Billeder på siden

noissances qu'ils eussent, étoient des erreurs grosledges which they might-have, + were of-the errors gross ledge which they possessed, consisted of gross errors; sières; personne ne se doutoit parmi eux que nobody not himself + doubted among them that among them suspected that


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d'un autre pays dans les climats opposés.
of an other country in
country in

of another

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the climates opposite.
opposite regions. No

n'y avoit pas long-temps que le peuple avoit

not there † had *


long time had elapsed since

that the people + had the people

voulu brûler à Moscou le secrétaire d'un ambassawilled to-burn at Moscow the secretary of an of Moscow wanted to burn the secretary of an


deur de Perse,

qui avoit

prédit une

éclipse de

dor of Persia, who

+ had predicted an

dor from Persia, who had predicted an

soleil. Ils ignoroient jusqu'à



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eclipse of eclipse of the

l'usage des chif

the use of-the ciof the use of ci

fres; ils se servoient, pour leurs

phers; they themselves + availed,

[blocks in formation]

not there had * of other manner of to-count There was no other mode of reckoning in any of

the offices

les bureaux de recettes, et dans le trésor du Czar. of receipts, and in the treasury of-the Czar. the offices of the revenue, or in the Czar's treasury.

Leur religion étoit, et est encore, celle des Chré-
Their religion + was, and is still, that
Their religion was, and still is, that of the Greek

of-the Chris

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quelles ils étoient d'autant plus fortement attachés, which they + were of so-much more strongly attached, which they were strongly attached,



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manger du pigeon, parceque le Saint-Esprit est

to-eat of-the

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to eat

pigeon, pigeon,


the Holy

because the

Spirit is Holy Ghost is.

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étoient les objets de leur

ils n'osoient

year; and during

se nourrir

they not dared themselves to-nourish they dared not


Dieu et Saint Nicholas



God and Saint
and Saint Nicholas

culte, et imméworship, and imme

were the objects of their were the objects of their highest reverence, and next

diatement après eux, le Czar et le patriarche. after them, the Czar and the patriarch. them, the Czar and the patriarch.

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et infligeoit les supplices les plus cruels, sans qu'on and + inflicted the punishments the most cruel, without that one and inflicted the most cruel tortures, without any




appeler de son tribunal. Il se pro

to-appeal from his tribunal.
appeal from his

forward te horse



He himself † moved
He rode

menoit à cheval deux fois l'an, suivi de tout son times the year, followed of all his on horseback twice a year, followed by his whole clergé en cérémonie. Le Czarà pied tenoit la bride


The Czar to foot
The Czar on foot

+ held the bridle held the horse's

clergy in ceremony.
clergy in
du cheval, et le peuple

se prosternoit dans les himself + prostrated

of-the horse, and the people
bridle, and the people prostrated themselves

rues, comme les Tartares




streets, streets, as

in the in the

devant leur Grand

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the Tartars do before their Grand

Lama. La confession étoit pratiquée, mais ce n'étoit
Lama. The confession + was practised, but it not was
practised, but

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l'absolution leur paroissoit nécessaire, mais non le the absolution to-them + appeared necessary, then thought absolution necessary, though not repentir.


Ils se croyoient purs devant Dieu, They themselves + believed pure before God, repentance. They imagined themselves pure before God, la bénédiction de leurs Pathe benediction of their Pabenediction of their Pa


when they had received the



Ainsi ils passoient sans remords de la con

Thus they + passed pas. They thus passed

without remorse from the conwithout remorse from con

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[blocks in formation]

les pères de famille, les prêtres, les femmes, les filles, the fathers of family, the priests, the women, the girls, fathers of families, priests, women, and girls, s'enivroient "d'eau-de-vie les jours de fêtes.

themselves intoxicated of water of life

got drunk with

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the days of festivals. festivals.


On disputoit cependant sur la religion en ce

One + disputed

People disputed


upon the religion in this about religion, however, in this

pays, comme ailleurs; la plus grande querelle étoit & country, as elsewhere; the most great quarrel † was country, as elsewhere; the most violent dispute was

pour savoir si les laïques devoient faire le signe de for to-know if the laymen + ought to-make the sign of whether laymen ought to make the sign of

la croix avec deux doigts ou avec trois. Un certain fingers or with three. A certain fingers or three. A certain

the cross with two

the cross with two

Jacob Nursuff, sous le précédent règne, avoit excité Jacob Nursuff, under the preceding reign, + bad excited Jacob Nursuff, in the preceding reign, had excited


une sédition dans Astracan au sujet de cette dis





sedition in sedition in


to-the subject of this disconcerning this con

Il y avoit même des fanatiques, comme

It there had even of-the fanatics,


troversy. There were even fanatics here, as well as parmi ces nations policées, chez qui tout le monde

among those

nations subjected-to-police, among whom all the world in those more civilized nations, where every body.

est théologien; et Pierre, qui poussa toujours la is theologian; and Peter, who pushed always the is a theologian; and Peter, who always executed

justice justice until to the cruelty, made to-perish by the justice with a rigour amounting to cruelty, condemned some of

jusqu'à la cruauté, fit périr par le


feu quelques-uns de ces misérables qu'on nommoit whom one + named the unhappy wretches called Vosko-Jesuits to perish Vosko-Jésuites.

some · ones of those wretches

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Le Czar, dans son vaste empire, avoit beaucoup

The Czar, in

+ had

his vast empire, The Czar, within his vast empire, had

d'autres sujets qui n'étoient pas Chrétiens.

of other subjects who not † were

subjects who were not





Christians. Christians. The

Tartares, qui habitent le bord occidental de la Mer


of the Sea western border of the Cas

Tartars, who inhabit the border
Tartars, who inhabit the

Palus Méotis, sont Mahomé

Caspienne, et du
Caspian, and of-the Palus
pian Sea, and of the Palus



Les Sibériens, les


qui sont

who are


Siberians, the
The Siberians, the

[blocks in formation]

the Samoïdes,

Ostiacs, the Samoides,

vers la Mer Glaciale, étoient des


the Sea


Icy Sea,

† were of-the

who live on the confines of the


sauvages, dont les uns étoient idolâtres, les autres

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