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que ce fût: il forma aussitôt le dessein de les

that it might-be: he formed

as-soon the design of them

he immediately formed the design of anti

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éventa son projet, et obtint qu'on se saisît de made-take-wind his project, and obtained that one oneself might-seize of

discovered his project, and caused

sa personne.

his person. be seized.

his person to

Le Roi Auguste dit au Czar
The King Augustus said to-the Czar

Patkul étoit un perfide



que "that

Augustus told the Czar "that

qui les trahissoit tous

† was a perfidious who them † betrayed all Patkul was a perfidious man who was betraying them

deux." Il n'étoit pourtant coupable que d'avoir He not was for-all-that culpable than of to-have both." He was, however, guilty of nothing but of having


trop bien servi son nouveau maître; mais un service

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rendu mal-à-propos est souvent puni comme une rendered ill-to-the-purpose is often punished unseasonably rendered is often punished as






act of treachery.

Cependant, d'un côté, les soixante et dix mille Nevertheless, of one side, the sixty and ten thousand Meanwhile, on one side, the

seventy thousand

Moscovites, divisés en plusieurs petits corps,


Muscovites, divided into
Russians, divided into many

little bodies, small detachments,

brûloient et ravageoient les terres des partisans de

† burnt and † ravaged the lands of-the partisans of burnt and ravaged the lands of the partisans of



de l'autre, Schulembourg s'avançoit


of the other, Stanislaus; while, on the other, Schulemburg

avec ses nouvelles troupes. La

with his new

with his fresh

troops. The troops.

Suédois dissipa ces deux

himself † advanced advanced





The Swedes, by their constant

armées en moins de deux

Swedes dissipated these two armies in less of two successes, dispersed these two armies in less than two

mois. Charles Douze et Stanislas attaquèrent les

months. Charles Twelve and Stanislaus attacked the months. Charles the Twelfth and Stanislaus attacked the

corps séparés des Moscovites l'un après l'autre;


bodies separate of-the separate corps of Russians

the one after the other; one after another;

mais si vivement, qu'un général Moscovite étoit battu but SO livelily, that a general Muscovite † was beaten but so rapidly, that one Russian general was beaten

avant qu'il sût before that he might-know before he knew

la défaite de son compagnon.

the defeat of his companion. of the defeat of his comrade.

Nul obstacle n'arrêtoit le vainqueur: s'il "se


if it itself

obstacle not † stopped the victor:
No obstacle arrested the conqueror: if

† found

trouvoit une rivière entre les ennemis et lui, Charles river between the enemies and him, Charles and him, Charles



river intervened between the enemy

Douze et ses Suédois la passoit à la nage. Un Twelve and his Swedes her + passed to the swimming.

and his Swedes





parti Suédois prit le bagage d'Auguste, où il y party Swedish took the baggage of Augustus, where it there party of Swedes took the baggage of Augustus, containing

avoit deux cent mille écus d'argent monnoyé.

+ had two hundred thousand crowns of silver coined.

two hundred thousand crowns



Stanislas saisit huit cent mille ducats apparteStanislaus seized eight hundred thousand ducats belongStanislaus seized eight hundred thousand ducats belong


au Prince Menzikoff, général

ing to-the Prince



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made thirty

ing to Prince Menzikoff, a Russian

Charles, à la tête de sa cavalerie,

Charles, at the head of his

Charles, at the head of his cavalry, performed thirty

lieues en vingt-quatre heures, chaque cavalier me

each horseman lead

leagues in twenty-four hours, leagues in twenty-four hours, each horseman lead

nant un cheval en main pour le monter quand le

ing ing

horse in hand for him to-mount when the which he was to mount when his




sien seroit rendu.

his should-be rendered.

own was worn out.

réduits à un

reduced to


Les Moscovites, épouvantés et
The Muscovites,

frightened and Russians, terrified and

petit nombre, fuyoient en désordre


number, + fled in disorder reduced to an inconsiderable number, fled in disorder

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Tandis que Charles chassoit devant lui les Mosco

Whilst that Charles + chased in-front-of him the MuscoWhilst the Russians before

Charles drove

vites jusqu'au fond de la Lithuanie, Schulembourg

vites until to-the bottom of the Lithuania,

Schulemburg Schulemburg

him to the extremity of


repassa enfin l'Oder, et vint à la tête de vingt

repassed at-last the Oder, and came at the head of twenty at length repassed the Oder, and came at the head of twenty

mille hommes présenter la bataille au Grand Maré

thousand men thousand men

to-present the battle to-the Great Mar-
to offer
battle to Grand Mar-

chal Renschild, qui passoit pour le meilleur général

shal Renschild, who † passed for the best shal Renschild, who was esteemed the best

general general

de Charles Douze, et que l'on appeloit le “Par

of Charles

Twelve, and whom the one + called the "Par

of Charles the Twelfth, and

was called the "Par

ménion de l'Alexandre du Nord."
of the Alexander of-the North."
menio of the Alexander of the North."


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Ces deux

These two
These two

participer à la

to-participate to the to participate in the

rencontrèrent assez

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près de Punitz, dans un lieu nommé Frauenstadt,


near of Punitz, in
place named
far from Punitz, in a place called Frauenstadt,

territoire déjà fatal aux troupes d'Auguste. Ren

territory already fatal to-the
troops of Augustus. Ren-
a spot already fatal to the troops of Augustus.


schild n'avoit que treize bataillons et vingt-deux
schild not + had than thirteen battalions and twenty-two
schild had only
thirteen battalions and twenty-two

escadrons, qui faisoient en tout près de dix mille

squadrons, which made in all near of ten thousand

squadrons, making in all near




ten thousand

Schulembourg en avoit une fois autant.


of-them had one time as-much. had double that number.


Il est à remarquer, qu'il y avoit dans son armée

It is to to-remark, that it there + had in his army
It is to be observed,
was in his army

un corps de
body of



that there

six à sept mille Moscovites, que

six to

seven thousand Muscovites,


corps of from six to seven thousand Russians, who

l'on avoit long-temps disciplinés en Saxe, et sur the one † had long-time disciplined in Saxony, and upon had long been disciplined in Saxony, and who

lesquels on comptoit comme sur des soldats aguer

the-whom one † counted

as upon of-the soldiers renderedsoldiers inured

were relied upon as

ris, qui joignoient la férocité Russienne à la disciwarlike, who + joined the ferocity Russian to the discito war, and uniting ferocity with Ger


pline Allemande. Cette bataille de Frauenstadt








discipline. The battle of Frauenstadt

se donna le douze de Février, mille sept cents

herself gave the twelve of February, thousand seven hundreds took place on the twelfth of February, seventeen hundred

six; mais ** ce même général Schulembourg, qui : six; but that same general Schulemburg, who and six; but that very who

General Schulemburg, avec quatre mille hommes avoit en quelque façon

+ had in some men had in some

four thousand men
with four thousand



Suède, succomba

trompé la fortune du Roi de
deceived the fortune of-the King of Sweden,
balked the fortune of the King of




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lasted last

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quarter-of-hour; the


ne ré

not re

a quarter of an hour; the Saxons did not

sistèrent pas un moment; les Moscovites jetèrent

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dès qu'ils virent les Suédois: from-the-time that they saw their arms as soon as they

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the fright was so sudden, and the disorder SO great, the panic was so sudden, and the confusion so great,

que les vainqueurs trouvèrent sur le champ de

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bataille sept mille fusils tous chargés, qu'on avoit

battle seven thousand muskets all loaded, which one + had

battle seven thousand muskets, which had been thrown down

jetés à terre sans tirer. Jamais déroute ne fut plus

thrown to earth without to-draw. without


rout not was more

even being fired.

Never was there a rout more

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