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duit sur le lieu: "J'ai tâché,” dit-il,


upon the

spot: "I have tried,"

said he,

l'eut con

him had con


❝ de vivre

"of to-live

ducted to the spot: "I have tried," said he, "to


comme lui, Dieu m'accordera peut-être un jour he, God to-me will-grant like him, perhaps God


une mort aussi glorieuse."

a death

a death



glorious." as glorious."

De ce camp il

From this camp he

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aux états de Saxe, to-the states of Saxony,

From this camp he issued orders to the states of Saxony,

s'assembler et de lui envoyer sans délai les of themselves to-assemble and of to-him to-send without delay the and send him

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finances of the electorate. From-the-time that he finances of the electorate. As soon as he

les eut en son pouvoir, et qu'il fut informé au juste them had in his power, and that he was informed to-the just had them in his power, and was accurately informed de ce que la Saxe pouvoit fournir, il la taxa à of that which the Saxony was-able to-furnish, he her taxed of what Saxony was able to furnish, he taxed her at

six cent




vingt-cinq mille risdales par mois. twenty-five thousand rix-dollars by month. six hundred and twenty-five thousand rix-dollars a month.

Outre cette contribution, les Saxons furent obligés de

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viande, deux livres de pain, deux pots de bière, et two pounds of bread, two pots of beer, and meat, two pounds of bread, two pots of beer, and du fourage pour of-the forage for forage for

quatre sous par jour, avec


four four sous

by day,


a day, together with

Les contributions

la cavalerie.

the cavalry.

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ainsi réglées, le thus regulated, the

the cavalry. The contributions being thus fixed, the

Roi établit une nouvelle police pour garantir les King established a police for to-guarantee the King established a new police to secure the


Saxons des insultes de ses soldats; il ordonna dans
Saxons from-the insults of his soldiers; he ordered
Saxons from the insults of his soldiers; he ordered, in


toutes les villes où il mit garnison, que chaque hôte the towns where he put garrison, that each all the towns which he had garrisoned, that every host



chez qui les soldats logeroient donneroit des at-the-home-of whom the soldiers should-lodge should-give of-the in whose house soldiers should be billeted, should give

certificats de leur

conduite, faute de quoi, le conduct, in-default of that-which, the certificates of their good conduct, in default of which the

certificates of their

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all the

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specteurs alloient tous les quinze jours, de maison en fifteen days, from house into were to go every fortnight, from house to

spectors † went spectors

maison, s'informer si les Suédois n'avoient point themselves to-inform if the Swedes not † had

house, to inquire whether the Swedes



de dégâts. Ils avoient soin de déof spoliations. They committed any acts of spoliation. They


+ had

care of to-com


care to indem

dommager les hôtes, et de punir les coupables.
the hosts, and of to-punish the guilty.
nify the hosts, and to punish the offenders.


On sait sous quelle discipline sévère vivoient

One knows under what
It is known under what

+ lived

discipline severe severe discipline the troops

les troupes de Charles Douze; qu'elles ne pilloient the troops of -Charles Twelve ; that they not + pillaged of Charles the Twelfth lived; that they did not plunder pas les villes prises d'assaut, avant d'en avoir reçu

* the towns taken of assault, before of of-it to-have received

the town they stormed, until they received la permission; qu'elles alloient même au pillage that they/ + went that they


permission; permission;

avec ordre,




even to-the pillage went to the pillage

et le quittoient au premier si

and him + quitted


first sig

in an orderly manner, and desisted from it at the first sig

gnal. Les Suédois se vantent encore aujourd'hui

The Swedes themselves
nal. The Swedes

de la discipline qu'ils
of the discipline which they
of the discipline which they
cependant les Saxons

boast still


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observèrent en Saxe; et in Saxony; and maintained in Saxony;

se plaignent des dé

nevertheless the Saxons themselves complain of-the spolia

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tions frightful


which they

complain of the frightful

y commirent; contradic

which they there committed;




tions qu'il seroit impossible de concilier, si l'on

tions which it would-be

impossible of to-conciliate, if the one to reconcile, if we

tions which it would be impossible

ne savoit combien les hommes voient différemment

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the same objects. It was hardly to be expected that the

vainqueurs n'abusassent quelquefois de leurs droits, victors not might-abuse



of their rights, would not sometimes abuse their rights,

et que les vaincus ne prissent les plus légères

and that the

or that the

vanquished not might-take the
conquered should not regard the

lésions pour des brigandages barbares.
injuries for of-the robberies

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most light slightest

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le Roi se promenant à cheval près de Leipsic,

the King himself moving-forward to horse
the King
was riding on horseback

un paysan Saxon vint



peasant Saxon came himself

a Saxon peasant

lui demander justice d'un

to-him to-ask

on a

near of Leipsig, near Leipsig,

jeter à ses pieds, pour

to-throw at his feet, for himself at his feet,

grenadier qui venoit lui

justice of a grenadier who † came to-him imploring justice grenadier who had just destiné pour le dîner de sa

enlever ce qui étoit

to-bear-off that which † was taken from him what was to serve as the dinner for his

destined for the dinner of his

famille. Le Roi fit venir le soldat: "Est-il vrai,' family. The King made to-come the soldier: family. The King sent for the soldier:

dit-il, d'un visage sévère, said he, of a countenance severe, said he, with a severe countenance,

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"Is it true," "Is it true,"

que vous avez volé you have robbed


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"that you have robbed

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que votre Majesté en a

as your Majesty done him so great an injury as your Majesty

of-him has


fait à son maître; vous lui avez ôté un roy

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you to-him have taken-away a kingyou have taken away a kingdom from

aume, et je n'ai pris à ce manant qu'un dindon.”

dom, and I not have taken to this clown than a turkey." him, and I have taken only a turkey from this clown." Le Roi donna dix ducats de sa main au paysan, The King gave ten ducats of his hand to-the peasant, The King gave the peasant ten ducats with his own hand,

et pardonna au soldat en and pardoned to-the soldier in and pardoned the soldier in

du bon-mot, of-the good-word, of his



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lui disant: "Souviens-


retort, at the same time saying to him:

toi, mon ami, que si j'ai ôté un royaume au thee, my friend, that if I have taken-away a kingdom to-the my friend, that if I have deprived King Augustus of a


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Roi Auguste, je n'en ai rien pris pour moi."
King Augustus, I not of-him have nothing taken for
kingdom, I have taken no part of it for myself."

La grande foire de Leipsic Ise tint comme à

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l'ordinaire; les marchands y vinrent avec une sûreté

the ordinary; the merchants there came

with a security

usual; the merchants repaired to it with


entière; on ne vit pas un soldat Suédois dans la

one not saw


a soldier Swedish

in the

entire ; security; not a single Swedish soldier was seen in the


Roi de

foire: on dit que l'armée du fair: one might-have said that the army fair: it might have been said that the army of the King of

Suède n'étoit en Saxe que pour

Sweden not + was in Saxony than for
Sweden occupied Saxony

servation du pays.
servation of-the country.
servation of the country.

of-the King of

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Pologne, privé

Le Roi Auguste, errant dans la
The King Augustus, wandering in the Poland,
King Augustus, wandering about

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deprived deprived 2 N

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