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comme des lions et des ours qui ont perdu leurs



of-the lions and of-the bears who have lost

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bereft of their

petits, ils nous ont attaqués, effrayés, blessés, tués little-ones, they us have attacked, terrified, wounded, killed young, they attacked, terrified, wounded and slew us

par milliers, nous qui sommes ton peuple. Comme by thousands, us who thy people. by thousands, us who are thy people.




il est impossible que cela soit arrivé sans sortiis impossible that that-there may-be happened without witchit is impossible that this should have happened without witch


craft and


lège et enchantement, nous te supplions, ô grand we thee supplicate, 0 great craft and enchantment, we supplicate thee, O great Saint Nicolas, d'être notre champion et notre porteSaint Nicholas, of to-be our champion and Our Saint Nicholas, to be Our champion and our stand


étendard, de nous délivrer de cette foule de sorciers, standard, of us to-deliver from this crowd of sorcerers,

ard-bearer, to deliver us from this host of sorcerers, et de les chasser bien loin de nos frontières, avec and of them to-chase well far from our frontiers, with and to drive them far from our frontiers, with

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Tandis que les

la récompense qui leur est due." Tandis
the récompense which to-them is due."
due to them."



Whilst that the While


Moscovites se plaignoient à Saint Nicolas de

Muscovites themselves + complained to Saint Muscovites were thus complaining to Saint

leur défaite, Charles

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à Birzen, petite ville de Lithuanie, sans aucune de


at Birzen, little town of Lithuania, without any at Birzen, a little town of Lithuania, without any of

ces formalités qui ne servent qu'à retarder les af

these formalities which not serve than to to-retard the af-
those ceremonies which
serve only to retard

faires, et qui ne convenoient
fairs, and which not
fairs, and which

ni à leur humeur. nor to their humour. nor their humour.

+ suited


ni à leur situation

neither to their situation neither their situation

Les Princes du Nord se
The Princes of-the North themselves
The Sovereigns of the North meet

voient avec une familiarité qui n'est point encore



with a

familiarity which not is familiarity which is not,

établie dans le Midi de l'Europe. established in the South of the Europe. permitted in the South of Europe.

yet as yet,

Pierre et Au

Peter and AuPeter and Au

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plaisirs, qui allèrent jusqu'à l'excès; car le Czar, pleasures, which went until to the excess; for the Czar, pleasures, which were carried to excess; for the Czar,

qui vouloit réformer sa nation, ne put jamais corriger

who willed to-reform his nation, who wished to reform his people,


not could never
could never correct

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Le Roi de Pologne s'engagea à fournir au Czar The King of Poland himself engaged to to-furnish to-the Czar The King of Poland engaged to furnish the Czar cinquante mille hommes de troupes Allemandes,

fifty thousand men

with fifty thousand

qu'on devoit acheter de divers

whom one ought to-buy of divers who were to be hired of several

of troops

German, German troops,

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Czar devoit soudoyer. Celui-ci, de son côté, devoit

Czar + ought

Czar was

to-pay. to pay.

That-he here, of his side, † ought

He, on his side,


envoyer cinquante mille Moscovites en Pologne,


to send



thousand Muscovites into Poland, thousand Russians into Poland,

pour y apprendre l'art de la guerre; et promettoit

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de payer au Roi King

of to-pay to-the King mised to pay dales en deux ans. dollars in two years. dollars in two years.


and + promised he likewise pro

Auguste trois millions de ris

Augustus three millions of rixAugustus three millions of rixCe traité, s'il eût été exéThis treaty, if he might-have been exeThis treaty, if it had been executé, eût pu être fatal au Roi de Suède: cuted, might-have been-able to-be fatal to the King of Sweden: cuted, might, perhaps, have been fatal to the King of Sweden:


c'étoit un moyen prompt et sûr

it t was

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prompt and sure

it afforded prompt and certain means

les Moscovites; c'étoit peut-être

the Muscovites;


of to-render-warlike

of disciplining

forger des fers

it was may-be

to-forge of-the irons have forged fetters

the Russians, and would

à une partie de l'Europe. part of the Europe. for a part of Europe.

to a

Charles Douze se mit en devoir d'empêcher Twelve himself put in duty of to-hinder Charles the Twelfth immediately made it his business to prevent


Poland from
Poland from

to-gather the fruit of
reaping the fruit of

this this

le Roi de Pologne de recueillir le fruit de cette the King of the King of ligue. Après avoir passé


After to-have passed the winter

league. treaty. After

de Narva, il

of Narva, he



passing the winter in the neighbourhood

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of Narva, he made his appearance in Livonia,


cette même ville de Riga, que le Roi Auguste avoit this same city of Riga, which the King Augustus + had

Riga, the same city which King Augustus had

assiégée inutilement. Les troupes Saxonnes étoient

besieged uselessly. vainly besieged.


The troops
The Saxon troops

† were


postées le long de la rivière de Duina, qui est fort of Dwina, which is strong Dwina, which is very falloit disputer le paswas-necessary to-dispute the pashad to dispute the pas

posted the long of the river posted along the river large en cet endroit; il -wide in this place; it wide at this point; they

sage à Charles, qui étoit à l'autre bord du fleuve.


sage to Charles, who was at the other border of-the sage with Charles, who was on the other side of the river.

Les Saxons n'étoient pas commandés par leur Prince,

Saxons not were
The Saxons were



commanded by their Prince, commanded by their Prince,


malade; mais ils avoient à leur tête
but they + had at their head
were led by



who was at that time ill;

le Maréchal de Stenau, qui faisoit les fonctions de of Stenau, who + did Marshal de Stenau, who performed the functions

the Marshal

the functions of


général; sous lui commandoient le Prince Ferdigeneral; under him general; under him, commanded

+ commanded

the Prince Ferdithe Prince Ferdi

nand, Duc de Courlande, et ce même Patkul, qui nand, Duke of Courland, and that same Patkul, who nand, Duke of Courland, and that same Patkul, who

défendoit sa patrie contre Charles

Douze, l'épée
Twelve, the sword


+ defended his country against Charles defended his country against Charles the Twelfth soutenu les droits par la sustained the rights by the asserted her rights with his

à la main, après en avoir

at the hand, after of-her to-have his sword, after having plume, au péril de sa vie, pen, at-the peril of his life, pen, at the peril of his life,

contre Charles Onze.


against Charles
against Charles the Eleventh.

Le Roi de Suède avoit fait construire de grands The King of Sweden + had made to-construct of great The King of Sweden had caused large boats to be bateaux d'une invention nouvelle, dont les bords,


of an

built of a

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of-which the borders, new construction, the edges of which

beaucoup plus hauts qu'à l'ordinaire,


more high than at the ordinary,


† were-able

were much higher than common, and might be

baisser comme des ponts

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levant ils couvroient les troupes
raising they † covered the troops
raised, they covered
the troops

qu'ils portoient; en se baissant ils servoient

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