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d'avoir mis un habit remarquable, qui exposoit aussi of to-have put a coat remarkable, which exposed also in putting on a remarkable dress, which exposed not only

ceux qui étoient auprès de lui, et craignant également those who were to-the-near of him, and fearing equally himself, but those near him, to danger, and fearing equally

pour le Roi, en quelque place qu'il fût, hésitoit

for the King, in some place that he might-be, † hesitated for the King, wherever he might place himself, hesitated whe

s'il devoit obéir: dans le moment que duroit cette if he tought to-obey: in the moment that † lasted this ther he should obey: in the moment during which this

contestation, le Roi le prend par le bras, se met contest, the King him takes by the arm, himself puts contest lasted, the King took him by the arm, placed himself

devant lui, et le couvre;

in-front-of him, and him


au at-the

before him, and covered him; at that volée de canon qui venoit en

[blocks in formation]

in which came

même instant, une instant, instant, a




flank in flank

flight discharge of artillery which came général mort sur la place même


general dead upon the place
general dead upon the very spot

[blocks in formation]

but just quitted.


renverse le

overthrows the struck the

que le Roi quit

which the King † quit. which the King had

La mort de cet homme, tué précisé

The death of this
man, killed precise-
The death of this man, killed precise-


ment au lieu de lui, et parcequ'il l'avoit voulu ly at-the place of him, and because-that he him † had ly in his stead, and in consequence of his attempt to

sauver, ne contribua pas peu à


contributed not

save him, contributed not

[blocks in formation]

l'opinion, où il fut toute sa vie, d'une prédes

[blocks in formation]

life, of a the opinion, which he held during his whole life, of an


tination absolue, et lui fit croire que sa destinée, qui le conservoit si singulièrement, le réservoit

tination absolute, and to-him made to-believe that his and made him believe that predestination,

destiny, destiny,



him + reserved

which him † preserved which had preserved him in so singular a manner, reserved him

à l'exécution des plus grandes choses.

to the execution

of-the most great things.

for the execution of the greatest enterprises.

Tout lui réussissoit,
All to-him † succeeded,

Every thing succeeded with him;

et ses négociations et and his negociations and his negociations and

ses armes étoient également heureuses.

his arms his arms


† were



Il étoit

He + was

were equally prosperous. He was,

comme présent dans toute la Pologne; car son grand present in all the Poland; for his grand as it were, present throughout Poland; his grand maréchal Renschild étoit au cœur de cet état † was at-the heart of this state



marshal Renschild was in the heart of that kingdom

avec un grand corps d'armée.
with a great body of army.


Près de trente mille
Near of thirty thousand
Near thirty thousand

Suédois, sous divers généraux,

Swedes, under divers generals, Swedes, under different generals,





dispersed towards the

nord et à l'orient sur les frontières de la Moscovie, north and to the east upon the frontiers of the Muscovy, north and east upon the frontiers of Muscovy,

arrêtoient les efforts de tout l'empire des Russes,

† arrested the efforts of all the empire of-the Russians, checked all the efforts of that empire,

et Charles étoit à l'occident, à l'autre bout de la

and Charles † was at the west, at the other end of the while Charles himself was at the head of his troops at the

Pologne, à la tête de ses troupes.

Poland, at the head of his troops. west, the other extremity of Poland.

Le Roi de Danemarck, lié par le traité de Tra-
The King of Denmark, tied by the treaty of Tra-
The King of Denmark,
bound by the treaty of Tra-

vendal, que son impuissance l'empêchoit de rom

vendal, which his impotence vendal, which his weakness

him hindered from tohindered him from break

pre, demeuroit dans le silence. Ce monarque, plein

break, † dwelt ing, remained

in the silence.

This monarch, full
This prudent

de prudence,

of prudence, monarch

n'osoit faire éclater son dépit de not + dared to-make to-burst-forth his spite of did not venture to manifest his vexation at

voir le Roi de Suède si près de ses états. Plus

to-see the King of Sweden so near of his



seeing the King of Sweden so near his dominions.


loin, en tirant vers le sud-ouest, entre les fleuves far, in drawing towards the south-west, between the streams ther on, approaching to the south-west, between the de l'Elbe et du Veser, le Duché de Brême, of the Elbe and of-the Weser, the Duchy of Bremen,

Elbe and the Weser, the Duchy of Bremen, the dernier territoire des anciennes conquêtes de la




territory of-the
territory of the ancient

conquests of the conquests of

Suède, rempli de fortes garnisons, ouvroit encore à

Sweden, filled of strong garrisons,
Sweden, filled with strong

† opened

garrisons, opened

[blocks in formation]

ce conquérant les portes de la Saxe et de l'Empire. this conqueror the gates of the Saxony and of the Empire. the conqueror an entrance into Saxony and the Empire.

Ainsi depuis l'Océan Germanique jusqu'assez près

[blocks in formation]


de l'Europe, et jusqu'aux portes of the Europe, and until to-the gates

whole longitudinal extent of Europe, and up to the gates

de Moscou, tout étoit dans la consternation et dans



and consternation

Moscow, all † was in the of Moscow, there was universal consternation and

[blocks in formation]

maîtres de la Mer Baltique, étoient employés à

masters of the Sea Baltic, which ruled the Baltic,

transporter dans son to-transport into his

† were employed to employed in


pays les prisonniers faits

country the prisoners made

transporting into his own dominions the prisoners he made

en Pologne.

in Poland. in Poland.

La Suède, tranquille au milieu de ces grands The Sweden, tranquil at-the middle of these great Sweden, tranquil in the midst of these great

mouvemens, goûtoit une paix profonde, et jouissoit peace profound, and † enjoyed profound peace, and shared


† tasted


commotions, enjoyed a de la gloire de son Roi, of the glory her King, the glory of her King


sans en porter le poids, without of-her to-carry the weight, without bearing the burthen of it,

puisque ses troupes victorieuses étoient payées et † were paid and paid and



his troops since his victorious troops


entretenues aux dépens des vaincus. kept-up at-the expenses of-the vanquished. maintained at the expense of the conquered.


Dans ce silence

In this silence

In this general

armes de Charles


of Charles

général du nord devant les
general of-the north in-front-of the
silence of the north before the

Douze, la ville de Dantzic
Twelve, the city of Dantzig

arms of Charles the Twelfth, the city of

osa lui déplaire.

dared to-him to-displease.

dared to offend him.

Quatorze frégates et quarante

Fourteen frigates and forty Fourteen frigates and forty

vaisseaux de transport amenoient au Roi un ren


[blocks in formation]

transport vessels

[blocks in formation]

fort de six mille hommes, avec du canon et forcement of six thousand men, with

forcement of six thousand


with of-the cannon and cannon and

des munitions, pour achever le siége de Thorn. Il of-the ammunition, for to-achieve the siege of Thorn. It ammunition, to carry on the siege of Thorn.


falloit que ce secours remontât la Vistule. À † was necessary that this succour might-remount the Vistula. These succours had to pass up the Vistula. At

l'embouchure de ce fleuve est Dantzic, ville riche city rich

the mouth the mouth

et libre, qui

of this stream is Dantzig,
of that river is Dantzig, an opulent and

jouit, avec Thorn et Elbing, des enjoys, with Thorn and Elbing, of-the free city, which, together with Thorn and Elbing, enjoys the

and free, which

mêmes priviléges en Pologne, que les villes impériales

same privileges in Poland,


as the cities imperial privileges in Poland, as the imperial cities

ont dans l'Allemagne.

have in the Germany. possess in Germany.

Sa liberté a été attaquée
Her liberty has been attacked
Her liberty has been attacked

tour-à-tour par les Danois, la Suède, et quelques

turn-to-turn by the Danes, the Sweden, and some in turn by the Danes, the Swedes, and some

princes Allemands, et elle ne l'a conservée que par princes German, and she not her has preserved than by German princes, and she has only preserved it through

la jalousie qu'eurent ces puissances les unes des

the jealousy which had these the jealousy





ones of-the

these powers had of each

Le Comte de Steinbock, un des généraux

The Count of Steinbock, one of-the


other. The Count de Steinbock, one of the Swedish

Suédois, assembla le magistrat de la part du Swedish, assembled the magistracy from the part of-the generals, called together the magistrates in the King's

Roi, demanda le passage pour les troupes et quelques

King, asked the name, demanded a

for the passage



some some

for his troops and passage

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