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ammunitions. ammunition.

Le magistrat, par une imprudence
The magistracy, by an imprudence
The magistrates, with an


ordinaire à ceux qui traitent avec
ordinary to those who
common among men who are treating with




plus forts

more strong those stronger

ni le refuser ni lui ac-
not dared neither him to-refuse nor to-him to-

than they, than themselves, dared neither flatly refuse nor freely

corder nettement ses demandes. Le général Stein

neatly his demands.
comply with his demands.

The general Stein-
General Stein-

bock se fit donner de force plus qu'il n'avoit

bock to-himself made to-give of force more than he not + had bock by force more than he had


demandé: on exigea même de la ville une contribu

demanded: one exacted even from the city demanded: he even levied





tion de cent mille écus, par laquelle elle



hundred thousand town of a hundred thousand



crowns, by the-which crowns, which the inhabitants paya son refus imprudent. Enfin les troupes de paid her refusal imprudent. At-last the troops of paid for their imprudent refu refusal. At length

renfort, le canon, et les munitions étant arrivés reinforcement, the cannon, and the ammunitions being arrived reinforcements, artillery and ammunition having arrived

devant Thorn, on commença le siége le vingt-deux in-front-of Thorn, one began the siege the twenty-two before Thorn, the siege was begun on the twenty-second

Septembre. September. of September.

Robel, gouverneur de la place, la défendit


of the place, her defended
Robel, the governor of the town, defended it for

un mois avec cinq mille hommes de garnison.



month with five thousand men

of garrison.

month with a garrison of five thousand men.

Au bout de ce temps il fut forcé de se rendre

At-the end of this time he was forced of himself to-render At the end of that time he was forced to surrender

à discrétion. La garnison fut faite prisonnière de


discretion. at discretion.


garrison was made prisoner

The garrison were made

guerre, et envoyée en Suède.
war, and sent
war,.. and sent into Sweden.

into Sweden.


prisoners of

Robel fut présenté

Robel was presented Robel was disarmed

désarmé au Roi. Ce Prince, qui ne perdoit disarmed to-the King. This Prince, who not † lost and conducted to the King.

Charles, who never


jamais l'occasion d'honorer le mérite dans ses enne

never the occasion of to-honour the merit in his ene

an opportunity of honouring merit in his ene

mis, lui donna une épée de sa

mies, to-him gave mies, gave him



sword of his

main, lui fit un hand, to-him made a

sword with his own hand, made him a

présent considérable en argent, et le renvoya sur present in silver, and him sent-back upon considerable present in money, and dismissed him upon

sa parole.

his word.

his parole.


L'honneur qu'avoit la ville de Thorn
The honour which had the city of Thorn
The honour which the city of Thorn enjoyed

d'avoir produit autrefois Copernic, le fondateur du

of to-have produced other-time Copernicus, the founder of-the of having formerly produced Copernicus, the founder of the

vrai système du monde, ne lui servit de rien true system of-the world, not to-her served of nothing true system of the universe, availed it nothing

auprès d'un vainqueur trop peu instruit de ces

to-the-near of a with



too little instructed of these conqueror too little informed on such

matières, et qui ne savoit encore récompenser que


[blocks in formation]

matters, and who not † knew questions, and who, as yet, thought valour alone worthy

la valeur. La ville, petite et pauvre, fut condamnée of reward. This small and poor town was

The city, little and poor, was condemned

the valour.



à payer quarante mille écus; contribution excesto to-pay forty thousand crowns; to pay

sive sive


forty thousand crowns; a contribution out of

pour elle.

for her.

proportion to her means.

Elbing, bâtie sur un bras de la Vistule, fondée

an arm of the Vistula,


Elbing, built upon
Elbing, built upon an arm of the Vistula, founded

par les Chevaliers Teutons, et annexée aussi à la

Teutonic, and annexed

also to the

by the Knights
by the Teutonic Knights, and also annexed to

Pologne, ne profita
not profited
Poland, did not take warning


pas de la faute


of the fault

by the error


of-the of the

Dantzickois; elle balança trop à donner passage
Dantzigers; she balanced too-much to to-give


she hesitated too long to grant a passage

aux troupes Suédoises.


to-the troops
to the Swedish troops.

punie que Dantzic. punished than Dantzig. nished for it than Dantzig.

[blocks in formation]

Charles there entered
Charles entered the town on the

treize de Décembre, à la tête de quatre mille

four thousand

thirteen of December, at the head of thirteenth of December, at the head of four thousand

hommes, la baïonnette au bout du fusil. Les hamen, the bayonet at-the end of-the musket. The inhamen, fixed bayonets. The ter


bitans épouvantés

se jetèrent à genoux dans

bitants frightened themselves threw to knees


rified inhabitants threw themselves on their knees in

les rues, et lui demandèrent miséricorde.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


soldiers 2 D

[blocks in formation]

magistrat, il exigea, le jour même, une contribution



magistracy, he exacted, the day same, magistrates, he levied, on that very day, a contribution

de deux cents

of two hundred

soixante mille écus. Il y

sixty thousand crowns.

of two hundred and sixty thousand crowns.

It there

avoit dans la ville deux cents pièces de canon, et + had in the city two hundreds pieces of cannon, and were two hundred pieces of cannon in the city, and

quatre cents milliers de poudre, qu'il saisit.

four hundreds


of powder, which he seized. four hundred thousand pounds of powder, which he seized.

Une bataille gagnée ne lui eût pas valu de si





not to-him might-have A successful battle would not have been

grands avantages.

great advantages.

much advantage to him.

been-worth of so

productive of so

[blocks in formation]


du détrônement du Roi Auguste. dethronement of-the King Augustus. of the dethronement of King Augustus.

À peine le cardinal avoit juré à son Roi de ne Hardly the cardinal + had sworn to his King of not Scarcely had the cardinal sworn to his King

rien entreprendre contre lui, qu'il s'étoit rendu nothing to-undertake against him, than he himself † was rendered to attempt nothing hostile to him, when he


à l'assemblée de Varsovie, toujours sous le prétexte

to the assembly of Warsaw, to the meeting at Warsaw,

always under the pretext still under the pretext

de la paix. Il arriva,

ne parlant que de con

of the peace. He arrived,

of peace. He arrived with nothing on his lips but con

not speaking than



corde et d'obéissance, mais accompagné de soldats

cord and of obedience, but cord and obedience, but

levés dans ses terres.

in his
raised on his own estates.

accompanied of soldiers accompanied by soldiers

Enfin il leva le
At-last he raised the

At length he threw off the

masque; le quatorze de Février, mille sept cents the fourteen of February, thousand seven hundreds mask; on the fourteenth of February, seventeen hundred


quatre, il déclara, au nom de l'assemblée, Au

four, he declared, to-the name of the assembly, Auand four, he declared, in the name of the assembly, Auguste, Électeur de Saxe, inhabile à porter la couronne gustus, Elector of Saxony, unable to to-carry the crown gustus, Elector of Saxony, incompetent to wear the crown

de Pologne. On y prononça d'une commune voix


Poland. of Poland.

One there pronounced of a


common voice

throne was unanimously

que le trône étoit vacant.

La volonté du Roi de will of-the King of vacant. The desire of the King of

that the throne + was vacant. declared


Suède, et par conséquent celle de cette diète, étoit
Sweden, and by consequence that-she of this diet,
Sweden, and consequently that of the diet,

† was


[blocks in formation]

du Roi Jean, son père: Jacques Sobiesky étoit alors

of-the King John, his father: of King John, his father:



Sobiesky † was then prince was then

à Breslau en Silésie, attendant avec impatience la at Breslaw in Silesia, expecting with impatience the at Breslaw in Silesia, expecting with impatience the Il en recevoit He was actually

couronne qu'avoit portée son père.

crown which had carried his father.
crown which his father had worn.

les complimens,
the compliments,

He of-her t received

et quelques flatteurs


congratulated upon the possession of it, and

some some

flatterers flatterers

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