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par des officiers Allemands; mais ils étoient en petit

by of-the officers


German officers;

but they were in little but they were few in

nombre. Le reste étoit des barbares arrachés à

number. The remainder was of-the barbarians number. The rest were

snatched to

barbarians taken in haste from

leurs forêts, couverts de peaux de bêtes sauvages; their forests, covered of skins their forests, covered with skins of wild beasts;

of beasts


les uns armés de flèches, les autres de massues; peu the ones armed of arrows, the others of clubs; some armed with arrows,


others with clubs; but few

avoient des fusils: aucun n'avoit vu un siége ré

+ had of-the muskets: had


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gulier; il n'y avoit pas un bon canonnier dans

gular; it not there + had siege; nor was there

toute l'armée.

all the army.

the whole



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cannons, which

cannon, which

army. A hundred and fifty

auroient dû réduire la petite ville de Narva en

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cendres, y avoient à peine fait brèche, tandis que ashes, there + had hardly made breach, hardly made a breach,

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whilst that


l'artillerie de la ville renversoit à tout moment des the artillery of the town + overthrew ⚫at all walls continually mowed down.

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presque sans fortifications: le Baron de Hoorn, qui

almost without fortifications: almost without fortifications:

the Baron of Hoorn, who the Baron de Hoorn, who

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mer avec deux cents

On étoit déjà au quinze de Novembre quand le
One t was already at-the fifteen of November when the
The fifteenth of November had arrived when the

Czar apprit que le Roi de Suède, ayant traversé la
Czar learnt that the King of Sweden,
Czar learnt that the King of Sweden



cents vaisseaux de transport,

traversed the crossed the

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hundreds hundred

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than the

than twenty






not † had


Czar had, how

du nombre.

of-the number.

n'étoient que vingt

were only twenty thousand strong.

ever, no other superiority than that of numbers.

Loin donc de mépriser son ennemi, il employa Far then from to-despise his enemy, he employed So far, therefore, from despising his enemy, he tout ce qu'il avoit d'art pour l'accabler.

all that which he had of art for him to-overwhelm. every art of which he was master to overpower him.

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tent de quatre-vingt mille hommes, il se tent of four- twenty thousand men, he himself prepared tent with a force of eighty thousand men, he


à lui opposer encore une autre armée, et à l'arrêter à to to-him to-oppose. army, and to him to-stop at to oppose him with another, and to stop his progress at

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chaque pas. Il avoit déjà mandé près de quarante

near of forty

each step. He had already sent-for
every step. He had already ordered near


mille hommes qui s'avançoient de Pleskow à


thousand thousand men

who themselves † advanced from Pleskow at

to advance

from Pleskow by grandes journées. Il fit alors une démarche qui great days'-marches. He made then forced marches. He then took a


step which

step which

l'eût rendu méprisable, si un législateur qui a him might-have rendered despicable, if a legislator who has would have rendered him despicable, if a legislator who has

fait de si grandes choses pouvoit l'être.

done of SO


things twas-able it to-be. achieved such vast undertakings could ever become so.




quitta son camp, où sa présence étoit nécessaire,

quitted his camp, where his presence quitted his camp, in which his presence

+ was necessary, was necessary,

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qui pouvoit très bien arriver sans lui, et sembla, which was able very well to-arrive without him, and seemed, which could perfectly well come up without him, and thus par cette démarche, craindre de combattre dans

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un camp retranché un jeune prince sans expérience,

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camp intrenched a young prince without
intrenched camp with an inexperienced young prince,

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who had had the courage to advance to attack him.

Quoi qu'il en soit, il vouloit enfermer Charles


that it of-it may-be, he willed to-shut-up Whatever might be his motive, he wished to hem

Douze entre deux armées.

Twelve between two

the Twelfth between two

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trente mille hommes, détachés du
thirty thousand
thirty thousand men,


camp devant detached from-the camp before detached from the camp before

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Twenty thousand
Twenty thousand strelitz

chemin; cinq mille

étoient plus loin sur le même
+ were more far upon the same
were farther on upon the same road;


autres faisoient une garde avancée. Il

~others more

+ made formed


five thousand five thousand


+ was-necessary

а guard advanced.
an advanced guard. It was necessary

passer sur le ventre à toutes ces troupes avant que
to-pass upon the belly to all
for Charles to overthrow

these troops before that all these troops in order

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avoit débarqué à Pernau, dans le Golfe de Riga,


disembarked at Pernau, had landed at Pernau,

avec environ seize

in the Gulf of Riga, in the Gulf of Riga,

mille hommes d'infanterie et of infantry and

with about sixteen thousand with about sixteen thousand




un peu plus de quatre mille chevaux. De Pernau

a few more of four thousand horses. rather more than four thousand

From Pernau horse. From Pernau

il avoit précipité sa marche jusqu'à Revel, suivi de

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toute sa cavalerie, et seulement de
all his cavalry, and
all his cavalry, and by only

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Revel, followed of Revel, followed by

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bientôt, avec ces huit mille hommes seulement, well-soon, with these eight thousand men

himself, with


only these eight thousand men,

devant les premiers postes des ennemis. Il net

in-front-of the

before the


He not

posts of-the enemies. enemy's advanced posts. Without

balança pas à les attaquer tous, les uns après les


to them to-attack

all, the ones after the the slightest hesitation he attacked them all, successively,

autres, sans leur donner le temps d'apprendre à

others, without to-them to-give the before they had




of to-learn to discover

quel petit nombre ils avoient affaire. Les Moscovites

what little number they † had




how small a number they had to contend with. The Russians voyant arriver les Suédois à eux, crurent avoir toute seeing to-arrive the Swedes to them, believed to-have all seeing the Swedes advance to attack them, thought they had une armée à combattre. La garde avancée de cinq guard advanced of five

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a large army to engage. The advanced guard of five

mille hommes, qui gardoit, entre des rochers, un which † guarded, between of-the a post amid the

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rocks, where a hundred resolute men might have resisted

une armée entière, s'enfuit à la première approche

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