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les droits, l'appeloient le martyr de la liberté de son the rights, him called the martyr of the liberty of his her rights, called him a martyr to the liberties of his

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personne sacrée.

person person







ought to have rendered his

The sole King of sacred. The King of Sweden

dans les principes du despotisme, in the principles of-the despotism, principles of despotism,


Suède, élevé

Sweden, raised-up alone, reared

crut n'avoir

believed not to-have

thought he had only

fait qu'un acte de justice, tandis que toute l'Europe done than an act of justice, whilst that all the Europe done an act of justice, while all Europe

condamnoit sa cruauté.

+ condemned his cruelty.

condemned his cruelty.

Ses membres, coupés en quartiers, restèrent ex

His limbs,
His body,

posés sur des
posed upon of-the
posed upon


into quarters, cut into quarters,

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remained ex

mille sept

thousand seven

posts until the year seventeen

cents treize, 'qu'Auguste, étant remonté sur thirteen, that Augustus, being remounted upon hundred and thirteen, when Augustus, having re-ascended


son trône, fit rassembler ces témoignages de la

his throne, made to-reassemble these his throne,

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nécessité 16 où il avoit été réduit à Altranstad; on necessity where he had been reduced at Altranstadt; one necessity to which he had been reduced at Altranstadt; they

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

présence de Buzenval, envoyé de France. Le

presence of Buzenval,

the presence of Buzenval,


envoy from France.
the French envoy. The

Roi de Pologne montrant la cassette à
King of Poland

King of


showing the pointed out the

ce little-chest to that mi


box to that mi

nistre, "Voilà," lui

dit-il simplement, "les membres

nister, "See-there," to-him said he simply, "the limbs

nister, and merely de Patkul,"

of Patkul,"



"Those are the remains

sans rien ajouter pour blâmer ou without nothing to-add


Patkul." He added nothing either in

pour plaindre sa mémoire, et sans


for to-pity
in pity to his

memory, and without

to-blame or

reproach or

que personne that nobody

nor did any


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Environ ce temps-là, un Livonien, nommé Paithat time there, a Livonian, named Paia Livonian, named Pai

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fait prisonnier, les armes à la main, venoit d'être made prisoner, the arms to the hand, taken prisoner with arms in his hand,

had just been

jugé à mort à Stockholm par arrêt du sénat; judged to death to Stockholm by arrest of-the senate; condemned to death at Stockholm by a decree of the senate; mais il n'avoit été condamné qu'à perdre la tête.

but he not had been condemned than to to-lose the head. but he

was sentenced only to lose his head.

Cette différence de supplice dans le même cas, of punishment in This difference of punishment for the same offence,



the same


faisoit trop voir que Charles, en faisant périr † made too-much to-see that Charles, in making to-perish too clearly showed that Charles, putting Patkul d'une mort si cruelle, avoit plus songé à

Patkul of a Patkul to so

se venger

death So cruel, cruel a death,


himself to-avenge than to


† had more been-mindful to had been influenced rather



by the desire of vengeance than of justice.

Quoi qu'il en soit,

What that it of-it may-be,
Be that as it may,

Paikel, après sa condamnation, fit proposer au Paikel, after his condemnation, made to-propose to-the Paikel, after his sentence, made a proposition to the


sénat de donner au roi le secret de faire de senate of to-give to-the king the secret of to-make of the gold, senate to impart to the king the secret of making

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si on vouloit lui pardonner: il fit faire l'expéif one + willed to-him to-pardon : he made to-make the expeon condition of obtaining his pardon : he made

the expe

rience de son secret dans la prison, en présence du riment of his secret in the prison, in riment of his secret in

presence of-the

prison, in the presence of

colonel Hamilton et des magistrats de la ville;

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magistrates of the city; magistrates of the city;

et soit qu'il eût and let-be that he might-have in effect discovered and whether he had actually discovered some useful

en effet découvert quelque art

utile, soit qu'il

useful, let-be that he art, or whether



n'eût que celui de tromper

not might-have than
he had only that of deceiving

that-him of to-deceive

habilement, (ce qui est beaucoup plus vraisembla

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ble,) on porta à la monnoie de Stockholm l'or qui ly,) one carried to the mint of Stockholm the gold which ble,) some gold which was found in the crucible at the conclusion

se trouva dans le creuset à la fin de l'expérience;


found in the crucible at the end of the experiment; of the experiment was actually carried to the mint of Stockholm ;

et on en fit au sénat un rapport si juridique, a report SO juridical,

and one of-her made to-the senate

and a report so legally authenticated, and apparently so impor

et qui parut si important, and which appeared SO important, tant, was made

que la reine,

to the senate,

that the that the


queen, the

aïeule de Charles, ordonna de suspendre l'exé

grandmother of Charles, ordered of

grandmother of Charles,

to-suspend the exeordered the execution to be sus

cution jusqu'à ce que le Roi, informé de cette


until to that that the King, informed pended until the King should be informed


this of this

singularité, envoyât ses ordres à Stockholm. singularity, might-send his orders to Stockholm. singular fact, and send his orders to Stockholm.

Le Roi répondit, "qu'il avoit refusé à ses amis

The King answered,

The King answered,

"that he had

refused to his friends

"that he had refused the pardon of

la grace du criminel, et qu'il n'accorderoit jamais


grace of-the


and that he not would-grant


the criminal to his friends, and that he would never grant



to pecuniary

l'amitié." the friendship."

l'intérêt ce qu'il n'avoit pas donné à

the interest


that which he

what he

not † had * given to had withheld from

Cette inflexibilité eut quelque chose


friendship." This

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tant d'indifférence pour la pierre phi

Sweden may-have so-much of indifference

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for the stone phito the philosopher's 2 Q

losophale; il l'a trouvée en Saxe." losophical; he her has found in Saxony." he has found it in Saxony."


Quand le Czar eut apris l'étrange paix que le Roi When the Czar had learnt the strange peace which the King When the Czar learned the strange peace which King Auguste, malgré leurs traités, avoit conclue à

Augustus, in-spite-of their treaties, + had concluded at Augustus, notwithstanding their treaties, had concluded at

Altranstad, et que Patkul, son ambassadeur plénipo

Altranstadt, and that Patkul, his Altranstadt, and that Patkul, his

ambassador ambassador


tentiaire, avoit été livré au Roi de Suède, au tentiary, † had been given-up to-the King of Sweden, to-the tentiary, had been given up to the King of Sweden, in des lois des nations, il fit éclater ses


contempt of-the laws of-the utter disregard of the laws of

nations, he made to-break-forth his nations, he addressed loud

plaintes dans toutes les cours de l'Europe: il écrivit

complaints in all the courts of the Europe⚫ he wrote complaints to all the courts of Europe: he wrote

à l'Empereur d'Allemagne, à la Reine d'Angleterre, to the Emperor of Germany, to the Queen of England, to the Emperor of Germany, to the Queen of England,

aux États-généraux des Provinces-unies; il appe

to-the States-general of-the

to the


Provinces-united; he † callStates-general of the United Provinces; he cha

lâcheté et perfidie, la nécessité douloucowardice and perfidy, the necessity grievracterised as cowardice and perfidy, the grievous neces


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d'interposer leur

conjura toutes ces puissances




conjured all these


of to-interpose powers to interpose their

médiation pour lui faire rendre son ambassadeur,


for to-him to-make to-render his


mediation to cause his ambassador to be restored to him,

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