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Charles reçut tous ces prisonniers d'importance Charles received all these prisoners of importance Charles received all these distinguished prisoners


avec une politesse aussi aisée et un air aussi humain a politeness as easy and an air as with as easy a politeness, and as kind a manner,


que s'il leur eût fait dans sa cour les honneurs


if he to-them might-have done in his court the
were doing the honours of an

as if he

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garder que les généwilled to-keep than the geneHe would not detain any but the gene

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He not


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Cependant la nuit s'approchoit; la gauche des Mos

Yet the night herself approached; Meanwhile the night drew on;

covites se battoit encore covites herself + beat


the left of-the Musthe left wing of the Rus

les Suédois n'avoient

the Swedes

sians still continued fighting: the Swedes

not had

had not

pas perdu six cents hommes: dix-huit mille Mos

lost six hundreds


eighteen thousand Muslost six hundred men while eighteen thousand Rus

covites avoient été tués dans leurs retranchemens † had been killed in their had been killed within their

covites sians

intrenchments; intrenchments;

un grand nombre étoit noyé; beaucoup avoient passé

a great number + was drowned;

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la rivière; il en restoit encore assez dans le the river; it of-them remained

still enough in the the river; there still, however, remained enough in the

camp pour exterminer jusqu'au dernier des Suédois.



last of-the Swedes. the Swedes to a man.

to-exterminate until to-the camp to exterminate

Mais ce n'est pas le nombre des morts,

But it not is
But it

is not

the number of-the dead,
the number of the killed,


it is

it is

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the battles.

The King

of battles.

which makes to-lose which causes the loss

du peu de jour


profited of-the little of

The King availed himself of the little remain

qui restoit pour saisir l'artillerie ennemie.

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seize the enemy's artillery. He posted

posta avantageusement entre leur camp et la ville;


advantageously advantageously

between their between their

camp and the city; camp and the city;


là il dormit quelques heures sur la terre, enveloppé

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hours upon the earth, enveloped hours upon the ground, wrapped

dans son manteau, en attendant qu'il pût fondre

in his cloak,

in his cloak,


waiting that-he might-be-able to-pour-down for day-break that


au point du jour sur l'aile gauche des ennemis, at-the point of-the day upon the wing left

he might fall

upon the

of-the enemies,

qui n'avoit point encore été tout-à-fait rompue.

which not + had

which had not

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[blocks in formation]

deux heures du matin, le Général Vede, qui com


hours of-the morning, the General two o'clock in the morning, General

mandoit cette gauche,


n:anded left, manded the left,

Wade, who + comWade, who com

ayant su le gracieux accueil having known the gracious reception having learnt the gracious reception

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qu'il n'avoit qu'à s'approcher à la tête de ses troupes,

that he not t had than to himself to-approach at the head of his troops, that he had only to advance at the head of his troops,

et venir mettre bas les armes et les drapeaux deto-put low the arms and the to lay down his arms and

and to-come


flags becolours be

vant lui. Ce Général parut bientôt après avec ses fore him. This General appeared well-soon after with his fore him. The General soon appeared with his

Moscovites, qui étoient au nombre d'environtrente



who were

to-the number of about thirty to the number of about thirty

mille. Ils marchèrent tête nue, soldats et officiers,

thousand. They marched

thousand. They marched

head bare, soldiers and officers, bare-headed, soldiers and officers,

à travers moins de sept mille Suédois.



less of seven

thousand Swedes.

in front of less than seven thousand Swedes.

Les soldats,

The soldiers,
The soldiers,

en passant devant le Roi, jetoient à terre leurs fusils in passing before the King, + threw to earth their muskets as they passed before the King, threw down their firelocks

et leurs épées; et les officiers portoient à ses pieds

and their swords; and the officers
swords; and the officers


+ carried to his
laid their ensigns

les enseignes et les drapeaux. Il fit repasser la

the ensigns and the


and colours at his feet.

He made to-pass-again the
He suffered all this

rivière à toute cette multitude, sans en retenir un

river to all this multitude, multitude to cross the river,

without of-them to-retain


without detaining a

S'il les avoit gardés, le nom

If he them had kept, the num-
If he had kept them, the num

seul soldat prisonnier.
single soldier prisoner.
single prisoner.
bre des prisonniers eût été au
ber of-the prisoners might-have been at-the
ber of prisoners would have been at

été au moins cinq fois least five times least five times

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into Narva,

He then made his victorious entry into Narva,

pagné du Duc de

panied of-the Duke of panied by the Duke de

[ocr errors]


Croi, et des autres officiers-
Croy, and of-the other

Croy, and the




généraux Moscovites: il leur fit rendre à tous leurs

general general

Muscovite :

épées; et sachant

swords; and knowing to them; and knowing

he to-them made to-render to all their he ordered all their swords to be returned

qu'ils manquoient d'argent, et that they t † wanted of money, and that they were in want of money, and

que les marchands de Narva ne vouloient point leur

that the. merchants of Narva not + willed

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[blocks in formation]

en prêter, il envoya mille ducats au Duc de Croi; thousand ducats to-the Duke of Croy; he sent a thousand ducats to the Duke de Croy;

of-it to-lend, he sent

them any,

et cinq cents à chacun des officiers Moscovites,

and five hundreds to each-one and five hundred to each

qui ne pouvoient


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lasser d'admirer ce traite

who not + were-able themselves to-weary of to-admire this treatwho

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

dressa aussitôt à Narva une relation de la victoire, drew-up as-soon at Narva relation of the victory, account of the victory was immediately drawn up at Narva,


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ce qui étoit trop avantageux pour lui, et trop in

that which + was too


was too

advantageous for him, and too infavourable to himself, and too of

jurieux pour le Czar.

jurious for the Czar.

Sa modestie ne put

His modesty not


fensive to the Czar. His modesty, however, could not

empêcher qu'on ne frappât à Stockholm plusieurs that one not might-strike at

to-hinder prevent



the striking of \several medals at médailles pour perpétuer la mémoire de ces

medals Stockholm


to-perpetuate the to perpetuate the

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[blocks in formation]

le représentoit

him + represented

one which

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side, upon a pedestal, where representing him, on the one side, upon a pedestal, to which

paroissoient enchaînés un Moscovite, un Danois,

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a Muscovite, a Dane, chained а Muscovite, a Dane, and

de l'autre, étoit un Hercule, armé of the other, + was a Hercules, armed

and on the other,

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Hercules, armed

pieds un Cerbère,

feet a Cerberus, under his feet,

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