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reux, qui n'a presque ni printemps ni automne ous, which not has almost neither spring

scarcely either

which has L'hiver y règne

The winter there reigns Winter reigns there chaleurs de l'

heats of the heats of



spring or autumn.

neuf mois de l'année; les


nine months of the year; during nine months of the year; the


summer summer

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froid excessif, et il y gèle

all-at-stroke to a succeed to

dès le mois

cold excessive, and it there freezes from-the-time-of the month extreme cold, and the frost sets in in the month

d' Octobre,






sans ces gradations insensibles
without those gradations insensible

October, without those insensible gradations of temperature

amènent ailleurs les saisons, et en rendent the seasons, and of-them render

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which, in other countries, lead on the seasons, and render

le changement plus doux.

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pense, a donné à ce climat rude un ciel serein,

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qui durent à proportion

which continue to proportion

the duration of which is encreased in proportion

que le soleil s'éloigne plus de la Suède; et la himself distances more from the Sweden; and the from Sweden; and the

that the sun as the sun


lumière de la lune, qui n'y est obscurcie par

light of the moon, which not there light of the moon,


is obscured by unobscured by

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de la neige qui couvre la terre, et très souvent par of the snow which covers the earth, and very often by of the snow which covers the earth, and frequently by

des feux semblables à la lumière zodiacale, fait

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of-the fires

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to the


zodiacal, makes

coruscations resembling the aurora borealis,


that one it as easy to

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[blocks in formation]

jour. Les bestiaux y sont plus petits que dans les

cattle there are more small than in the smaller than in the

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de pâturage. Les hommes y sont plus grands.

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The serenity of the atmosphere renders them healthy; the

rigueur du climat les fortifie; ils vivent


rigour of-the climate them strengthens;
severity of the climate strengthens them; and they



même plus longtemps que les autres hommes, quand

even more long-time than the other

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des liqueurs fortes et des vins, que les natio of-the liquors strong and of-the wines,


wine and strong liquors,

which the nations which the norther

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faits, robustes, agiles, capables de soutenir les ph agile, capable of to-sustain the made, robust, robust, agile, capable of sustaining the

made, robust,

grands travaux, la faim, et la misère; nés erlabours, the hunger, and the misery born


greatest fatigue, hunger, and poverty warriors from riers, pleins de fierté, plus braves qu'industrieux, full of pride, more brave than their birth, high-spirited, brave rather than industrious,



ayant longtemps négligé et cultivant mal aujourd'hui having long-time neglected and cultivating ill to-day. long entirely negligent of commerce, and still unskilled in the

le commerce, qui seul pourroit leur donner ce qui

the commerce, which alone could-be-able to-them to-give that which pursuit of it, though it is the only means by which they can

manque à leur pays.

is-wanting to their country.

obtain what their own country does not supply.

C'est prin-
It is prin-
It was prin

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multitudes de Goths qui inondèrent l'Europes

multitudes swarms


of Goths who
of Goths who inundated

l'arrachèrent à l'Empire Romain,



to the Empire


wrested it from

the Roman empire,

the Europe, Europe and

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1° avoit été cinq cents années l'usurpateur, le légis+ had been five hundreds years the usurper, the legisfor five centuries had been its

lateur, et le tyran.

lator, and the tyrant. lator, and its tyrant.

usurper, its legis

Les pays septentrionaux

The countries



northern countries

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probre que la stérilité et l'oisiveté; et qu'aussi lagrace than the barrenness and the idleness; and that as hardgrace, but barrenness and idleness; and being as la

borieuses et aussi robustes que les hommes, elles en

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

working and as borious and

men, they of-it men,

étoient plutôt et plus longtemps fécondes.
† were more-soon and more long-time
were earlier and


longer prolific.



Suède fut toujours libre jusqu'au milieu du quaSweden was always free until to-the middle of-the fourSweden was always free until the middle of the four

torzième siècle. Dans ce long espace de temps, le In this long space of time, the century. In this long period of time, the

teenth century. teenth

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toutes les innovations furent en faveur de la liberté. the innovations were in favour of the liberty. the innovations were in favour of liberty.

all all

Leur premier magistrat eut le nom de Roi; magistrate had the name of King; magistrate had the name


Their first
Their chief


of King; a title

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en France, en


for in France,
for in France and

absolu; absolute;

invested with absolute

et en Pologne, en Suède, en Angleterre,
and in Poland, in Sweden, in England,
Sweden, and


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nothing without the


Ce roi ne pouvoit

This king not † was-able

The king could do

sénat; et le sénat

senate; and the senate

nothing without the concurrence of the senate; and the senate

dépendoit des états-généraux, que


+ depended was dependent on the

voquoit souvent.

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† were the



the nobles,

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the deputies

the bishops, and the deputies of the cities:

avec le temps

with the time in the course of time

on y admit les paysans même, one there admitted the peasants

peasants were also admitted,


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