des ouvriers, ni la mortalité même, qui fit périr of-the workmen, nor the mortality even, which made to-perish of the workmen, nor even the mortality, which carried off deux cent mille hommes dans ces commence two hundred thousand men two hundred thousand men in at these beginthe beginning of his mens, ne lui firent point changer de résolution. not to-him made nings, operations, could make him * to-change of resolution. change his resolution. La ville fut fondée parmi les obstacles que la nature, The city was founded among the obstacles which the nature, The city was founded amid the obstacles which nature, le génie des peuples, et une guerre malheureuse a war the genius of-the peoples, and unhappy the character of the people, and a disastrous war five, and her port † was filled seventeen hundred and five, and her port was filled de vaisseaux. L'empereur y attiroit les étrangers of vessels. with vessels. The emperor there + attracted the strangers par des bienfaits, distribuant des terres aux uns, donnant des maisons aux autres, et encourageant giving of-the houses to-the others, and encouraging giving houses to others, and encouraging tous les arts qui venoient adoucir ce climat sau all the arts which all the arts which † came could to-soften this climate sa mitigate the rudeness of the avoit rendu Pétersbourg inac † had rendered had rendered Petersburg inac Petersburg inac cessible aux efforts des ennemis: les généraux cessible to-the efforts of-the enemies: cessible to any hostile the generals attack: the Swedish Suédois, qui battoient souvent ses troupes par-tout Swedish, who † beat generals, who ailleurs, defeated n'avoient elsewhere, not † had other ground, had not often his troops by-all his troops on all endommager to-damage been able to make any impression on cette colonie naissante. Elle étoit tranquille au this colony being-born. this infant colony. She It was tranquil in the milieu de la guerre qui l'environnoit. middle of the war which her † environed. midst of the surrounding war. Le Czar, en se créant ainsi de nouveaux new new états, tendoit toujours la main au Roi Auguste, states, † stretched-out always the hand to-the King Augustus, dominions, he continued his offers of friendship to Augustus, qui perdoit les siens: il lui persuada par le général who † lost the his: he to-him persuaded sent passed since little to-the service of Muscovy, Patkul, who had recently entered the Russian service, alors ambassadeur du Czar en Saxe, and who was then ambassador from the Czar to Saxony, to persuade him to come to Grodnow, to confer de venir à Grodno, conférer encore une fois of to-come to Grodnow, to-confer avec lui sur l'état malheureux de ses affaires. Le with him upon the state unhappy of his affairs. The with him upon the disastrous state of his affairs. de l'Oder avoit rendu illustre dans le Nord, et of the Oder + had rendered illustrious in the North, and of the Oder had rendered illustrious in the North, and en qui il mettoit sa dernière espérance. in whom he Le Czar The Czar The Czar y arriva faisant marcher après lui une armée de there arrived making to-march after him an army arrived there with an army of seventy thousand of soixante et dix mille hommes. Les deux monarques sixty and ten thousand men. The two monarchs men marching in his rear. The two monarchs firent de nouveaux plans de guerre. Le Roi Au plans of plans for the made of new laid new guste détrôné, gustus dethroned, ne not gustus, since his dethronement, was no longer restrained by his fear d'irriter les Polonois, en abandonnant leur pays of to-irritate the Poles, of irritating the Poles, in abandoning their country by abandoning their country aux troupes Moscovites. Il fut résolu que l'armée to Russian to-the troops Muscovite. troops. He was resolved that the army du Czar se army should diviseroit en plusieurs corps, pour bodies, for divided into several corps, so as to le Roi de Suède à chaque pas. Ce the King of Sweden at each step. It arrest the progress of the King of Sweden at every step. It arrêter fut dans le temps de cette entrevue, que le Roi was in the time of this was at the time of this Auguste renouvela l'ordre de interview, that the King interview, that l'Aigle Blanc; foible the White Eagle; a feeble Augustus renewed the order of the Eagle White; feeble for securing the attachment of him some a few seigneurs Polonois, lords plus avides d'avantages more greedy of advantages Polish, Polish lords, who were more greedy of solid advan réels que d'un vain honneur, qui devient ridicule real than of a vain tages than of an empty honour, which becomes ridiculous honour, which becomes ridiculous quand on le tient d'un prince qui when one him holds of a prince who when it is received from a prince who n'est roi que de not is king than of is king only in nom. La conférence des deux rois finit d'une conference of-the two kings finished of a name. The conference of the two kings terminated in an name. The manière extraordinaire. Le Czar partit soudainemanner: extraordinary. The Czar departed extraordinary manner. The Czar suddenly depart sudden ment, et laissa ses troupes à son allié, pour courir ly, and left his troops to his ally, for to-run ed, leaving his troops to his ally, and hastened éteindre lui-même une rebellion dont il étoit he-same to-extinguish menacé à Astracan. menaced at Astrachan. threatened at Astrachan. a a het was rebellion of-which À peine étoit-il parti, que le Roi Auguste ordonna que Patkul fût arrêté Augustus ordered à Dresde. Toute l'Europe fut surprise qu'il osât, at Dresden. All the Europe was surprised that he might-dare, at Dresden. All Europe was surprised that he dared, contre le droit des gens, et en apparence contre against the right of the peoples, and in appearance against contrary to the rights of nations, and apparently to his ses intérêts, mettre en prison l'ambassadeur du interests, to-put in prison the ambassador of-the his own interest, to imprison the ambassador of the seul prince qui le protégeoit. sole prince who him + protected. only prince who befriended him. VOL. I. 2 L : de Voici le nœud secret de cet événement, selon a me of to-me dire: ce qu'un fils du Roi Auguste m'a fait l'honneur that which a son of-the King Augustus to-me has done the honour what son of King Augustus did me the honour Patkul, proscrit en Suède pour to-say: Patkul, proscribed in Sweden to tell me, as follows : Patkul, proscribed in Sweden for priviléges de la Livonie, sa privileges of the Livonia, his privileges of his country, avoir soutenu les to-have sustained the having defended the for patrie, avoit été général du Roi Auguste; mais native-country, thad been general of-the King Augustus; but Livonia, had been a general of Augustus, but son esprit altier et vif s'accommodant mal des his spirit lofty and lively himself accommodating ill of-the his haughty and hasty temper, ill brooking the hauteurs du général Flemming, favori du roi, heights of-the general Flemming, favourite of-the king, arrogance of General Flemming, the favourite of the king, who plus impérieux et plus vif que lui, il avoit more imperious and more lively than he, he had was yet more imperious and more violent than himself, he had un esprit pénétrant; il avoit démêlé que les vues spirit penetrating; he † had disentangled that the views man of penetration, and had discovered that the views a a de Flemming et du chancelier de Saxe étoient de of Flemming and of-the chancellor of Saxony † were were of to proposer la paix au Roi de Suède à quelque prix to-propose the peace to-the King of Sweden at some peace to the King of Sweden on any price terms: |