Billeder på siden

couronne, depuis peu passées à son service, mais


little passed to his service,
entered his service,

crown, crown,

who had recently

of-whom the fidelity not had whose fidelity had not



dont la fidélité n'avoit point encore été éprouvée.

yet been proved.

as yet been tried.

Le général Hoorn, gouverneur de la ville, n'avoit The general Hoorn,


General Hoorn, governor

of the city,
of the town,

not + had had not

d'ailleurs avec lui que quinze cents Suédois. On

moreover with him than fifteen hundreds Swedes.


than fifteen hundred




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from-it to-depart
expected to leave it in

pour aller à la conquête de Léopold.
for to-go to the conquest of Leopold.
to go to the conquest of Leopold.

il apprend qu'une armée nombreuse

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profound, and tranquillity, and

peu de jours

few of days

a few days Tout-à-coup


He suddenly

approche de

approaches of army was approaching

la ville. C'étoit le Roi Auguste, qui, par un nouvel

the town. It was the King the town. It was



Augustus, who, by
Augustus, who, by a fresh

effort, et par une des plus belles marches que effort, and by one of-the most beautiful marches which effort, and by one of the

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jamais général ait faites, ayant donné le change general may-have made, having given the change general performed, in the course of which he had eluded

ever ever

au Roi de Suède, venoit avec vingt mille hommes to-the King of Sweden, † came with twenty thousand


the King of Sweden, was coming with twenty thousand men

fondre dans Varsovie et enlever son rival.

to-pour-down in Warsaw to fall upon Warsaw

and to-bear-off his rival.

and carry off his

Varsovie étoit très-mal fortifiée, et les troupes

Warsaw + was
Warsaw was

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Polonoises qui la défendoient


which her + defended


troops which defended it were not to be relied on. Au

guste avoit des intelligences dans la ville;
gustus + had of-the intelligences
gustus had sources of information in

in the city;

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the city; and if

Il envoya sa

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fioit le plus. Il

to-the-which he himself trusted the most. He in whom he had the most confidence.


crut dans ce désordre avoir perdu sa seconde fille,

girl, his second daughter,

believed in this disorder to-have lost his second the tumult he thought he had lost

âgée d'un an.

Elle fut égarée par sa nourrice. Il aged of a year. She was put-astray by her wet-nurse. He only a year old. She was taken away by her nurse. He

la retrouva dans une auge d'écurie, où elle avoit trough of stable, where she horse-trough, where she

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que je lui ai entendu conter. Ce fut ce même


which I to-him have heard
I have heard him relate.

It was this same It was this very

enfant que la destinée, après de plus grandes vicis

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child whom the destiny, after of more child whom, after still greater vicissitudes, destiny

situdes, fit depuis reine de France.

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situdes, made since at length raised to the throne of France.


Le cardinal

The cardinal The cardinal

2 G

primat s'enfuit des premiers sur les frontières de

primate himself fled-away of-the first


upon the frontiers primate was among the first to escape to the Prussian

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chemins différens; le nouveau Roi partit lui-même


ways different; the different routes; the new


King departed
King himself set out

pour aller trouver Charles Douze, apprenant de

for to-go to-find in quest



learning of of Charles the Twelfth, thus learning

bonne heure à souffrir des disgraces, et forcé de good hour to to-suffer of-the disgraces, and forced betimes misfortune, and driven

to endure


quitter sa capitale six semaines après y avoir été


after there to-have been

to-quit his capital six from his capital six weeks after he had been L'évêque de Posnanie fut le seul

élu souverain.

elected sovereign. The bishop of Posnania was the sole elected sovereign. The bishop of Posnania was the only

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sa famille.

his family. his family.

followed Stanislaus, an other + escorted followed Stanislaus, the rest escorted

On envoya en Posnanie ceux dont

One sent

into Posnania those of-whom

Those, whose fidelity it was not thought

on ne vouloit point exposer la fidélité à la tentanot † willed to-expose the fidelity to the temptaexpedient to expose to the temptation of returning to the


tion de rentrer au service du Roi Auguste. Pour to-enter-again to-the service of-the King Augustus. For service of Augustus, were sent into Posnania.

tion of

le général Hoorn, qui étoit gouverneur de Varsovie, general Hoorn, who + was General Hoorn, who





was governor of Warsaw,

au nom du Roi de Suède, il demeura avec ses to-the name of-the King of Sweden, he dwelt in the name of the King of Sweden,


with his with his

quinze cents Suédois dans le château. Auguste

fifteen hundreds Swedes fifteen hundred

in the castle. Swedes in the castle.

Augustus Augustus

entra dans la capitale en souverain irrité et victointo the capital in sovereign irritated and victothe capital as an incensed and victorious sove




rious. reign.

Les habitans, déjà rançonnés par le


by the

The inhabitants, already The inhabitants, already laid under contribution by the Roi de Suède, le furent encore davantage par King of Sweden, it were King of Sweden, were subject to still farther extortion from

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Auguste. Le palais du cardinal, et toutes les
The palace of-the cardinal, and all
Augustus. The cardinal's palace, and all the

maisons des seigneurs confédérés, tous leurs biens,

houses of-the


houses of the confederate

confederated, all

their goods, nobles, all their property,

à la ville et à la campagne, furent livrés au pil

at the both

city and at the


in the city and country,

were given-up to-the pilwere given up to pil

lage. Ce qu'il y eut de plus étrange dans cette

That which it there had of most strange
lage. The

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qui étoit venu avec le Roi Auguste, demanda, au who † was come with the King Augustus, demanded, to-the who accompanied King Augustus, demanded, in the nom de son maître, qu'on lui livrât l'évêque that one to-him might-give-up the bishop that the bishop of Posnania should

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de Posnanie, comme justiciable de la cour

of Posnania,


subject-to-the-jurisdiction of the court be given up to him, as subject to the jurisdiction of the court de Rome, en qualité d'évêque, et de fauteur d'un

of Rome, in quality of bishop, and of abettor of a of Rome, in his character of bishop, and as partisan of a

prince mis sur le trône par les armes d'un

prince put upon the throne by the prince who was placed on the throne by



arms of a

arms of a



La cour de Rome, qui a toujours songe

The court of Rome, which has always
The court of Rome,


[ocr errors]

been-mindful to

intent on

augmenter son pouvoir temporel à la faveur du spi

to-augment her power temporal

at the favour of-the spi

increasing its temporal, under cover of its spiritual

rituel, avoit depuis très long-temps établi en Poritual, + had since very long time power, had


established in Poestablished in Po

logne une espèce de jurisdiction, à la tête de laquelle

land a

kind of jurisdiction, land a kind of jurisdiction,

at the head of the-which at the head of which

est le nonce du Pape. Ses ministres n'avoient pas

is the nuncio of-the Pope. is the Pope's nuncio.

Her ministers not + had
Her ministers had not

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