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[blocks in formation]

A Chapter on Slavery: presenting a
Sketch of its Origin and History, with
Reasons for its Permission, and pro-
bable manner of its Removal. By the
Rev. O. Prescott Hiller. 188.
Anti-Colenso, by Johannes Laicus, 82.
British and Garden Botany, by Leo. H.
Grindon, 521.

Emanuel Swedenborg, aud other Poems,

by M. A. C., Authoress of " Martin
," "Norman Abbey," &c., 325.
Instances of the Power of God as mani-

fested in His Animal Creation: a
Lecture, by Professor Richard Owen,
D.C.L., F.R.S., 184.

Juvenile Magazine, 323.
Life, by Leo. H. Grindon, 135.
Memorials of the late F. O. Finch, with
Selections from his Writings, 569.
Our Eternal Homes. By a Bible Student,

Plain Lessons from the Holy Word, in
the form of Questions and Answers
between Parent and Child, by the late
Alexander Kinmore, A.M., America,

Poems by a New Churchwoman, 138.
Posthumous Remarks of Professor Tafel
on the Work of M. Matter, 139.
Russian Translation of the Treatise on
the Divine Love aud the Divine Wis-
dom, 137.

Sermons on Various Subjects, delivered

at the New Church, Henry-street,
Bath, by the Rev. James Keene, 186.
Seven Stories for Children, by Mary C.
Hume, 134.

Spiritual Meditations for Every Day in
the Year, 81.

The Antediluvian History, aud the Nar-
rative of the Flood, as set forth in the
early portions of the Book of Genesis,
critically Examined and Explained,
by the Rev. E. D. Rendell, of Preston,

Thoughts, Past and Present, on Love
and Life, by D. R. M'Nab, 138.

[blocks in formation]

"Praise we the Lord!" 451.
The Land o' the Leal, 191.
The True Object of Praise, 142.

[blocks in formation]

Antediluvian History, 580.
Argyle-square, London, 193, 533.
Argyle-square Junior Members' So-
ciety, London, 338, 577.
Baptismal Regeneration, 527.
Bath, 50, 95, 437, 532.
Bath-Ordination Service, 51.
Birmingham, Hockley Society, 192, 576
Birmingham-Hockley-street: Visit of
the Rev. J. Hyde, 53.

Birmingham, Summer-lane, 97, 293.
Blackburn, 528.

Blackburn-Anniversary Services, 339.
Bolton, 49, 144, 384.

Bolton Society, Encouraging Prospects
of the, and the Results of the Brind-
ley Debate, 336.
Bradford, 194.
Brightlingsea, 339.

Brighton-Annual Meeting, 292.
Bristol, 52.
Burslem, 192.

Calumny Refuted, 293.
Canada, 390, 533.
Canada-Montreal, 343.
Canada-Toronto, 342.
Carlisle, 291.

Cawpe, 95.

Conference, 477.

Conference, Meeting of the, 427.
Conference Rule, New, 577.
Conference Statistics, 532.
Chatteris, 100, 145, 484.

Dr. Colenso, Trial of, 125, 149.
Cross-street, 484.
Dalton, 95.

Dalton-Ordination of Mr. T. L. Mars-
den, 525.

Dalton-Whitsuntide Festivities, 340.
Derby, 50, 97, 385, 579.

Edinburgh, 97, 194, 341.

Finch, the late Mr. Oliver Francis, 148.

Glasgow, 245.

Greenock, 50.

Haslingden, Dearden Gate, 98.

Heywood, 49

Hull, 388.

Hull-An appeal from the Society,
Hull-New Year's Eve, 96.


Hymn Book, New Church Sunday-
School, 55.

[blocks in formation]

Literary Honours to New Church

Students, 577.

Liverpool, 48, 95, 291, 486.

London, South, 50, 246.
Long Sermons, 54.

Longton, 576.

Love, Charity, and Benevolence, 145. Macmillan's Magazine and Swedenborg, 334.

Madagascar, 342.

Madeley's, the Rev. Mr., Proposed
Work, 54, 99.

Mason, the late Rev. William, 47.
Mason, the Memorial to the late Rev.
W., 99, 387.
Melbourne, 246, 485.

Melbourne-Opening of the New Jeru-
salem Church, 333.
Melbourne, Australia, 390.
Middleton, 532.

Ministers, Change of, 385.

Ministers, Choice of, 241.
Minor Prophets, 49.

Missionary and Tract Society, Argyle-
square, London, 288.
Newcastle-on-Tyne, 96.
Newchurch, 195.

New Church College.-Matriculation
Examination, 579.

New Religious Movement, 242.
Northampton, 50, 52, 486.
Norway, 55.
Norwich, 98, 528.
Notices, 483.

Nottingham-Hedderley-street Society, 53, 293, 578.

Nottingham, Hedderley-street-Presen

tation to Mr. John Bayley, 146. Nottingham, Shakespear-street, 95. Nottingham Sunday School, 340. Nova Scotia, Colchester County, 101. One Church should have One Name, 193.

Oswaldtwistle, 576.


Preston-Presentation to the Rev. E.
D. Rendell, 331.
Prize Essays, 52.

Ramsbottom, 145, 244, 292, 577.
Rothery-Gratifying Testimonial to the
Rev. William Rothery, late of Work-
ington, 389.

St. Ives, Hunts., 291, 574.

Saviour's Right to Divine Worship Vindicated, 337.

Sheffield, 292, 528, 577.

Snodland, Kent, 291, 386, 575.

Spain, 341.

Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund, 327,


Superficial Religious Belief, 338.

Swedenborg, Estimate of, in Glasgow,


Swedenborg's Rules of Life, 52.
Swedenborg Society, 329.

Swedenborg, Translations and Pocket
Editions of, 98.

Smithson's, Rev. J. H., Last Lectures, 381.

Tafel Fund, 44, 94, 143, 439.

Tract Society, New Jerusalem Church, Manchester, 285.

Tracts by the late Rev. J. H. Smithson, 388.

Warren-lane, 246.
Wivenhoe, Essex, 194.
York, 52, 95, 96.

York-Building Fund, 193.

Yorkshire New Jerusalem Church Missionary and Colportage Association, 529.

Yorkshire, 143.


Mr. George Ashton, jun., to Miss Betsy Lee, 196.

Mr. Samuel Barton, jun., to Miss Ellen Fosbrooke, 150.

Mr. John Wm. Bagley to Miss M. Spink, 103.

Mr. Joseph Booth to Miss Hannah Smith, 196.

William Clarke, Esq., to Miss Harriet Maria East, 487.

Mr. James Cunliffe to Miss Margaret Selby, 439.

Mr. Lancelot Davidson to Miss Fanny Elizabeth Ray, 534.

Thomas Harvey, Esq. to Miss Sophia Griggs, 103.

Mr. Thomas Hepburn to Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Grillien, 534.

Rev. O. Prescott Hiller to Miss Emma

Mr. George Holme, jun., to Miss Clara

Clemson, 439.

Mr. Alfred Martin to Miss Elizabeth

Riches, 103.

Mr. John F. Potts, B.A., to Miss Mary
Watson, 534.

Rev. William Rothery to Miss Mary
Catherine Hume, 391.

Mr. Frederick W. Sellence to Miss Eli-
zabeth Root, 534.

Mr. James W. Simpson to Miss Amelia
Knight, 487.

Mr. William Booth Swann to Miss Mary
Jane Boocock, 439.

Mr. Isaac Whittaker to Miss Sarah Ellen
Livsey, 56.


CAVE AND SEVER, Printers by Steam Power, Hunt's Bank Manchester.

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