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du ministre. Il en parloit à Auguste; mais

of-the minister. of the minister.

He of-it † spoke to Augustus; but
He was speaking of it to Augustus; but

Charles entra tout botté dans la chambre, avant
Charles entered all booted into the chamber, before
Charles entered the


booted, before

qu'Auguste eût eu même le temps de revenir de that Augustus might-have had even the time of to-come-back from Augustus time to recover from

had even

sa surprise. Il étoit malade alors, et en robe de

his surprise. his surprise.

Het was sick
He was at that time ill, and in his dress-

then, and in robe of

chambre: il s'habilla en hâte. Charles dé

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* employa à les parcourir, un




Livonian, who had been pro

employed to them to-run-through, a Livonian,

employed in looking at them, a

scrit en Suède, qui servoit dans les troupes de

scribed in Sweden, who † served scribed in Sweden, and had

in the troops of entered the Saxon


Saxe, crut que jamais il ne s'offriroit une occaSaxony, believed that ever it not itself would-offer an army, thinking that no more favourable opportunity of obtaining sion plus favorable d'obtenir sa grace; il conjura le sion more favourable of to-obtain his grace; ⚫ his pardon could possibly present itself,

Roi Auguste de la demander à Charles,
King Augustus of her to-ask to Charles,

he conjured the conjured

bien sûr



Augustus to request it of Charles, in the assurance


2 U

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cendance à un prince à qui il venoit d'ôter

scension to a prince to whom he + came from to-take-away prince whom he had just deprived of




une couronne, et entre les mains duquel il étoit



crown, and between the hands

and in

of-the-whom he † was whose power he was

dans ce moment. Auguste se chargea aisément

in this moment. at that moment.


Augustus himself charged easily readily undertook de cette affaire. Il étoit un peu éloigné du Roi

of this the

affair. affair.


He + was
little distanced from-the King
He was at a little distance from the King

de Suède, et s'entretenoit avec

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connoissez pas," repartit le général Hord, "il vous ," rejoined the general Hord, "he to-you replied General Hord, " he will

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refusera plutôt ici que par-tout ailleurs." Au

[blocks in formation]

guste ne laissa pas de
gustus, however, was not deterred from asking


not left


termes pressans la grace du Livonien.

of-the Livonian.

terms pressing the grace pressing terms for a pardon for the Livonian.

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la refusa d'une manière à ne pas se la faire

her refused of


to not manner


to-himself her to-make

refused it in such a manner as to make it impossible demander une seconde fois. Après avoir passé

to-ask to ask it



second time.

After to-have passed

second time. After passing quelques heures dans cette étrange visite, il emin this strange visit, he em: some hours in this strange visit, he em



brassa le Roi Auguste et partit. Il trouva, en braced the King Augustus and departed. He found, in braced King Augustus and departed. On rejoining

rejoignant son armée, tous ses généraux encore en rejoining his army, all his his army, he found all his generals still in

alarmes; ils lui dirent qu'ils

alarms; they to-him said

alarm; they told


generals still


† counted


that they
they hey had made up their minds

assiéger Dresde, en cas qu'on eût retenu sa
to-besiege Dresden, in
to besiege Dresden, in

Majesté prisonnière.

Majesty tained




not would-dare."


that one might-have retained his case his Majesty were de"Bon!" dit le Roi, "Good!" said the King, “ Oh,"


on "one

said the King, "they

Le lendemain, sur la nouvelle qu'on

The morrow, upon the news that one would not have dared." The next day, when they received intelli

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ordinaire à Dresde, "Vous verrez," dit le baron de ordinary at Dresden, "You will-see," said the baron of ordinary at Dresden, "You will see," said Baron von

Stralheim, "qu'ils délibèrent sur ce qu'ils devoient Stralheim, " that they deliberate upon that which they fought Stralheim, " they are deliberating upon what they ought

faire hier." À quelques jours to-do yesterday." At some days to do yesterday." A few days

étant venu trouver le Roi, being come

de là, Renschild from there, Renschild afterwards, Renschild


lui parla avec to-find the King, to-him spoke with to see the King, and spoke to him with

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étonnement de ce voyage de Dresde. astonishment of this journey of Dresden. astonishment of this excursion to Dresden.

suis fié," dit Charles, Charles, good


trusted," said



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[ocr errors]
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sur ma bonne fortune:

upon my


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good fortune:



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"there was, however, a moment in which I did not see my way

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19.] THERE are several words in French which are commonly called negatives, and are so translated into English, to which the remark made on aucun (see Note 7.) would equally apply. Personne and jamais are of this kind. Upon reflection, it appears that they ought to have been every where translated affirmatively, and not negatively; the negative sense residing in the ne, (expressed or understood,) which always accompanies them.

Qui ne se hâtoit jamais: Who not himself hastened ever.

Il ne recevoit conseil de personne: He not received counsel from person (i. e. any person).

Personne ne m'a vu: Person (i. e. any person) not me has seen. Je n'irai jamais: I not will go ever.

In English the two words are consolidated into the negatives, never and nobody. This has led to the error of calling jamais and personne negatives. Wherever they are used without the ne, it will be found to be by ellipsis.

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