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fortune n'y a point de part.

fortune not there has fortune has no

of part. share in them.

Il ne lui restoit

It not to-him † remained
He had only four

plus que quatre mille hommes: un moulin, qu'il

more than thousand



which he

four thousand
men remaining: a mill, which he

remplit de grenadiers, étoit à sa droite, un marais
of grenadiers, was at his right, a
filled with grenadiers, was on his right, a marsh



à sa gauche; il avoit un fossé devant lui, et son he + had a ditch in-front-of him, and his his front was a ditch, and his

at his on his






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rear-guard + was upon the border of the Oder. He rear-guard was posted on the banks of the Oder. He

n'avoit point de pontons pour traverser ce fleuve ;

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but the evening before, he had taken the precaution to order

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faudra que les Saxons périssent, ou dans le will-be-necessary that the Saxons may-perish, either in the the must perish, either in the


fleuve, ou les armes à la main, ou que du moins

stream, or the arms to the hand, or that of-the least river, or with arms in their hands, or that at least

ils se rendent à discrétion avec leur général. [they themselves may render at discretion with their general. they must surrender at discretion with their general.

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Saxons traversoient l'Oder à la faveur de la nuit, the Oder to the favour of the night, the Oder under favour of the night,

Saxons Saxons

+ traversed

et quand Charles eut forcé le moulin, il ne trouva and when Charles had forced the mill, he not found and when Charles had forced the he found plus d'armée ennemie.


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mill, Les deux rois honorèrent two kings honoured two kings kings honoured,



of-which one speaks
which is still mentioned

par leurs éloges cette retraite, dont on parle encore by their eulogies this retreat, with their praises, a avec admiration dans l'Empire; et Charles ne the Empire; and Charles admiration in the Empire; and Charles could







s'empêcher de dire: "Aujourd'hui Schulem

was-able himself to-hinder from to-say:

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"To-day "To-day


la gloire de Schulemthe glory of Schulemthe glory of Schulem

was of little advantage

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[blocks in formation]

precipitation the fortifications of Dresden, to repair the fortifications of Dresden,

craignant déjà, non sans raison, pour la capifearing already, fearing already, and not without reason, for the capi

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tale de ses états héréditaires.

tal of his

states hereditary. tal of his hereditary dominions.

voyoit la Pologne soumise; ses

+ saw the Poland submitted; his had now Poland at his feet; his

son exemple, venoient de battre his example,

+ came

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generals, following

en Courlande

from to-beat in Courland

his example, had just obtained successes in Courland, over

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Moscovites, qui, depuis la


who, since the Russians, who, since the

ne se montroient not themselves † showed

great battle of Narva, had not made their appearance

plus que par pelotons, et qui dans ces


and who

in these

more than by except in straggling detachments, and who carried on

quartiers ne faisoient la guerre que comme des Tar

the war



of-the Tar

quarters not † made a warfare, in that province, only like that of wan

tares vagabonds, qui pillent, qui fuient, et qui re


vagabond, who pillage, who flee, dering Tartars, who plunder,

paroissent pour fuir encore.

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trouvoient les Suédois, ils


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† found

the Swedes

Swedes, they

went, they

By-all where themselves

se croyoient sûrs de la victoire, quand ils étoient themselves + believed sure of the victory, when they † were thought themselves" secure of victory, if they had but

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La fortune, qui l'avoit fait
The fortune, who him had made


à Varsovie

to-elect at Warsaw

Fortune, who had secured his election at Warsaw

et qui

l'en avoit chassé,

l'y rappela encore,

and who him from-her † had chased, him there recalled


and had driven him from it, once more recalled him thither

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

convoquée; tous les obstacles y furent applanis; il


voked there; all

all the obstacles there were levelled; it were overcome;


n'y eut que la cour de Rome seule qui le

not there had than the court of


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sole who him alone thwarted




Il étoit

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was to be expected that Rome

le Roi Auguste, qui de Protestant the King Augustus, who from

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Onze, alors Pape, envoya des brefs à tous les pré

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Eleven, then Pope, sent of-the briefs to Eleventh, then Pope, sent

lats de Pologne, et sur-tout au cardinal primat, par

lates of Poland, and over-all to-the cardinal primate, by lates of Poland, and especially to the cardinal primate, in lesquels il les menaçoit de l'excommunication, of the excommunication, excommunication,

the-which he them † menaced
which he threatened them with

s'ils osoient assister


sacre de Stanislas, at-the consecration of Stanislaus, if they dared to be present at the coronation of Stanislaus,

if they

+ dared


et attenter en rien contre les droits du Roi Auand to-attempt in nothing against the rights of-the King Auor to violate in any way the rights of King Au

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If these briefs

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bishops who who

came into the hands of the bishops

étoient à Varsovie, il étoit à craindre que quelques† were at Warsaw, it was to to-fear were at Warsaw, it was to be feared that some



uns n'obéissent par foiblesse, et que la plupart ne ones not might-obey by weakness, and that the most-part not might obey through weakness, and that most

s'en prévalussent pour se

rendre plus themselves of-them might-take-advantage for themselves to-render would take advantage of them





difficiles à mesure qu'ils seroient qu'ils seroient plus nécesto measure that they should-be


tractable in proportion



as they were more • neces

saires. On avoit donc pris toutes les précautions pour the precautions for sary. Every precaution had therefore been taken to

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empêcher que les lettres du Pape ne fussent reçues that the letters of-the Pope not might-be received the Pope's letters from being received

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