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s'opiniâtroit à écarter son frère.

dont la fortune

of-which the fortune from which fortune

Il ne s'attendoit

herself † persisted to to-put-away his brother. He not himself † expected persisted in excluding his brother. He did not anticipate

pas à un refus: le Prince Alexandre lui déclara

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Alexander to-him declared Alexander


que rien ne pourroit jamais l'engager à profiter that nothing not would-be-able never him to-engage to to-profit that nothing should ever prevail upon him to take advantage

du malheur de son aîné. of-the misfortune of his elder. of the misfortunes of his elder brother.

Le Roi de Suède,

The King of Sweden, The King of Sweden,

le Comte Piper, tous ses amis, et sur-tout le jeune the Count Piper, all his friends, and over-all the young

Count Piper, all his friends, and especially the young palatin de Posnanie, Stanislas Leckzinsky, le prespalatine of Posnania, Stanislaus Leckzinsky, palatine of Posnauia, Stanislaus Leckzinsky,

sèrent d'accepter la couronne.

ed of to-accept the crown.
to accept the


him presspressed

Il fut inébranlable:

He was


He was immoveable :

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refus inouï, et ne savoient qui ils devoient admirer

astonishment, and knew

refusal unheard, and not


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whom they + ought whom

2 E

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vingt-trois ans donnoit la couronne de Pologne,

twenty-three years twenty-three




+ gave the
gave away the crown of

ou le Prince Alexandre, qui la refusoit.

or the Prince Alexander, who her + refused. Alexander, who refused it.



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Auguste abdique la couronne, et la cède

Augustus abdicates the
Augustus abdicates the

crown, and her yields crown, and cedes it

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broken-on-the-wheel and

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Czar, is broken on the wheel and quartered.


Saxe des ambassadeurs de tous les princes. Il va

in Saxony of-the


from all the princes.

He goes

in Saxony, receives ambassadors from foreign states. He goes

seul à Dresde voir Auguste avant de partir. alone to Dresden to-see Augustus before of to-depart. alone to Dresden to see Augustus before his departure.

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député de l'assemblée de Varsovie, pour aller rendre deputed of the assembly of Warsaw, deputed by the assembly of

for to-go to-render Warsaw, to go


compte au Roi de Suède de plusieurs différends account to-the King of Sweden of report to the King of



Sweden the various differences

survenus dans le temps de l'enlèvement du

supervened which had arisen

in the time of the bearing-off of-the at the time of the seizure


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heureuse, pleine de hardiesse et de douceur, avec

happy, countenance, full of courage

full of boldness and of sweetness, with

un air de probité et de an air of probity and of that air of probity and

avantages extérieurs est

and of

sweetness, with franchise, qui de tous les

frankness, which of all the frankness, which, of all

sans doute le plus grand, advantages without doubt the most great, external advantages, is unquestionably the greatest,



et qui donne plus de poids aux paroles que


words discourse than

and which gives more of weight to-the and that which gives greater weight to l'éloquence même. La sagesse avec laquelle il


the eloquence
eloquence itself.

The wisdom with the-which he
The discretion with which he

parla du Roi Auguste, de l'assemblée, du cardinal spoke of-the King Augustus, of the assembly, of-the cardinal spoke of King Augustus, of the assembly, of the cardinal

primat, et des intérêts différens qui

primate, and of-the interests primate, and of the different

Pologne, frappa Charles.


Poland, Charles. Poland, struck Charles.

divisoient la

different which † divided the interests which divided

Le Roi Stanislas m'a
The King Stanislaus to-me has
King Stanislaus did

fait l'honneur de me raconter,

done the honour of to-me me the honour to relate

to me,

qu'il dit en Latin

that he said in Latin

that he said in Latin

au Roi de Suède: "Comment pourrons-nous faire

to-the King of Sweden:

to the King of Sweden:


shall-be-able-we to-make shall we be able to come to

une élection, si les deux princes Jacques et Constantin an election, if the two princes James and Constantine James and Constantine

an election, if the two


Sobiesky sont captifs ?" et que Charles lui répondit: Sobiesky are captives?" and that Charles to-him answered: Sobiesky are in captivity?" and that Charles replied: "Comment délivrera-t-on la république, si on ne fait shall-deliver-one the republic, if one not makes "How can the republic be delivered, without


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brigue qui mit Stanislas sur le trône. Charles canvass which put Stanislaus upon the throne. solicitation which placed Stanislaus on the throne.

prolongea exprès la conférence, prolonged expressly the conference,




designedly prolonged the conference, that he might have a



sonder le

génie du jeune

genius of-the young


better opportunity of sounding the dispositions of the young

Après l'audience, il dit tout haut, qu'il

deputy. After the audience, he said aloud,

After the audience, he said all high,

that he, that he

n'avoit jamais vu d'homme si propre à concilier tous

not had

never seen of man SO proper to to-conciliate all had never seen a man SO fitted to conciliate all

les partis. Il ne tarda pas à s'informer du carac

the parties.

He not delayed


to himself to-inform of-the charac

parties. He made immediate inquiries respecting the charac

tère du palatin Leckzinsky.

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