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titre d'électeurs des rois, et de destructeurs des of-the kings, and of destroyers of-the of kings and destroyers of

title of electors title of electors




Qui verroient un roi de Pologne dans la pompe


Who should-see
Whoever should see a

de la majesté royale,
majesty royal,

of the

of royal majesty,

king of Poland
king of Poland

in the pomp in the pomp

le croiroit le prince le plus

him would-believe the prince the most would think him the most absolute

absolu de l'Europe; c'est, cependant, celui qui


absolute of the Europe;

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this is,
he is,

nevertheless, that-he who nevertheless,


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Poles actually enter into that

lui ce contrat qu'on suppose chez d'autres nations
him that contract which one supposes among of other
contract with their King which, in other nations, is feigned

entre le souverain et le sujet.
between the sovereign and the subject.
sovereign and the subject.

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and in swearing the Poland at his coronation, and when taking the oath to the

pácta conventa, dispense ses sujets du serment pacta conventa, dispenses his subjects from-the oath subjects from their oath

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d'obéissance, en cas qu'il

viole les lois de la of obedience, in case that he may-violate the laws of the of obedience, in case he should violate the laws

of the




Il nomme à toutes les charges, et confère tous



charges, and confers

all offices, and confers all

He names to
He nominates to all

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palatin et celui d'un roi palatine and that-he of a king palatine or of a king


Poland in Poland

rang de noble. Le fils d'un

rank of noble.

rank of noble.

The son of a The son of a

n'ont nul droit aux dignités not have no right to-the dignities have no right to the dignities

de leurs pères; mais il y a cette grande différence of their fathers; but it there has this great of their fathers; but there is this important difference

entre le roi et la république,

between the king and the republic, between the king and the


that he


ne peut

not is-able

republic, that the former cannot

ôter aucune charge après l'avoir donnée, et


take away


charge after
office after

her to-have given, and he has bestowed it,

que la république a le droit de lui

has the right
has the right

ôter la

of to-him to-take-away the of depriving him of the

that the republic
while the republic
couronne, s'il transgresse les lois de l'état.
if he transgresses the laws of the state.
crown, if he transgresses the laws of the state.



La noblesse, jalouse de sa liberté, vend souvent
The nobility, jealous of her liberty,
The nobility, jealous of their liberty,

often often sell

ses suffrages, et rarement ses affections.


her suffrages, and rarely her
their suffrages, but rarely their affections.

À peine

Hardly Hardly

ont-ils élu un roi, qu'ils craignent son ambition have they elected a king, than they fear

his ambition

have they elected a king, when they begin to fear his ambition

et lui opposent leurs cabales.

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souvent ses ennemis, au lieu de rester ses créatures. often bis enemies, to-the place of to-remain his creatures. become his enemies, instead of remaining his creatures.

Ceux qui sont attachés à la cour sont l'objet de la

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are the object of the are the objects of

haine du reste de la noblesse; ce qui

forme toujours hatred of-the rest of the nobility; that which forms always hatred to the rest of the nobility; and this

always creates


deux partis, division inévitable et même nécessaire two parties, division inevitable and even two parties, an inevitable and even necessary division dans les pays où l'on veut avoir des rois et in the country where the one wills to-have of-the kings and countries which will have


conserver sa liberté.

to-preserve one's liberty.

yet preserve their liberties.

kings and

Ce qui concerne la nation est réglé dans les états

That which concerns the nation is ruled in the statesThe affairs of the nation are settled in the states

généraux, qu'on appelle diètes. Ces états sont comgeneral, which one calls general, which are called diets.



These states are
These states are com-

posés du corps du sénat et de plusieurs gentilsposed of-the body of-the senate and of several posed of the body of the senate and of a considerable number of





Les sénateurs sont les palatins et les


The senators

évêques le second ordre


the palatines and the are the palatines and the



bishops: the second order bishops: the second order is

composé des députés composed of-the deputies composed of the deputies

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Gnesne, primat de Pologne, vicaire du roy


vicar of-the kingof the king

Gnesna, primate of presides, the primate of Poland, vicar

aume dans les interrègnes, et la première personne


in the interregna, dom during the interregna,

de l'état après le Roi.

of the state after the King. in the state after the King.

and the first and the first

person person

Rarement y a-t-il en Po-
Rarely there has it in Po-
There is seldom any other car-

logne un autre cardinal que lui; parceque la pourpre
land an other cardinal than he; because the purple
dinal in Poland than he;
because as the Roman

Romaine ne donnant aucune préséance dans le sénat, Roman not giving any precedence in the senate, precedence in the senate,


gives no

un évêque qui seroit cardinal

seroit obligé ou de

a bishop who should-be cardinal would-be obliged either of a bishop who should be cardinal

would be obliged either to

s'asseoir à son rang de sénateur, ou de renoncer

himself to-sit

at his rank of


or of to-renounce

take his seat in his place as senator, or

to renounce

aux droits solides de la dignité qu'il a dans sa of the dignity which he has in his the solid rights attached to the dignity he possesses in his

to-the rights solid

patrie, pour soutenir les prétensions d'un honneur


own country,

étranger. foreign. distinction.

of an


for to-sustain the pretensions
to support the pretensions of a foreign

Ces diètes se doivent tenir, par les lois du These diets themselves ought to-hold, by the laws of-the These diets ought, by the laws of the kingdom, to be

royaume, alternativement en Pologne et en Lithuanie. kingdom,


alternately alternately in Poland and Lithuania.

in Poland and in Lithuania.

Les députés y décident
The deputies there
The deputies often decide the

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sabre à la main, comme les anciens Sarmates dont sabre to the hand, the ancient Sarmatians of-whom sword in hand, like the ancient Sarmatians from whom


ils sont descendus, et quelquefois même au milieu they are descended, and they are descended,





sometimes sometimes even

l'ivresse, vice que les Sarmates
the drunkenness, vice which the Sarmatians

to-the middle in the midst


+ not of intoxication, a vice with which the Sarmatians were




Chaque gentilhomme député à ces états



Every nobleman

deputed to these statesdeputed to these states

généraux, jouit du droit qu'avoient à Rome les tri

general, enjoys of-the right which † had at Rome the trienjoys the right which the popular tribunes


buns du peuple, de s'opposer bunes of-the people, of themselves to-oppose had at Rome, of opposing

aux lois du sénat.

to-the laws of-the senate. the laws of the senate.

Un seul gentilhomme qui dit, "je proteste," arrête par

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reste; et s'il part de l'endroit où se tient la diète,

rest; and if he departs from the place where herself holds the diet, rest; and if he quits the place where the diet is held,

il faut alors qu'elle
qu'elle se sépare.

it is-necessary then that she
it is

herself may-separate. then compelled to break up.

On apporte aux désordres qui naissent de cette Qne brings to-the disorders which are-born from this For the evils arising from this law, a reLa Pologne


loi un remède plus dangereux encore.
law a remedy more dangerous
medy still more dangerous is provided.

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The Poland

L'unanimité dans
The unanimity


Unanimity in

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