of the society. The general arrangement of the One picture decorations on entering the room was excellent, and excited much admiration. Arranged on side tables were collections of interesting objects and curiosities, comprising jewellery, bronze ornaments, ivory, Persian and Indian embroidery, Chinese curiosities, stuffed specimens of natural history, collections of shells, minerals, New Zealand costumes, wasps' nests, engravings, photographs, albums, microscopes, magnetic and electric machines, models, &c.; the whole forming a costly, interesting, and instructive museum. The company that assembled was an overflowing and in some respects a remarkable one. It contained nearly all the well-known members of the Argylesquare and other metropolitan societies, besides one or two ministers, and many members of other denominations. There was a sprinkling of visitors from the country; nor was the meeting wanting in that important desideratum on these festive occasions-the distinguished foreigner. Prussia, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and America were each represented by warm friends of the church. Intervals were allowed for conversation, and great social enjoyment prevailed. The chair was taken by the Rev. Dr. Bayley. The subject of the evening was "The Bible;" and the speakers, consisting of Mr. Pilkington, Mr. D'Albe, Mr. A. Faraday, Mr. Jobson, Mr. J. Presland, Mr. E. H. Bayley, Mr. Moss, Mr. J. A. Bayley, and Mr. C. W. Smith, were all drawu from the ranks of the society. The speeches of these gentlemen were all to the purpose, and in some instances distinguished by very considerable ability. During the evening there were recitations by Miss Wallington and Mr. Chas. Moore; and the musical programme comprised duets on the pianoforte by Messrs. C. J. Whittington and C. P. Alvey; a song, "Nazareth" (Gounod), sung by Mr. J. C. Bayley (pianoforte, harmonium, and harp accompaniment); duet, Mr. Nordstrom aud Miss Bayley; flute solo, Mr. A. Moore; duet, Signor and Madlle. Gallico; and a Swedish melody by Mr. Nordstrom. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of the new hymn (published by Mr. Alvey), "Jerusalem, the Golden City," and the Benediction, pronounced by the reverend chairman. It may be interesting to mention that this society numbers about 160 members, and has theological, elocution, and phonetic short-hand classes. A Scripture conversation meeting is held on Sunday afternoons, and a lecture and discussion takes place every Friday evening, with the exception of the first Friday in every month, which is devoted to reading a portion of the New Church writings. HEDDERLEY-STREET, NOTTINGHAM.— By the kindness of the National Missionary Society, the members and friends of this church have been favoured with a visit by the Rev. E. D. Rendell, of Preston. In consequence of the sale of Hedderley-street Mission-room, in which the society had assmbled for the last three years, the People's Hall has been engaged for the usual Sunday and weekday services; and the services in the new place were inaugurated on Sunday, Oct. 30th, as the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the society. The town was well placarded, and the attendance each service very satisfactory. The morning discourse was upon “Regeneration: is it a sudden or a progressive and co-operative work?" and the evening, "Admission into heaven effected by a preparation in the world." The subjects were treated with Mr. Rendell's usual impressiveness and ability, and secured an amount of rivetted attention which betokened a deep interest. After the evening service, Mr. Rendell administered the holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to forty-seven communicants, forty-three of whom are members of the society. The collections were satisfactory. The committee considered they had a duty to fulfil to the Missionary Society, and therefore announced two lectures without collections, at which many strangers were present. The Monday evening lecture was upon "Who is the Lord Jesus Christ-a mere man, or very God; a vicarious sacrifice, or the only true object of Christian worship?" The marked attention paid to this lecture for upwards of an hour, and the new ground of argument taken by the talented lecturer, was a subject of comment, and its delivery cannot fail to bring forth fruit in due time. The subject, "What is man-a createre of the natural world only, or of spiritual and never-dying substance?" so ably treated on Tuesday evening, was noticed by the Nottingham Guardian in favourable terms. The tea meeting, on Wednesday, was attended by about seventy-six members and friends, and the evening spent pleasantly and no doubt very profitably, "the opening of the sealed book" being the subject of an address by Mr. Rendell after tea. In addition to an expression of gratitude to the Missionary society and to Mr. Rendell, the society wishes, also, to expesss its thanks to the London Tract Society and the Manchester Tract Society, for special gifts of tracts to distribute on those occasions. The progress and permanent stability of the society become more apparent and confirmed every day, and by the Divine blessing it is anticipated that much useful effort will be made to bring the minds of the people somewhat towards the glorious standard of truth and righteousness raised by the New Church. A pastoral letter has since been issued to the members and congregation by the respected leader, Mr. Thomas Stevenson, from which we make the following extract: "So far as I am concerned, there can be only one course left, and that is the strict discharge of duty to the best of my humble ability. This, by God's help, I am determined to pursue, so long as I have health and there are half-a-dozen co-workers in our small section of the Lord's vineyard. I feel that I possess the esteem of all who now mingle with us in worship, and, knowing this, I never think of, or care to seek, speedy results, or rapid accessions in numbers. All that we have to do as a church, and what I wish more particularly to press upon you, is, that we do our duty to the utmost, relying on the Lord Jesus for strength according to our day, and leave the rest in his hands." DERBY. It is intended to hold a bazaar and Christmas-tree on the 27th and 28th of December, in aid of the fund for erecting a new schoolroom in connection with the chapel. The ladies' committee would feel grateful for contributions of useful and ornamental articles in furtherance of this object. Parcels may be forwarded to Mrs. Roe, Grove Villas, or to Miss Holme, Elm Villa, Derby. STUDENTS AND MINISTERS' AID FUND. The General Conference having adopted an additional number of students, the claims on this fund are greater than heretofore. With the view of making arrangements to meet these claims, a meeting was held at Argyle-square church, on November 16th, but from unfavourale weather and other circumstances, was very thinly attended; and it was adjourned to Wednesday, December 14th, at the same place. Tea will be provided at half-past five, and the chair be taken at seven. There cannot be a question as to the importance of the objects contemplated, it is therefore confidently hoped that on this occasion there will be a full meeting. NEW CHURCH COLLEGE.-MATRICULATION EXAMINATION.-Mr. Editor,-Dear Sir,-I shall feel obliged by your publishing in the forthcoming number of the Repository the following list of subjects in which it is proposed to examine the young men who shall in future apply for theological scholarships in this college, prior to their admission:-1. The reading of the Word and Bible history. 2. The general doctrines of the New Church. 3. The Gospel according to St. John, in the Greek. 4. The first book of Cæsar de Bello Gallico. 5. The first book of the Eneid of Virgil. 6. Arithmetic to decimal fractions. 7. Algebra, including simple equations. 8. The first book of Euclid. The examination to be conducted partly by written questions and answers, partly viva voce. Each candidate to be supplied with a list of questions on each subject in the examination room, and to write his answers in the room without any aid from books or otherwise. It is intended that the examination shall be simple and elementary, easy passages being chosen for translation, and moderately easy examples set in arithmetic and algebra. The papers to be so drawn up that about three hours would enable a young man of moderate attainments to answer one half of the questions; the number of questions being sufficiently great to allow the candidate a choice as to which he would reply to. The entire examination to be divided into two parts, so as to give three hours each day, for two days. The return to be made by the examiner on the day week on which the examination commences. Early information is given of this intention to adopt a matriculation examination, that young men who propose to devote themselves to the ministry of the New Church may enter upon their special studies with some preliminary amount of scholarship. It having been resolved at the last Conference "that the term for which students shall be adopted upon the Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund shall not exceed two years," except under certain circumstances, this becomes especially necessary.-I remain, dear sir, yours faithfully, HENRY BATEMAN, Secretary to the New Church College. ANTEDILUVIAN HISTORY.-The Rev. E. D. Rendell's "Antediluvian History" having proved acceptable to the church, the committee of the Missionary and Tract Society of the New Church have purchased from the publisher the remainder of the second edition, consisting of 1750 copies, at about the cost price of the work; and are now enabled to offer it for sale at 2s. 6d. per copy, instead of at the published price of 5s. The committee feel that the more rapid and extensive circulation of this work-containing a good exposition of the internal sense of the Scriptures, upon a subject possessing at the present day peculiar interest would be useful to the cause of truth, and they believe that the friends of the church will cheerfully respond to the present appeal for aid on behalf of the step taken. The committee have long been impressed with the fact that the circulation of books is one of the least expensive modes, while it is a very effective one, of disseminating the doctrines of the church. Of "The Future Life" many thousand copies have been sold, at lectures or otherwise, since the society purchased the work, and reduced the price; but while a New Church work retains the ordinary market price, there is hardly a possibility of creating a large sale. The committee of the Missionary and Tract Society have ventured to purchase this work; and they believe that, as they are enabled to offer it, handsomely bound in cloth, at 2s. 6d. per copy, it will have an extensive sale, such as could not, under any circumstances, be expected at 5s., while the fact that the society issues the work will of itself be a strong recommendation. The committee, therefore, invite all who desire to see employed the most efficient means of spreading the knowledge of the heavenly doctrines, cordially to assist, by subscriptions, on the present occasion. Subscribers can receive the whole or any portion of the amount of their subscriptions in copies of the work, at 2s. 6d. each. The members of the committee have subscribed for about fifty copies of this book, and it is hoped that some liberal friends will, individually, place £5. in the committee's hands, and secure the circulation of forty copies. If, in the New Church, twenty-five friends can be found to give, on an average, £5. each— and some, it is hoped, will be even more generous-no less than a thousand copies of this important New Church work can be immediately put into circulation. Subscriptions will be received by the treasurer, Mr. E. C. Sandy, Louisa Villa, Alleyn, Norwood, London, S.; by Mr. C. P. Alvey, 36, Bloomsbury-street, W.C.; or by the secretary, Mr. F. Pitman, 20, Paternoster-row, E.C. Obituary. Departed this life, at Sale, Aug. 20th, 1864, aged 66 years, Mary, relict of the late Mr. John Bate, formerly of Marple, Cheshire. An esteemed member of the New Church, she was warmly attached to its teachings, and evidenced their influence upon her in a life of kindness and affection to all around her. She often said, "There is no happiness but in goodness;" and her chief delight was in aiding others to realise the same great truth. Patient and resigned during her illness, she slept in Jesus, to awake in that land "where the weary are at rest." Departed this life, November 10th, at Benyon - road, De Beauvoir- town, London, Mrs. Sarah Ann Eschmann, of cancer. She had suffered greatly from her severe malady during the last three years, but did not allow this to prevent her from frequently attending the services of the church while she was able. Mrs. Eckmann was a member of the Islington society, which, small as it is, has already furnished a little society for the spiritual world. May the Lord grant that the removal of our fellow-members may usefully remind all their survivors of the uncertainty of this life, and of the need of preparing for that which is to come! TO READERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. All communications to be sent to the Editor, the Rev. W. BRUCE, 43, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W. To ensure insertion in the forthcoming Number, communications must be received not later than the 15th of the month, except recent intelligence, which will be received till the 18th. In the first column of page 533, line 8, in the last Number, for "Seventh" read "Christian;" and line 19, for "were to close" read "were noticed." CONTENTS. SERMONS. The Restoration of the Intellectual Prin- The Worship of the Church: its Object An Affliction. (Ps. cxix. 67.) S. F. Potts, "Touch Me Not." (John xx. 17.) Rev. Remains. (Isa. i. 9.) Mr. Samuel M. "Give us this day our daily bread." (Matt. vi. 11.) Rev. O. P. Hiller, 489. ESSAYS, &c. Address to the Manchester Printing Address to the New Church Society at Address from the General Conference to the Members of the New Church Difference in different Editions of the Eleventh Volume of the Arcana, 457. Gems of Thought, 323. Heaven and Earth, the Connection of, Hymn-book, Revision of the, 473. Idealism, 297, 360, 397. Lyell's, Sir Charles, Speech at Bath, 497. New Church, Position of the, 105. Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, 220. Pantheism, Tendency to, of Educated Phenomena of Plant - Life. No. I.- No. II.-Early Spring, 129. Structure of Flowers, 308. Purpose of Life, 17, 110, 153, 404. Smithson, Memoir of the late Rev. J. H., Reminiscences of, 256. Dr. Tafel's Latin Editions, 183. |