les vainquit souvent, them vanquished often, obtained several victories over them, les chassa tous deux them drove all drove them both de la Suède, et fut élu avec justice from the Sweden, and was elected with justice from Sweden, and was deservedly elected roi du pays dont il king of-the country of-which he king of the country of which he étoit two † was affermi sur le trône, confirmed upon the throne, the deliverer. il tenta he attempted He was scarcely established upon the throne, when he attempted une entreprise plus difficile que des conquêtes. an an enterprise more difficult than of-the conquests. enterprise more difficult than Les véritables tyrans de l'état conquests. étoient les évêques, † were the bishops, were the bishops, presque toutes les almost all the who, possessing nearly all the Suède, s'en servoient pour opprimer les Sweden, themselves of-them † availed made use of it to make war upon the kings. Cette puissance étoit d'autant plus terrible, que He punished the Catholic religion ses ministres. En moins "de deux ans la Suède Luthérienne Lutheran par la supériorité de by the superiority of the Lutheran religion into Sweden more by the superiority of the Sweden sa politique, plus encore que par autorité. Ayant his policy still than by authority. policy, than by the exertion of his authority. his more Having Having ainsi conquis ce royaume, comme il le disoit, sur thus conquered this kingdom, as thus conquered the kingdom, he it † said, upon as he said, from les Danois et sur le clergé, il régna the Danes and upon the clergy, he reigned the Danes and the priests, he reigned mourut plein de heureux et happy and prosperously and l'âge de soixante et dix ans, et the age of the age of sixty and ten gloire, laissant years, and and sur le trône sa leaving upon the throne his leaving his family upon the L'un de ses descendans fut ce Gustave The one of his descendants was that Gustavus descendants was that Gustavus Adolphe qu'on nomme le Grand Gustave. roi conquit l'Ingrie, la Livonie, Brême, Verden, king conquered the Ingria, the Livonia, Bremen, Verden, monarch conquered Ingria, Livonia, Bremen, Verden, Vismar, la Poméranie; sans compter plus "de Wismar, the Pomerania; without Wismar, and Pomerania; not cent places en Allemagne, hundred places in Germany, hundred towns in après sa mort. after his death. after his death. Second. Second. Germany, to-count more of to mention more than a rendues par la Suède rendered by the Sweden given up by Sweden Il ébranla le trône de Ferdinand Il protégea les Luthériens en Alle Lutherans He protected the the Second. He protected the Lutherans in Gerof Ger magne, many, many, Rome Rome even, who secondé en cela in which he was seconded par les intrigues de by the intrigues of by the intrigues of même, qui craignoit encore plus la Rome herself, who still more the the power of the puissance de l'Empereur, que celle de l'hérésie. + feared power of the Emperor, than Emperor still more than that of the heresy. that of heresy. then in Ce fut lui qui par ses victoires contribua alors en effect to the abasement of the house of Austria; effectually to the humiliation. of the house of Austria; entreprise dont on attribue toute la gloire au enterprise of-which one attributes faire une réputation, tandis que Gustave noit à faire de grandes choses. être détrôner l'Empereur, lorsqu'il fut tué, à l'âge be to-dethrone the Emperor, when-that he was killed, at haps to dethrone the Emperor, when he was killed, at the the age age de trente-sept ans, dans la bataille de Lutzen, tombeau le nom de Grand, les regrets du Nord, the name of Great, the regrets tomb the name of Great, the regrets tomb of-the North, of the North, Sa fille Christine, née avec un génie rare, born with a genius rare, Christina, aima loved endowed from her birth with an extraordinary genius, mieux converser avec les savans, learned, liked que de régner than of to-reign learned men, than to reign sur un peuple qui ne connoissoit que les armes. a people who not over a people over Elle se † knew than the arms. acquainted only with arms. rendit aussi illustre en quittant le trône, as illustrious in quitting the throne, She rendered herself as illustrious in quitting the throne, She herself rendered omphèrent trop " de la conversion d'une femme qui umphed too-much of the conversion of a umphed too much at the conversion of a n'étoit que philosophe. Rome, where she passed the rest of her days in Rome, where she passed the remainder of her days in le centre des arts, qu'elle aimoit, et pour lesquels the centre of-the arts, which she + loved, and for the-which the centre of the arts, which she loved, and for which she she + had elle avoit renoncé à un empire à l'âge de vingtrenounced to an. empire at the age of twentyrenounced an empire at the age of twentyAvant d'abdiquer, elle engagea les had [sept ans. seven years. seven. Before of to-abdicate, she engaged the her abdication, she prevailed on the états de la Suède à élire en sa place son cousin to-elect in her place her cousin elect in her stead her cousin states of the Sweden to Sweden to states of Charles Gustave, Charles Gustavus, Charles Gustavus, the dixième de ce nom, fils du of that name, son of-the tenth of that name, son of the tenth Comte Palatin, Duc de Deux-Ponts. Adolphe; il porta d'abord ses armes en Pologne, où il gagna la célèbre bataille de Varsovie, qui where he gained the celebrated where he gained the famous battle of Warsaw, which battle of Warsaw, which dura trois jours; il fit long-temps la guerre heulasted three days; he made long time the war lasted three days; he made hap war for a long time suc reusement contre les Danois, assiégea leur capitale, against the Danes, besieged their capital, against the Danes, besieged their capital, réunit la Scanie et la Suède, et fit assurer, "I du re-united the. Scania and the Sweden, and made to-secure, Scania to Sweden, and united moins secured, of-the at pour un temps, la possession de Sleswick au least for a time, the possession of Sleswig to-the least for a time, the possession of Sleswig to the |