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Riga, capital
Riga, the capital of

conquise par les Suédois
by the Swedes


Livonia, a province which had been conquered by the Swedes

depuis un siècle.


8 century. a century ago.

Au bas de la carte de la At-the bottom of the map of the the map of the


ville Hongroise il y avoit ces mots, tirés du city Hungarian. it there Hungarian city

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+ had these words, drawn from-the were these words, taken from the

"Dieu me l'a donnée, Dieu me l'a "God to-me her has given,

"God gave it me,

God to-me her has God hath taken it

ôtée; le nom du Seigneur soit béni."

taken-away; the name of-the Lord


Le jeune

be blessed."

The young
The young

blessed be the name of the Lord."

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crayon et écrivit au bas de la carte de Riga, " Dieu pencil and wrote at-the bottom of the map of Riga, "God pencil and wrote under the map of Riga, "God

me l'a donnée, le diable ne me l'ôtera

to-me her has given, the devil
has given it me,
the devil

Ainsi dans les


not to-me her shall-take-away.". * shall not take it away."

actions les plus indifférentes de son

Thus Thus

in the
in the

actions the most


most indifferent actions

of his of his

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échapper des traits qui caractérisent les âmes

to-escape of-the strokes which broke forth in those strokes which




characterize extraordinary

singulières, et qui marquoient ce qu'il devoit

singular, and which
spirits, and which

être un jour.

to-be one

to become.

† marked

that which be


showed what he was one day

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Il avoit onze ans lorsqu'il perdit

day. He had eleven years when-that he lost He was eleven years old when he lost

sa mère. Cette princesse mourut en mille six

his mother.




his mother. This princess died

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in thousand six on the fifth of

cinq Août, five August, ninety-three,

d'une maladie causée par les chagrins que lui

of a of an

malady illness

caused by the
caused by the

griefs which to-her grief her husband's

donnoit son mari, et par les efforts qu'elle faisoit + gave her husband, and by the efforts which she conduct occasioned her, and by the efforts she made

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Charles Eleven + had stripped
Charles the Eleventh had stripped

de leurs biens un grand nombre de ses sujets, of their goods a great number of his subjects, a great number of his subjects of their property,

par le moyen d'une espèce de cour de justice

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of court of justice sort of court of justice

nommée la Chambre des Liquidations, établie de son named the Chamber of-the Liquidations, established of his called the Chamber of Liquidations, established by his

autorité seule. Une foule de citoyens, ruinés par

authority alone. sole authority.



crowd of citizens, ruined by crowd of citizens, ruined by

cette chambre, nobles, marchands, fermiers, veuves, chamber, nobles,



this chamber, nobles, merchants,

farmers, widows, farmers, widows,

orphelins, remplissoient les rues de Stockholm, et



+ filled

the streets of Stockholm, and the streets of Stockholm, and

venoient tous les jours à la porte du palais pousser

all the days to the gate of-the palace to-push day to the gate of the palace uttering

+ came
came every

des cris inutiles.

of-the cries


vain lamentations.

La reine secourut ces malheureux
The queen
succoured these unfortunates

The queen relieved these unfortunate people

de tout ce qu'elle avoit. Elle leur donna son



She to-them gave

that which she † had. with every thing she possessed. She


gave them




argent, ses pierreries, ses meubles, ses habits même. silver, her jewels, her moveables, her clothes money, furniture, and even her clothes. Quand elle n'eut plus rien à leur donner, elle she not had more nothing to to-them to-give, she When she had nothing more to give them,

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pour le prier d'avoir compassion de ses sujets. Le

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of his subjects. The and entreated him to have compassion on his subjects. The

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roi lui répondit gravement, gravely, sternly, "Madam, we took

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nous donner des enfans, et non


to-us to-give of-the children, and not children, and not

pour nous donner des avis." Depuis ce temps là, for to-us to-give of-the advices." Since

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il la traita, dit-on, avec une dureté qui avança

he her treated, says one, with

a hardness which advanced

he is said to have treated her with a harshness which shortened

ses jours. Il mourut quatre ans après elle,

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years after her,
years after her, on the

cents quatre-vingt

thousand six hundreds

fifteenth of April, one thousand six hundred

four-twenty and ninety

dix-sept, dans la quarante - deuxième année de

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forty forty

second second

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son âge, et dans la trente-septième de son règne,


age, and in

his age, and

the thirty-seventh
of his reign,
the thirty-seventh of his reign,

lorsque l'Empire, l'Espagne, la Hollande, d'un côté,

when-that the Empire,

just when the Empire,

et la France de

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the Spain, the Holland, of one
Spain, and Holland, on the one side,

l'autre, venoient de remettre la

the other, the other,

+ came from to-remit the had confided


décision de leurs querelles à sa médiation, et qu'il decision of their quarrels to his mediation, and that he decision of their differences to his mediation, and when he

avoit déjà entamé l'ouvrage de la paix entre ces † had already opened

the work of the peace between these had already begun the work of pacification between these


puissances. Il laissa à son fils, âgé de quinze ans, left to his son, aged of fifteen years, powers. He bequeathed to his son, then fifteen years of age,


un trône affermi et respecté "au-dehors, des sujets a throne confirmed and respected

to-the-without, of-the subjects a throne established and respected abroad, poor

pauvres, mais belliqueux et soumis, avec des finances

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warlike and submissive, with of-the finances but warlike and obedient subjects,

and finances

en bon ordre, ménagées par des ministres habiles.

in good order, managed by of-the in good order, managed by

Charles Douze, à son avénement,

Charles Twelve, at his

Charles the Twelfth, at his

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se trouva maître absolu et paisible de la Suède master absolute and peaceable of the Sweden

himself found

absolute and undisputed master of Sweden


et de la Finlande, mais il régnoit encore sur la but het reigned again over the but was also sovereign of

and of the and


Livonie, la Carélie, l'Ingrie: il possédoit Vismar,

Livonia, the Carelia, the Ingria he
+ possessed
Livonia, Carelia, and Ingria: he possessed

Wismar, Wismar,

Rugen, d'Oesel, et la plus

Vibourg, les îles de
Wiburg, the islands of Rugen,
Wiburg, the islands of

belle partie de la

beautiful finest

part of the part of

of Oesel, and the most the

Rugen and Oesel,

Pomeranie, le duché de the duchy



Pomerania, and the duchies of

Bremen and of Verden;
Bremen and

et de Verden; toutes conquêtes de ses



of his

conquests all conquered by his

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de Munster et d'Oliva, soutenus de la terreur des

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armes Suédoises. La paix de Ryswick, The peace of Ryswick, The peace of Ryswick, which had been

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sous ceux du fils; il fut le médiateur de l'Europe


under those of-the son; he was the mediator
under those of the son; he was the mediator of

dès qu'il commença à régner.

the Europe Europe

Les lois

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