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in the times of troubles, usurped

ursurped, particularly in times of trouble,



d'autres prérogatives, dans lesquelles ils se sont




other prerogatives, in they themselves other prerogatives, of which they maintained


maintenus jusque vers l'année mille sept cents until towards the year thousand seven hundreds possession until about the year seventeen hundred and vingt-huit, où l'on a retranché ces abus, qui ne

twenty-eight, where the one has twenty-eight, when these

sont jamais réformés que reformed than reformed till they become



tout-à-fait intolérables.

retrenched these abuses, which not abuses, which are


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Le Roi Auguste, bien aise de punir l'évêque de The King Augustus, well glad of to-punish the bishop of King Augustus, rejoiced to punish the bishop of








Posnania without compromising his own reputation, and at the

de plaire à la cour de Rome, contre laquelle of to-please to the court of Rome, same time to please the court of Rome,

against the-which which

il se
seroit élevé en tout autre temps,
he himself would-be raised-up in every other time,


other time he would have resisted, prélat Polonois entre les mains du nonce. prelate Polish between the hands of-the nuncio. Polish prelate into the hands of the nuncio.


remit le

put-back the delivered the


The bishop, The bishop,

après avoir vu piller sa maison, fut porté par after to-have seen to-pillage his house, was carried by after witnessing the pillage of his house, was taken by

des soldats

of-the soldiers

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to-the-home-of the minister Italian, and

the soldiers to the house of the Italian minister, and thence

envoyé en Saxe, où il mourut.

sent into Saxony, where he sent into Saxony, where he



Le Comte de

The Count of

The Count de

Hoorn essuya, dans le château où il étoit renfermé, Hoorn endured, in the castle where he was shut-up, Hoorn stood the constant fire of the enemy in the castle

le feu continuel des ennemis: enfin la place

the fire



enemies :

at-last the place in which he had shut himself up: at length the place

n'étant pas tenable, il se rendit
not being * tenable, he himself rendered
being untenable, he surrendered himself

guerre avec ses quinze cents Suédois.


with his fifteen hundreds Swedes. war with his fifteen hundred Swedes.

prisonnier de prisoner of prisoner


Ce fut-là

This was there This was

le premier avantage qu'eut le Roi Auguste, dans first advantage which had the King Augustus, in the first advantage gained by


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hâte, étoient des Polonois prêts à l'abandonner à la haste, † were of-the Poles ready to him to-abandon haste, were Poles ready to desert him on the

at the

première disgrace, des recrues de Saxons qui n'avoient disgrace, of-the recruits of Saxons who not

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point encore vu de guerre, des Cosaques vagabonds,

yet seen of
seen service,

war, of-the Cossacks

vagabond, wandering Cossacks,

plus propres à dépouiller des vaincus qu'à vaincre ;

more proper to to-strip of-the vanquished than to to-vanquish ; more fit to plunder the conquered than to conquer;

tous trembloient au seul nom du Roi de Suède. † trembled at-the sole name of-the King of Sweden. trembling at the bare name of the King of Sweden.

all all

Ce conquérant, accompagné du Roi Stanislas,



This conqueror,

accompanied of-the King Stanislaus, accompanied by King Stanislaus,

alla chercher son ennemi à la tête de l'élite de ses

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The Saxon army

troops. troops.

The army

vant lui.

front-of him.

+ fled



fled in all directions be

Les villes lui envoyoient leurs clefs de

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their keys of fore him. The towns for thirty miles round sent

trente milles à la ronde; il n'y avoit point de jour miles to the round; it not there † had


him their keys;


of day

a day passed

qui ne fut signalé par quelque avantage.

which not was signalised by some which was not marked by some

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cès devenoient trop familiers à Charles. Il disoit, que cesses + became too familiar to Charles. He said, that cess became too familiar to Charles. He said, that "c'étoit aller à la chasse, plutôt que faire la guerre,'



was to-go to the chace, more-soon than to-make the war, was rather hunting than fighting," et se plaignoit de ne point acheter la victoire. and himself complained of not to-buy the victory. and complained that he never earned a victory.

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Auguste confia pour quelque temps le com



the com

Augustus confided for
Augustus, for some time, entrusted the com-


mandement de son armée au Comte de Schulemof his army to-the Count of of his army to Count de Schulem

mand mand

bourg, général très-habile, et qui avoit besoin de general very able, and who + had want of who stood in need of


burg, a very able general,

toute son expérience à la tête d'une armée découhis experience at the head of an all his experience to lead on a


army discoudisheartened

ragée. Il songea plus à conserver les troupes de raged. He was-mindful more to to-preserve the troops of army. He endeavoured rather to preserve his master's vaincre : il faisoit la guerre than to to-vanquish : he † made

son maître, qu'à



troops, than to obtain a victory: he







avec adresse, et les deux rois avec vivacité. address, and the two kings with vivacity. with address, and the two kings with


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leur déroba des marches, occupa des passages

to-them stole

of-the marches, occupied of-the passages

stole marches upon them, occupied

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donner le temps à son infanterie de se retirer en

to-give the time to his infantry

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Après bien des ruses et des contre-marches, il
After well of-the wiles and of-the counter-marches, he
After many stratagems and
counter-marches, he

se trouva près de Punitz, dans le palatinat de

himself found
found himself near

near of Punitz, in the palatinate of Punitz, in the palatinate of

Posnanie, croyant que le Roi de Suède et le Roi Posnania, believing that the King of Sweden and the King Posnania, believing that the King of Sweden and King

Stanislas étoient à cinquante lieues de lui.


† were



leagues from him. Stanislaus were within fifty leagues of him.


apprend en arrivant que les deux rois avoient fait in arriving that the two kings his arrival he learned that the two kings


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+ had
had traversed


ces cinquante lieues en neuf jours, et leagues in nine days, and leagues in nine days, and were advancing

these fifty these


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+ came

dix à douze mille chevaux.

ten to twelve thousand

to attack him with from ten to twelve thousand

Schulembourg n'avoit pas plus de
Schulemburg not † had
Schulemburg had not



mille cavaliers,

inore of thousand horsemen, more than a thousand horse,

et huit mille fantassins: il falloit se soutenir and eight thousand foot-soldiers: it was-necessary himself to-sustain and eight thousand with these he had to make head


contre une armée supérieure, contre le nom du Roi

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the advice of-the generals Ger

maintained, in opposition to the opinion of other German gene

mands, que l'infanterie pouvoit résister en pleine that the infantry † was-able

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campagne, même sans chevaux-de-frise, à la ca

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valerie: il en osa faire ce jour là l'expérience valry: he of-it dared to-make that day there the experience frise: he ventured on that day to make the experiment


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