d'être ravagés of to-be ravaged par Charles Douze, by Charles Twelve, of having their country laid waste by Charles the Twelfth, justement outragé, ils ne formèrent qu'un cri justly outraged, they not justly exasperated, they were unanimous in their outcry formed than one cry contre la guerre, qu'ils crurent déclarée à eux which they believed declared to themwhich they believed to be declared against against the war, against the war, same more than to the Sweden. mêmes plus qu'à la Suède. Ils regardèrent les They regarded the themselves rather than against Sweden. They regarded the Saxons et les Moscovites comme les instrumens de au cœur As soon as they saw s'avançoit avec une armée victorieuse himself † advanced with an army to-the heart victorious was advancing with a victorious army into the heart of Lithuania, they burst out into open hostility to their souverain, avec d'autant plus de liberté qu'il étoit sovereign, with of so-much more of liberty that he † was lières, lar, rels, had been Roi de Suède King of Sweden King of Sweden et Oginsky, mal and Oginsky, ill and Oginsky, ill s'attacha les Princes Sapieha; to-himself attached the Princes Sapieha; attached the Princes Sapieha to his interests; secouru par les Saxons, vit son succoured by the Saxons, saw his supported by the Saxons, saw his parti presque anéanti. L'armée Lithuanienne, que party almost annihilated. The army Lithuanian, which party almost annihilated. The Lithuanian army, which ces troubles et le défaut d'argent réduisoient à un these troubles and the defect of money † reduced to a these troubles and want of money had reduced to a petit nombre, étoit en partie dispersée par le vain little number, † was -in part dispersed by the vicsmall number, was partly dispersed by the con queur. Le peu qui tenoit pour le Roi de Pologne The little which † held for the King of Poland quered. The few who adhered to the King of Poland tor. étoit séparé en petits separated into little were broken up into small † was corps de troupes fugitives, troops fugitive, fugitive troops, bodies of bands of qui erroient dans la campagne, et subsistoient de who wandered in the country, and † subsisted who wandered over the and subsisted country, of on rapines. Auguste ne voyoit en Lithuanie que de rapines. Augustus not † saw in plunder. Augustus found in Lithuania only Lithuania than of ses sujets, et une armée ennemie conduite par un his subjects, and an army hostile conducted by his subjects, and hostile a by a jeune Roi outragé, victorieux, et implacable. young King outraged, victorious, and implacable. youthful King insulted, victorious, and implacable. Il y avoit à la vérité en Pologne une armée; mais It there had to the truth in Poland an army; but It is true there was an army in Poland; but au lieu d'être de trente-six mille hommes, nomto-the place of to-be of thirty-six thousand instead of consisting of thirty-six thousand men, num men, the num bre prescrit par les lois, elle n'étoit pas de dix-huit * ber prescribed by the laws, she not † was of eighteen ber prescribed by law, it did not amount to eighteen mille. Non-seulement elle étoit mal payée et mal thousand. Not only she + was ill thousand. Not only was it ill armée, mais ses généraux ne savoient armed, but her generals not † knew armed, but its generals knew not as paid and ill paid and ill encore quel yet what yet what but he bility to follow him; but he à un refus qui trop découvert, et par to a to a eût refusal which might-have too-much discovered, and by refusal which would have revealed too much, and con conséquent augmenté sa foiblesse. consequence augmented his weakness. sequently increased his weakness. Dans cet état de trouble et d'incertitude, tous les In this state of trouble and of uncertainty, all the In this state of anxiety and uncertainty, the palatinats du royaume demandoient au Roi palatinates of-the kingdom † demanded to-the King palatinates of the kingdom unanimously demanded of the King une diète, de même qu'en Angleterre, dans les temps a diet, of same that in England, in the times a diet, just as in England in times of difficiles, tous les difficult, corps de l'état présentent des all the bodies of the state present of-the present adresses au Roi pour le prier de convoquer un par to-convoke to assemble a par addresses to-the King for him to-pray of addresses to the King, praying him liament. Augustus + had more liament. Augustus was want of an army lement. Auguste avoit plus besoin d'une armée more in want of an army que d'une diète, où les actions des rois sont diet, where the actions of-the kings are diet, in which the actions of the kings are than of a than of a fallut bien cependant qu'il la that he her pesées. Il weighed. It was-necessary well nevertheless discussed. It was, nevertheless, absolutely necessary for him to convoquât, pour ne point aigrir la nation sans retour. might-convoke, for not convoke it, if he would not irremediably disgust the nation. Elle fut donc indiquée à Varsovie pour le She was then indicated at Warsaw for the It was therefore appointed to be held at Warsaw on the second de Décembre, mille sept cent un. Il one. He second of December, thousand seven hundred second of December, seventeen hundred and one. Au s'apperçut bientôt que Charles Douze avoit pour himself perceived well-soon that Charles Twelve + had for gustus soon perceived that Charles the Twelfth had le moins autant de pouvoir que semblée. Ceux qui tenoient pour les Sapieha, les Lubomirskys and their friends, the palatine Lubomirskys and their friends, the palatine Leckzinsky, Leckzinsky, trésorier de la couronne, et sur-tout les partisans treasurer of the crown, treasurer to the crown, and over-all the partisans and, above all, the partisans des Princes Sobiesky, étoient tous secrétement at of-the Princes Sobiesky, of the Princes Sobiesky, tachés au Roi de Suède. tached to-the King of Sweden. tached to the King of Sweden. † were all secretly atat were all secretly Le plus considérable de ses partisans, et le plus The most considerable of his partisans, and the most The most considerable of his partisans, and the most dangereux ennemi qu'eût le Roi de Pologne, dangerous enemy that might-have the King of Poland, dangerous enemy of the King of Poland, étoit le Cardinal Radjowski, archevêque de Gnesne, † was the Cardinal Radjowski, archbishop of Gnesna, Cardinal Radjowski, archbishop of Gnesna, was primat du royaume, et président de la diète. primate of-the kingdom, and president of the diet. primate of the kingdom, and president of the diet. rité dans sa conduite, entièrement gouverné par une a rity in his conduct, entirely governed by lation in his conduct, entirely governed by an femme ambitieuse, que les Suédois appeloient Ma woman ambitious, whom the Swedes + called Ma dame la Cardinale, laquelle ne cessoit de le pous dam the Cardinaless, the-which not † ceased of him to dame la Cardinale, who incessantly urged him ser à l'intrigue et à la faction. push to the intrigue and to the faction. into intrigue and faction. du primat of-the primate L'habileté The ability for which consistoit, dit-on, à profiter + consisted, says one, to to-profit the primate was remarkable, is said to have consisted in taking conjonctures, sans chercher à les faire conjunctures, without to-seek to them to-make des of-the advantage of conjunctures, without seeking to give them VOL. 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