Billeder på siden

que les deux duchés leur appartiendroient en com

that the two

duchies to-them


in com

that the two duchies should belong to them in com

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sans le duc, ni le duc sans le roi. without the duke, nor the duke without the king. without the duke, nor the duke without the king.


Une union

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si étrange, dont pourtant il y avoit déjà eu of-which nevertheless it there t had already had so extraordinary, of which however there had already been

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un exemple dans la même maison pendant quelques an example in the same one instance in




the same house during some

années, étoit depuis près de quatre-vingt ans


+ was

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years, had been for

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[blocks in formation]

marck et celle de Holstein-Gottorp; les rois cher

mark and that of Holstein-Gottorp; mark and that of Holstein-Gottorp;

the kings seekthe kings con

chant toujours à opprimer les ducs, et les ducs


always to to-oppress the dukes, and the dukes stantly endeavouring to oppress the dukes, and the dukes

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+ had cost the

These contests had cost the

liberté et la souveraineté au dernier duc.
liberty and the sovereignty to-the
last duke his liberty and his sovereignty.

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recouvré l'un et l'autre aux conférences

recovered the one and the other at-the


at the conferences

Il avoit

He had
He had


of Altona,
of Altona,

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l'entremise de la Suède, de l'Angleterre, et de la the intervention of the Sweden, of the England, and of the the intervention of Sweden,




garants de l'exécution du
guarantees of the execution

Holland, who guarantied

But But



the execution



du traité.


of-the of the treaty.

Mais comme un traité entre les souverains n'est a treaty between the sovereigns not is a treaty between sovereigns is often souvent qu'une soumission à la nécessité, jusqu'à


than a

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no more than a

ce que le plus fort puisse accabler le plus foistrong may-be-able to-overwhelm the more feestronger can overwhelm the

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er, the dispute was renewed with more

jamais entre le nouveau roi de Danemarck et le

ever ever

between the
new king of
between the new
king of

Denmark and the Denmark and the

jeune duc. Tandis que le duc étoit à Stockholm, young duke. Whilst that the duke + was at Stockholm, young duke. Whilst the duke was at Stockholm,

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teur de Saxe, que ni l'éloquence et les négotor of Saxony, whom neither the eloquence and the negotor of Saxony, whom neither the eloquence and the negociations de l'Abbé de Polignac, ni les grandes qua

tiations of the Abbé of Polignac, tiations of the Abbé de Polignac,

nor the great

nor the great

lités du Prince de Conti, son concurrent Prince of Conti, his competitor

lities of-the lities of the Prince de







for the

trône, n'avoient

throne, not + had

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throne, had been able, two years before, to prevent being

deux ans roi de Pologne, étoit un prince moins two years king of Poland, † was a prince less elected king of

Poland, was

a prince even connu encore par sa force de corps incroyable que


still by his strength of body incredible than incredible bodily strength, than

less distinguished for his

par sa bravoure et la galanterie de son esprit. by his bravery and the gallantry of his spirit. for his bravery and the gracefulness of his wit.

Sa cour étoit la plus brillante de l'Europe après


His court t was the most of the Europe after His court was the most brilliant in Europe after celle de Louis Quatorze. Jamais prince ne fut

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more generous,



ne donna plus,

not gave


prince not was was there a more

generous prince, one who gave more bountifully,

pagna ses dons avec panied his gifts with panied his gifts with

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acheté la moitié des suffrages de la noblesse Polobought the half of-the suffrages of the nobility Posuffrages of the Polish nobi

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for himself


upon the

ces troupes pour these troops these troops

trône; mais il throne; but it throne; but

en Pologne.

in Poland. in Poland.



establish himself more securely upon the

falloit un prétexte pour les retenir was-necessary a pretext for them to-retain a pretext was necessary for retaining them

Il les destina à attaquer le roi de

He them destined to
He destined them to

Suède en Livonie, à l'occasion
Sweden in Livonia, at the occasion
Sweden in Livonia,
on the occasion

to-attack the king of attack the king of

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to relate.

La Livonie, la plus belle et la plus fertile


Livonia, the most beautiful and the most fertile
Livonia, the most beautiful and


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puté la possession. puted the possession. possession of it.

Les Moscovites,

The Muscovites,
The Muscovites,

s'en étoient dis

Swedes, themselves of-her † were
Swedes, had disputed the


La Suède l'avoit enlevée de


Sweden her had taken-away Sweden had had possession of it

puis près de cent années; et elle lui avoit été

since near of hundred years;

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[blocks in formation]

pour ses sujets, n'avoit pas épargné les Livoniens;


his subjects, not † had towards his subjects, had not


il les avoit dépouillés de leurs

he them had stripped of their he had stripped them of their

spared the Livonians; spared the Livonians;

privilèges, et d'une privileges, and of a. privileges, and of a Patkul, malheureuse


unhappiPatkul, afterwards un-.

partie de leurs patrimoines. part of their patrimonies. part of their patrimonies. ment célèbre depuis par sa ly celebrated since by his happily celebrated for his tragical death, was deputé de la noblesse Livonienne pour porter au trône

puted from the nobility puted by the


Livonian nobility

mort tragique, fut dédeath tragical, was de

for to-carry to-the throne to carry the com

les plaintes de la province.

the complaints of the province. plaints of the province to the foot of the throne.

Il fit à son He made to his.

He made a re

maître une harangue respectueuse, mais forte et


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but strong and spectful but strong and full address to the king his master, chapleine de cette éloquence mâle que donne la calathat eloquence masculine which gives the calaracterized by that masculine eloquence which calamity,

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mité, quand elle est jointe à la hardiesse. mity, when she is joined to the boldness. when joined to intrepidity, inspires.

Mais les

But the


rois ne regardent trop souvent ces harangues pubkings not regard too-much often

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d'usage de souffrir, sans 16 y faire attention.

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customary to endure, without paying any attention to them.

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