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Toutefois Charles



Onze, dissimulé, quand il ne

Eleven, dissembler,

when he not Nevertheless, Charles the Eleventh, who, when he did not give

se livroit pas aux emportemens de sa colère,

himself † delivered-up * to-the


of his anger, himself up to transports of passion, was a perfect dissembler,

frappa doucement sur l'épaule de Patkul; upon the shoulder of Patkul;



tapped Patkul upon the shoulder;




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avez parlé pour votre patrie en brave homme,' have spoken for your native-country in brave have spoken for your country like a brave

lui dit-il;

to-him said-he;

said he;

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man," man,"



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je vous en estime, continuez."
"I you of-it esteem, continue."
"I esteem you for it,

peu de jours après, il le fit déclarer coupable few of days after, he him made to-declare culpable few days afterwards, however, he declared him guilty

de lèse-majesté, et comme tel, condamner à la mort.

of high-treason, and as such, of high-treason, and

Patkul, qui

to-condemn to the death. condemned him to death.

s'étoit caché, prit la fuite. Il porta

Patkul, who himself + was hidden, took the flight. He carried Patkul, who had concealed himself, fled. He escaped,

dans la Pologne ses ressentimens.

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depuis devant le roi Auguste. before the king Augustus. quently admitted to the presence of king Augustus.






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Polish the facility of the conquest of the

Polish monarch the facility of the

conquest of

Livonie; des peuples désespérés,


prêts à seready to to

Livonia ; a people goaded to desperation, and ready to

Livonia; of-the peoples

couer le joug de la Suède;

shake-off the yoke of the Sweden;

un roi enfant, in

a king child,


shake off the yoke of Sweden; and a king, yet a child, in

capable de se défendre. capable of himself to-defend. capable of defending himself.

bien reçues d'un prince

well received of a prince

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déjà tenté de cette conalready tempted of this conwell received by a prince already strongly inclined to this quête. Auguste, à son couronnement, avoit promis Augustus, at his coronation, + had promised enterprize. Augustus, at his coronation, had promised


de faire ses efforts pour recouvrer les provinces que

of to-do his efforts for to use every effort to

to-recover the provinces which recover the provinces which

la Pologne avoit perdues.

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crut par son irrup

He believed by his irrup-
He thought he should conci-

plaire à la république,

tion into Livonia to-please to the republic,



liate the republic, while he confirmed his own power, by affermir son pouvoir; mais il se trompa dans

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ces deux idées, qui paroissoient si vraisemblawhich + appeared SO both these conjectures, which appeared SO

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bles. Tout fut prêt bientôt pour une invasion souAll was ready well-soon for All was soon ready for a sudden invadaine, sans même daigner recourir d'abord à la without even to-deign to-recur

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vaine formalité des déclarations de guerre, et des vain formality of-the declarations of war, and of-the empty formality of declarations of war, and

manifestes. Le nuage grossissoit en même temps






The cloud + grew-big in same
The cloud was, at the same time, gathering

côté de la Moscovie.

side of the Muscovy. in the direction of

gouvernoit + governed



Le monarque qui la



who her

The monarch who

mérite l'attention de la postérité.

merits the attention of the posterity. that empire merits the attention of posterity. Pierre Alexiowitz, czar de Russie, s'étoit déjà czar of Russia, himself was already Peter Alexiowitz, czar of Russia, had already ren



rendu redoutable par la bataille qu'il avoit ga

rendered formidable by the battle dered himself formidable by the battle

gnée sur les Turcs en


upon the ed over the

Turks in

that he

mille six cents

thousand six hundreds

+ bad gainhad gain


Turks in one thousand six hundred and


vingt dix-sept, et par la prise d'Azoph, qui lui twenty seventeen, and by the taking of Azoph, which to-him ninety-seven, and by the taking of Azoph, which opened

ouvroit l'empire de la Mer Noire. + opened the empire of the Sea Black. to him the command of the Black Sea.

des actions plus étonnantes que des of--the actions more astonishing than of-the actions more astonishing than


+ sought

le nom de Grand.

the name of Great.

sought to acquire the name of Great.

Mais c'étoit par
But it t was by
But it was by

victoires, qu'il

victories, that he victories, that he

La Moscovie ou Russie embrasse le nord de
The Muscovy or

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Muscovy or Russia comprehends the north of

l'Asie et celui de l'Europe, et the Asia and that of the Europe, and of

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cents lieues, jusqu'aux confins de la Pologne et

hundreds leagues, hundred leagues,

de la Suède.

of the Sweden. Sweden.




to-the confines of the Poland and to the confines of Poland and

Mais ce pays immense étoit à peine
But this country immense + was
But this immense country was hardly

de l'Europe avant le

of the Europe before the




known to the rest of Europe before the reign of the Czar


Les Moscovites étoient moins civilisés que

The Muscovites
Peter. The Muscovites


+ were


civilized than

: less civilized than

les Mexicains quand ils furent découverts par Cor

the Mexicans

when they were

discovered by Corthe Mexicans when they were discovered by Cor

tez; nés tous esclaves de maîtres aussi barbares

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a total want of all the arts of life, and in


bilité de ces besoins, qui étouffoit toute
bility of these wants, which + stifled
bility to their absence, which extinguished all

an insensi


industry. industry. 1

Une ancienne loi, sacrée parmi eux, leur défendoit, ancient law, sacred among them, to-them + forbade, An ancient law, which they held sacred, forbade them,


sous peine de mort, de sortir de leur pays sans under pain of death, of to-go-out of their country without

under pain of death, to quit their country without

la permission de leur patriarche. the permission of their patriarch. the permission of their

pour leur


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ôter les occasions de connoître leur to-them to-take-away the occasions of to-know their

in order to deprive them of all opportunities of knowing their



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† pleased

to a

nation whcih,

own enslaved condition, was agreeable to a nation which,

dans l'abîme de son ignorance et de sa

misère, in the abyss of her ignorance and of her wretchedness, in the depth of its ignorance and wretchedness,

dédaignoit tout commerce avec les nations étrangères. commerce with the nations foreign. intercourse with

+ disdained all disdained


The era


des Moscovites

of-the Muscovites

foreign countries.

commençoit à

+ began

The era from which the Muscovites dated, began



la création du monde; ils comptoient sept mille creation of-the world; they + counted seven thousand the creation of the world; they reckoned seven thousand


deux cents et sept ans

au commencement du to-the beginning


two hundred and seven years two hundred and seven years up to the commencement of the

siècle passé, sans pouvoir rendre century past, without to-be-able to-render

raison de cette

reason of this

last century, without being able to assign any reason for this

date. Le premier jour de leur année revenoit au

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blable que Dieu avoit créé le monde en automne,

created the world

bable that God † had bable that God dans la saison 16 où les fruits de la terre

in autumn, created the world in autumn,

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in the season where the fruits of the earth the season when the fruits of the earth are in

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