Billeder på siden
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de carrosse; qu'il avoit auprès de lui beaucoup of carriage; that he † had to-the-near of him


a great many officers around

carriage; that he had d'officiers, et point de sénateurs;

of officers, and none of him, but no



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qu'on leur enver

that one to them would

that a lieutenant

qu'ils arriveroient

and that they


general should be sent to meet them, and that they must

sur leurs propres chevaux.

upon their upon their



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reçut dans sa tente,

Twelve them received in his tent

Charles the Twelfth received them in his tent,

avec quelque appareil d'une pompe militaire: leurs




apparatus of a military: their with some display of military pomp; their

discours furent pleins de ménagemens et d'obscu

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[blocks in formation]

+ feared

Charles Charles

Auguste; mais
Augustus ; but
Augustus; but

par l'ordre d'un

of to-take-away, by the order of a to take away the crown, at

au roi qu'ils avoient to-the king whom-they + had

the bidding of a foreigner, from the king whom they


élu. Rien ne se conclut; et Charles Douze



Nothing not itself concluded; and Charles
Nothing was concluded; but Charles



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Sa marche fut précédée par un manifeste, dont His march was preceded by a manisfesto, of-which His march was preceded by a manifesto, with which


le cardinal et son parti inondèrent la Pologne en the cardinal and his party inundated the cardinal and his party inundated

huit jours.

the Poland Poland in

Charles, par cet écrit, invitoit tous les eight days. Charles, by this writing, invited all the a week. In this paper, Charles invited all the


Polonois à joindre leur vengeance à la sienne, et to to-join their vengeance to the his, Poles to unite their vengeance with his, and


prétendoit leur faire voir que leurs intérêts et les

† pretended attempted



his own

to-them to-make to-see that their interests and the to prove to them that their interests and

étoient les mêmes.

† were the same.

were the same.

Ils étoient cependant They † were nevertheless They were, however,

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trouble du

soutenu par

sustained by supported by

un grand parti, par le sénat et par а great party, by the trouble of-the senate and by large party, by the disorder of the senate and by


l'approche du conquérant, fit de très fortes im

the approach


the approach of the



conqueror, conqueror,

made of very strong immade a very strong im

Il fallut reconnoître Charles pour
It was-necessary to-recognise

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pression. As Charles chose to be their protector, they must

protecteur, puisqu'il vouloit l'être, et qu'on étoit


since-that he willed him to-be, and that one † was of necessity recognise him as such, and might esteem them


encore trop heureux qu'il se contentât de ce titre. too happy that-he himself might-content of this title. selves too happy that he contented himself with that title. contraires à Auguste, pubcontrary to Augustus, pubsenators who were hostile to Augustus,

Les sénateurs

The The


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sous ses yeux mêmes.

the writing under his


ly promulgated the manifesto under his eyes.


Le peu qui lui étoient attachés demeurèrent dans

The few who to-him † were
The few who were

le silence.

the silence. silent.


attached to him

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Enfin, quand on apprit que Charles


At length,

avançoit à grandes


one learnt that Charles when it was known that Charles

journées, tous se prépa+ advanced at great days'-marches, all themselves prepared was advancing by hasty marches, all

prepared rèrent en confusion à partir: le cardinal quitta Varconfusion to to-depart the cardinal quitted Warfor a hurried departure: the cardinal was among the

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

fuite, les uns pour aller attendre dans leurs terres le flight, the ones for to-go to-expect in

tately, some



their lands the on their estates the

dénouement de cette affaire, les autres pour

untangling of this affair, the others of this affair,

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du Roi que l'ambassadeur de l'Empereur, celui

of-the King than the ambassador of the Emperor, that-he the King only the ambassadors from the Emperor and from

du Czar, le

of-the Czar, the the Czar, the

nonce du Pape, et quelques évêques et
nuncio of-the Pope, and some bishops and
Pope's nuncio, and
a few
bishops and

palatins liés à sa fortune. palatines tied to his fortune. palatines bound to his fortunes.



falloit fuir,

It was-necessary to-fly, Flight was absolutely necessary,

et on n'avoit encore rien décidé en sa faveur.

and one not + had still nothing decided in his favour. and nothing had as yet been decided in his favour. Il se hâta, avant de partir, de tenir un He himself hastened, before of to-depart, of to-hold a He hastened, before his departure, to hold a coun



seil avec ce petit nombre de sénateurs qui repré


cil with that little number of who + reprecil Iwith that small number of senators which still

sentoient encore le sénat.

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Quelque zélés qu'ils

Some zealous that they However zealous they

fussent pour son service, ils étoient Polonois : ils might-be for his service, they † were Poles: they might be in his service, they were Poles: they avoient tous conçu une si grande aversion pour


† had conceived a had all conceived so



SO great
great an aversion for

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accorder la liberté d'en faire venir au-delà de

to-grant the liberty of of-them



to-make to-come to-the-beyond of to call in more than

six mille pour sa défense; encore votèrent-ils que

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le grand général de la Pologne, et the great general of the Poland, and the general in chief of Poland, and should be sent back

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Après ce résultat le Roi quitta

the disposition. disposal.

Varsovie, trop

After this result the King quitted Warsaw,
After this decision the King quitted


Warsaw, too

foible contre ses ennemis, et peu satisfait de son enemies, and little satisfied of his enemies, and dissatisfied even with his


against his weak to resist his

parti même. Il fit aussitôt publier ses universaux, party same. He made as-soon to-publish his universals, own party. He immediately published his general orders pour assembler la Pospolite et les armées, qui



to-assemble the Pospolite and the armies, which assemble the Pospolite and the armies, which

n'étoient guère que de vains noms : il n'y avoit scarcely than of vain names: it not there + had

not + were

were little more than empty names :

rien à espérer en Lithuanie,

nothing to to-hope in Lithuania,




+ were


nothing to hope in Lithuania, which was in the occupation of

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of Poland, reduced to a few

de troupes, manquoit d'armes, de provisions, et de of arms, of provisions, and of were wanting in arms, in provisions, and in

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bonne volonté. La plus grande partie de la noblesse, The most great part of the nobility, The greater part of the nobility, intimidée, irrésolue, ou mal disposée, demeura dans intimidated, irresolute, or ill disposed,

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de l'état, ordonne, sur peine de la vie, à tous

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orders, upon pain of the life, to all all the nobles, under pain of


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