et pour prévenir l'affront qu'on alloit faire, en and for to-prevent the affront which one † went to-make, in and to prevent the insult which was going to be offered, in sa personne, à toutes les têtes couronnées; il les his person, to all the heads crowned; his person, to all he them crowned heads; he besought pressa, par le motif de leur honneur, de ne pas pressed, by the motive of their honour, of not them, for the sake of their honour, not to * s'avilir jusqu'à donner de la paix d'Altran of the peace of Altran themselves to-debase until to to give stad une garantie, que Charles stadt a to the Douze leur Twelve to-them guarantee, which Charles peace of Altranstadt, which Charles the Twelfth was trying to arrachoit en menaçant. Ces lettres n'eurent † snatched in threatening. extort from them by threats. These letters not were d'autre effet que de mieux faire voir la puissance of other effect than of better to-make to-see the power other effect than to show more clearly the power L'Empereur, l'Angleterre, et The Emperor, the England, and The Emperor, England, and du Roi de Suède. of-the King of Sweden. of the King of Sweden. la Hollande, avoient alors the Holland, à soutenir contre la cérémonie de la garantie d'un traité. guarantee of a treaty. À l'égard du malheureux Patkul, il n'y eut pas * To the regard of-the unhappy une a a single puissance qui interposât ses bons offices power who might-interpose her good offices power which would interpose its good offices en sa faveur, et qui ne fit voir combien peu in his favour, and who not might-make to-see how-well little in his favour, or which did not afford proof how little un sujet doit compter sur des rois. a subject owes a subject has to-count upon of-the kings. On proposa dans le conseil du Czar, d'user de représailles envers les officiers Suédois, prisonof reprisals towards the officers Swedish, prisonreprisals on the Swedish officers, prison niers à Moscou; le Czar ne voulut point consentir à to ers at Moscow; the Czar not willed ers at Moscow; the Czar would not * to-consent consent une barbarie, qui eût eu des suites si barbarity, which might-have had of-the sequels so to an act of barbarity, which might have been attended with such a funestes: fatal: il y avoit plus de Moscovites pri it there † had more of Muscovites priRussians pri fatal consequences: there were more sonniers en Suède, que de Suédois en Moscovie. soners in Sweden, than of Swedes in Muscovy. soners in Sweden, than Swedes in Russia. Il chercha une vengeance plus utile. La grande a He sought armée de son ennemi étoit en Levenhaupt, général du Roi de Suède, qui étoit Levenhaupt, general of-the King of Sweden, who was Levenhaupt, one of the King of Sweden's generals, who had resté en Pologne à la tête d'environ vingt mille remained in Poland at the head of about twenty thousand remained in Poland at the head of about twenty thousand hommes, ne pouvoit garder les passages dans un men, not + was-able to-guard the passages men, was unable to guard the passes in a a of pays sans forteresses et plein de factions. Stanis country without fortresses and full of factions. country without fortresses and divided by factions. Stanis Stanis las étoit au camp de Charles Douze. L'Em laus † was at-the camp of Charles laus was at the camp of Charles the Twelfth. pereur Moscovite saisit cette conjoncture, et renMuscovite seizes this conjuncture, and re-enperor of Russia seized this conjuncture, and re-en peror tre en Pologne avec plus de soixante mille ters into Poland tered with more of sixty thousand Poland with more than sixty thousand hommes: il les sépare en plusieurs corps, et bodies, and men: he them separates into several men: he divided them into several detachments, and marche avec un camp volant jusqu'à Léopold, où il marches with a camp flying until to Leopold, where it marched with a flying camp as far as Leopold, where n'y avoit point de garnison Suédoise. towns in Poland are at the mercy of any one who pre présente à leurs portes avec des troupes. presents at their gates with of-the troops. sents himself at their gates with convoquer une assemblée à Léopold, telle à-peu-près to-convoke an assembly at Leopold, such nearly convoked an assembly at Leopold, composed of nearly qui avoit détrôné Auguste who † had dethroned Augustus the same members as the one which had dethroned Augustus à Varsovie. at Warsaw. at Warsaw. La Pologne avoit alors deux primats, aussi The Poland † had then two primates, as at that time two primates, as bien que deux rois; l'un de la nomination d'Auwell as two kings; the one of the well as two kings; the one guste, l'autre de celle de nomination of Au nominated by AuStanislas. Le primat gustus, the other of that-her of Stanislaus. gustus, the other by The primate Stanislaus. The nommé par Auguste convoqua l'assemblée de Léonamed by Augustus convoked the assembly of Leo former convoked the assembly of Leo pold, où se rendirent tous ceux que ce prince pold, where themselves rendered all those whom that prince pold, which was attended by all those whom that prince avoit abandonnés par + had abandoned by had la paix d'Altranstad, the peace of Altranstadt, deserted by concluding the peace of Altranstadt, et ceux que l'argent du Czar avoit gagnés. On gained. One It was and those whom the silver of-the Czar † had y proposa d'élire un nouveau souverain. Il s'en fallut peu que la Pologne n'eût alors itself of-it was-necessary little that the Poland land was then within a very not might-have then little of having trois rois, sans qu'on eût pu dire quel three kings, without that one might-have been-able to-say which three kings, nor could any one have determined which eût été le véritable. might-have been the veritable. was the true one. Pendant les conférences de Léopold, le Czar, lié During the conferences of During the conferences of Leopold, the Czar, bound d'intérêt avec l'Empereur d'Allemagne, par la crainte of interest with the Emperor of Germany, by the by common interest, and common fear of the King fear commune où ils étoient du Roi de Suède, obtint common where they † were of-the King of Sweden, obtained of Sweden, to the Emperor of Germany, secretly secrètement qu'on lui envoyât beaucoup d'officiers secretly that one to-him might-send many prevailed Allemands. German. officers. of officers upon him to send him a great number of German Ceux-ci venoient de jour en jour These-here † came and augmenter considérablement ses forces, en apportant considerably his forces, in bringing considerably increased his strength, by bringing to-augment avec eux la discipline et l'expérience. Il les en with them the discipline and the experience. with them discipline and experience. He them tenHe induced gageoit à son service par des libéralités; et pour gaged to his service by of-the liberalities; and for them to enter his service by his liberality; and mieux encourager ses propres troupes, il donna son better to-encourage his own to encourage his cwn troops, he gave his troops, he gave his portrait enrichi de diamans aux officiers généraux portrait enriched of diamonds to-the officers general officers portrait enriched with diamonds to the general et aux colonels qui avoient combattu à la bataille and to-the colonels who † had and the colonels who had combated at the battle fought at the battle de Calish: les officiers subalternes eurent des mé of Calish: the officers of Calish: the subaltern dailles d'or, dals of gold, subaltern had of-the me officers had gold les simples soldats en eurent the simple soldiers of-them had silver medals, and the private soldiers d'argent. Ces monumens de la victoire de Calish of silver. ones. These monuments of the victory of Calish furent tous frappés dans sa nouvelle ville de Péters- were new city of Peterscity of Peters new |