le Czar devenoit de jour en jour plus redoutable. the Czar † became from day into day more formidable. the Czar became more formidable. daily grand homme de guerre, mais même à montrer l'art great man of war, but even to to-show the art himself, but even to teach the art of war à ses Moscovites: la discipline to his Muscovites: the discipline to his Russians: discipline ses troupes; il avoit de bons his troops; he had of good his troops; he had good lerie bien servie, lery well served, lery well served, and s'établissoit dans : herself + established in was established among ingénieurs, une artilengineers, an artilengineers, an artil beaucoup de bons officiers; much of good officers; many 1 il he good officers; and he savoit le grand art de faire subsister des armées. † knew the great art of to-make knew the great art of providing subsistence for armies. to-subsist of-the armies.. Quelques-uns de ses généraux avoient appris, et à Some Some ones of his generals of his generals bien combattre, et, selon le besoin, à ne combattre well to-combat, and, according to the want, to not to-combat: fight well, and, if circumstances required, not to fight at 1 pas: bien plus, il avoit formé une marine capable VOL. I. 2 к de faire tête aux Suédois dans la mer Baltique. of to-make head to-the Swedes in the sea Baltic. to make head against the Swedes in the Baltic. Fort de tous ces avantages dûs à son seul Strong of all these advantages owed to his sole Strong in all these advantages, for which he was indebted to génie, genius, et de l'absence du Roi de Suède, il of-the King of Sweden, he and of the absence his genius alone, and in the absence of the King of Sweden, he prit Narva d'assaut le vingt-un d'Août, de l'année took Narva of assault the twenty-one of August, of the year took Narva by storm on the twenty-first of August, in the year mille sept cents quatre, après un siége régulier, a thousand seven hundreds four, after siege regular, seventeen hundred and four, after a regular siege, et après avoir empêché qu'elle ne fût secourue hindered that she not might-be succoured and after to-have and after having cut off all succour par mer et par terre. Les soldats, maîtres de la by sea and by earth. by sea and masters of the The soldiers, land. The soldiers, masters of the ville, coururent au pillage; ils s'abandonnèrent ran to-the pillage ; they themselves abandoned city, town, eagerly hastened to pillage; they aux barbaries les plus énormes. gave themselves up Le Czar couroit to-the barbarities the most enormous. † ran ran de tous côtés pour arrêter le désordre et le masof all sides for to-stop the disorder and the masin all directions to the tumult and mas stop sacre; il arracha lui-même des femmes des mains sacre; he snatched he-same of-the sacre; he snatched women from-the hands women from the hands after them des soldats, qui les alloient égorger,, après les soldiers, who them † went to-slaughter, of the soldiers, who were going to butcher, after vio of-the avoir violées. Il fut lui-même obligé de tuer de sa to-have violated. He was he-same obliged of to-kill of his lating them. He was obliged to kill with his own main quelques Moscovites qui n'écoutoient point ses some who hand * his his ordres. On montre encore à Narva, dans l'hôtel-destill at Narva, in the hall-oftown-hall at Narva, they still orders. One shows orders. In the ville, la table sur laquelle il posa son épée en en town, the table upon the-which he placed his sword in enshow the table upon which he placed his sword when he trant, et on s'y ressouvient encore des paroles tering, and one oneself there recollects entered, and the words are qu'il adressa aux citoyens qui which he addressed to-the citizens which he addressed to the citizens blèrent: bled: there: que that still of-the words still remembered s'y rassem who themselves there reassem assembled "Ce n'est point du sang des habitans not is "It * of-the blood of-the inhabitants the blood of the inhabitants cette épée est teinte, mais de celui des this sword is tinged, but of that-him of-the with which this sword is dyed, but that of the Moscovites, que j'ai répandu pour sauver vos vies." le premier des hommes. the first of-the men. he would have been the first of men. à Il aspiroit Het aspired He aspired plus qu'à détruire des villes: il en fondoit to-destroy of-the cities: he of them & founded to something beyond the destruction of cities; he far from Narva same, at-the one, at that time, at a short distance from Narva itself, in the de Pétersbourg, dont il fit depuis sa résidence of Petersburg, of Petersburg, of-which he made ✓ since his residence, which he afterwards made his residence, et le centre de son commerce. Elle est située entre and the centre of his commerce. and the centre of his commerce. She is situated between is situated between It la Finlande et l'Ingrie, dans une île marécageuse, the Finland and the Ingria, in an island Finland and Ingria, in a marshy, marshy island, autour de laquelle la Néva se divise en plusieurs around of the-which the Neva herself divides into several. around which the Neva divides itself into several bras avant de tomber dans le golfe de Finlande. arms before of to-fall into the gulf of Finland. branches, before it falls into the gulf of Finland. Lui-même traça le plan de la ville, de la forteresse, He-same traced the plan of the city, of the fortress, He himself drew the plan of the city, of the fortress, du port, des quais qui l'embellissent, et des of-the port, of-the quays which her embellish, of the port, of the quays which adorn it, forts qui en défendent l'entrée. forts which of-her defend the entry. forts which defend the entrance to it. and of-the and of the Cette île in This island unThis unculti culte et déserte, qui n'étoit qu'un amas de cultivated and desert, which not † was vated and desert island, which was nothing boue pendant le court été de ces mud during the short summer of these mud during the short summer of that l'hiver qu'un étang glacé, où l'on ne pouvoit pond frozen, where the one not + was-able frozen pond, the only approach the winter than a the winter a to aborder par terre qu'à travers des forêts sans route to-approach by land than to across of-the forests without road which by land et des marais profonds, et qui n'avoit été jus and, of-the marshes and deep deep, and which morasses, and which nott had been until had till then qu'alors que le repaire des loups et des ours, fut then than the haunt of-the wolves and of-the bears, was been the haunt of wolves and remplie, en mille sept cents trois, de filled, in thousand seven hundreds three, of filled, in seventeen hundred and three, with bears, was plus de more than more of The peasants of-the collected from all parts of his dominions. The peasants of the royaume d'Astracan, et ceux qui habitent les fronkingdom of Astrachan, and those who inhabit the fronkingdom of Astrachan, and the inhabitants of the fron tières de la Chine, furent transportés à Pétersbourg. tiers of the China, were transported to Petersburg. tiers of China, were transported to Petersburg. Il fallut percer des forêts, faire des chemins, sécher des marais, élever des digues, avant de marshes, to construct jeter les fondemens de la ville. to-throw the foundations of the city. foundations of the city could be laid. La nature fut forcée The nature was forced par-tout. Le Czar s'obstina à peupler un by-all. The Czar himself persisted to to-people done to nature. The Czar persisted in peopling a a pays qui sembloit n'être pas destiné pour des country which † seemed not to-be * destined for of-the country which seemed not to be destined to be inha -hommes; ni les inondations qui ruinèrent ses men; neither the inundations which ruined his bited by men; neither the inundations which destroyed his ouvrages, ni la stérilité du terrain, ni l'ignorance works, nor the sterility of-the soil, works, nor the sterility of the soil, nor the ignorance nor the ignorance |