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arrêté prisonnier par son allié. Dans cette circonstopped prisoner by his ally. taken



prisoner by his ally.

circumthis criti

stance délicate l'armée




se trouva en présence


found in


delicate the army conjuncture the army suddenly came up with

d'un des généraux Suédois, nommé Meyerfeld, qui generals Swedish, named Meyerfeld, who generals, named Meyerfeld, who

of one
one of the


étoit à la tête de dix mille hommes à Calish,

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près du palatinat de Posnanie. Le prince Men

near of-the palatinate of Posnania.

near the palatinate of Posnania.

The prince Men

Prince Men

battle. }

zikoff pressa le Roi Auguste de donner bataille. zikoff pressed the King Augustus of to-give zinkoff pressed Augustus to give battle.

Le roi très embarrassé différa sous divers préThe king very embarrassed deferred under divers preThe king, greatly embarrassed, deferred under various pre

textes; car quoique les ennemis fussent trois fois for although the enemies might-be three times texts; for although the enemy's force was three times


moins forts que lui, il y avoit quatre mille

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

assez pour rendre l'événement douteux.

enough for to-render the event sufficient to render the event

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bataille aux Suédois pendant les négociations, et la Swedes during the negotiations, and her Swedes pending the negotiations, and to

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it was to-hollow the abyss where he
was to deepen the abyss into which he had fallen: he

prit le

parti d'envoyer un homme de confiance

took the determination of to-send took the resolution of sending

au général ennemi, pour to-the general hostile, for to the enemy's general, to



of confidence

a confidential person



donner part du

to-give part of-the

communicate to him

secret de la paix, et l'avertir


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secret of the peace,
secret of the peace, and to give him notice

and him to-advertise of himself

to-retire; to retire ;

mais cet avis eut un effet tout contraire à ce qu'il .but this advice had an effect all contrary to that which he but this suggestion had an effect totally contrary to what he

Le général Meyerfeld crut qu'on

en attendoit. of-him texpected. The general expected.


that one

Meyerfeld believed Meyerfeld believed that it

lui tendoit un piége pour l'intimider; sur cela

to-him stretched a was a scheme

seul il se

alone he himself

reason alone,



snare for
laid to

him to-intimidate; upon that intimidate him; and for that

résolut à risquer le combat.

resolved to to-risk the combat.
resolved to risk
a battle.

Les Moscovites vainquirent ce jour là les Suédois

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bataille rangée pour la première fois.
battle ranged for the

in a pitched battle for the

first time. This

victoire, que le Roi Auguste remporta presque

victory, which the King Augustus

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au milieu de sa mauvaise fortune, dans Varsovie,

to-the middle of his


fortune, into


of his ill-fortune, he made a triumphant entry into

autrefois sa capitale;

other-time his capital; his former capital, Warsaw ;

ville alors démantelée et

city then

dismantled and dismantled and

ruinée, prête à recevoir le vainqueur, quel qu'il


whom that he

ruined, ready to to-receive the ruined, ready to receive the conqueror, be he whom he fût, et à reconnoître le plus fort pour son roi. might-be, and to to-recognize the most strong for his king. might, and to acknowledge the strongest king.

Il fut tenté de

He was tempted of
He was tempted to


saisir ce moment de prospérité, to-seize this moment of prosperity, seize this moment of prosperity

et d'aller attaquer en Saxe le Roi de Suède avec and of to-go to-attack in Saxony the King of Sweden with to lead the Russian army to attack the King of Sweden Mais ayant réfléchi que Charles But having reflected that Charles reflecting that Charles

l'armée Moscovite.

the army





Douze étoit à la tête d'une armée Suédoise,
+ was at the head of an
was at the head of a

Twelve the Twelfth


Swedish, Swedish army,

jusqu'alors invincible; que les Moscovites l'aban

until then


that the


hitherto invincible; that the

donneroient au premier bruit de son traité




him on the first

him wouldwould de



noise of his treaty rumour of the treaty he had set

mencé; que la Saxe, son pays héréditaire, déjà.

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également par les
equally by the Swedes and by the
equally by the Swedes and by

que l'Empire, occupé de la guerre
that the Empire, occupied of the
that the Empire, engrossed by

France, ne, pouvoit le

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dwell without states, without silver,

sans états, sans argent, sans amis


without friends; thus be left without states, without money, and without friends;

il conçut qu'il

he conceived he felt

falloit fléchir sous la loi qu'im

that it was-necessary to-bend-down under the law which +imthat he must bow to the law imposed

posoit le Roi de Suède. Cette loi ne devint posed the King of Sweden. upon him by the King of Sweden.

This law not became This law became

que plus dure quand Charles eut appris que le Roi

than more hard


Charles had learnt that the King learned that

still more rigorous when Charles

Auguste avoit attaqué ses troupes pendant la négoAugustus + had attacked his troops had attacked his troops


ciation. tiation.

Sa colère et le

His anger and the tiation. His anger, and the



pending the nego

during the nego

plaisir d'humilier

pleasure of to-humble pleasure of humbling still

un ennemi qui venoit

an enemy who + came

de le vain

from him to-van

more completely an enemy who had just beaten

cre, le rendirent plus inflexible

quish, him


him, rendered him

articles du traité.

articles of-the treaty.

articles of the treaty.

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guste ne servit qu'à rendre sa situation plus mal


gustus not served than to to-render his situation more tory served only to render his situation more dis

heureuse, ce qui peut-être n'étoit jamais arrivé

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Il venoit de faire chanter le Te Deum dans

from to-make to-sing the Te Deum

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Varsovie, lorsque Fingstein, l'un de ses plénipo

Warsaw, Warsaw,

when-that Fingstein, the one of his plenipoone of his plenipo


Fingstein, tentiaires, arriva de Saxe avec tentiaries, arrived from Saxony with tentiaries, arrived from Saxony

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ce traité de paix that treaty of peace the treaty of peace

Auguste hésita, mais
Augustus hesitated, but
Augustus hesitated, but

pour la Saxe, dans la
for the Saxony, in the
for Saxony, in the

vaine espérance que sa présence pourroit fléchir le hope that his presence would-be-able to-bend-down the vain hope that his presence might soften the


Roi de Suède, et que son ennemi se
King of Sweden, and that his enemy
King of Sweden, and that his


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would per

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† united.

houses, and of-the blood which them
houses, and the blood by which they were connected.

Ces deux princes se virent pour la première

These two princes themselves saw

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These two sovereigns saw each other for the first

fois dans un lieu nommé Gutersdorf; au quartier

time in

a place named

time in a place called

Gutersdorf; at-the quarter Gutersdorf; they met with

du Comte Piper, sans aucune cérémonie. Charles


of-the Count Piper, without any
out the slightest ceremony, at Count Piper's quarters.

Charles Charles

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black, which to-bim † pressed-close the

a black silk handkerchief tied tight round 'his

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