artisans de toute espèce i l'y suivirent en foule. On artisans of every sort him there followed in crowd. One artisans of every description followed him in crowds. vit pour la première fois de grands vaisseaux Mos saw for the first time of great vessels Mus Large Russian vessels were seen, for the first time, covites sur la Mer Noire, dans la Baltique, et dans covite upon the Sea Black, in the Baltic, and in in the Black Sea, in the Baltic, and l'Océan. Des bâtimens d'une architecture régulière of an architecture regular the Ocean. Of-the buildings the Ocean. Buildings of a regular and noble et noble furent élevés au milieu des huttes Rusand noble were raised to-the middle of-the huts Rusarchitecture arose in the midst of the Russian siennes. Il établit des collèges, des académies, des sian. He established of-the colleges, of-the academies, of-the huts. He established colleges, academies, imprimeries, des bibliothèques; les villes furent printing-offices, of-the libraries; the cities were printing-presses, and libraries; a police was organized policées; les habillemens, les coutumes, chan subjected-to-police; the clothes, the customs, in the cities; the dress, the customs, chan were gèrent peu-à-peu, quoiqu'avec difficulté. Les Mos ged little to little, although with difficulty. The Mus gradually, though with difficulty, changed. The Mus covites connurent par degrés ce que c'est que la covites knew by degrees that which that is that the covites learned by degrees what society société. Les superstitions mêmes furent abolies; la society. is. The superstitions even were abolished; the were destroyed; the dignité de patriarche fut éteinte; le Czar se dignity of patriarch was extinguished; the Czar himself dignity of patriarch was abolished; and the Czar declared déclara le chef de la religion; et cette dernière and this last last H declared the chief of the religion; VOL. I. entreprise, qui auroit coûté le trône et la vie à un enterprise, which would-have cost the throne and the life to enterprise, which would have cost a less absolute sove a prince moins absolu, réussit presque sans prince less absolute, succeeded almost without reign his throne and his life, was carried through almost without contradiction, et lui assura le succès de toutes les contradiction, and to-him secured the success of all the secured the success of all his Après avoir abaissé un clergé ignorant et barbare, After to-have abased a clergy ignorant and barbarous, After he had humbled an ignorant and barbarous clergy, * il se croyoit assez puissant pour ne le pas craindre. he himself † believed enough powerful for nor him he thought himself sufficiently powerful to defy them. He has made to-teach to-fear. Il a fait enseigner dans le peu de cloîtres qui In the few monasteries that remained, he caused in the few of cloisters which restent, la philosophie et la théologie. remain, the philosophy and the theology. Il est philosophy and theology to be taught. It is vrai que cette théologie tient encore de ce temps true that this theology. holds still of this time true that this theology still retained a tincture of that sauvage dont Pierre Alexiowitz a retiré l'huma savage from-which Peter Alexiowitz barbarism from which Peter Alexiowitz nité. Un homme digne de foi m'a assuré qu'il avoit nity. kind. A man worthy of faith to-me has assured man that he had worthy of credit assured me that he was assisted to a thesis where it itself & acted of to-know assisté à une thèse publique, où il s'agissoit de savoir public, present åt a public thesis, where it was debated whether si l'usage du tabac à fumer étoit un péché. if the use of-the tobacco to to-smoke † was a sin. the use of tobacco for smoking was a sin. Le ré The re The per pondant prétendoit qu'il étoit permis de s'enivrer spondent † pretended that it was permitted of oneself to-intoxicate son who replied maintained that it was lawful to get drunk d'eau-de-vie, mais non de fumer, parceque la très of water-of-life, with brandy, but not of to-smoke, but not to smoke, because the very because the de la bouche from the mouth sainte Écriture dit, que ce qui sort holy Scripture says, that that which goes-out holy Scripture says, that which cometh out of the mouth de l'homme le souille, et que ce qui y entre ne le of the man him defiles, and that that which there enters not him of man defileth him, but that which goeth in defileth Les moines ne furent pas contens de la réforme : The monks not were * contented of the reform: were discontented with these reforms; à peine le Czar eut-il établi des imprimeries, hardly the Czar had he established of-the printing-offices, scarcely had the Czar established printed printing-presses, qu'il étoit l'Antechrist; leurs their the that he was the Antichrist; printed books asserting that he was Antichrist; preuves étoient, qu'il ôtoit la barbe aux vivans, proofs † were, that he + took-away the beard to-the living, proofs of which were, that he deprived the living of their beards, et qu'on faisoit dans son académie des dissections and that one † made. in his academy of-the dissections and that dissections of the dead were performed in de quelques morts. Mais un autre moine, qui dead. But an other vouloit faire fortune, + willed to-make fortune, wanted to make his fortune, réfuta ce monk, who monk, who refuted this refuted this livre, et débook, and debook, and de ceque le nombre six cents soixante-six n'étoit pas cause the six hundred number * sixty six not was cause the number six hundred and sixty-six was not to be found dans son nom. L'auteur du libelle fut roué, in his name. The author of the libel was broken-on-the-wheel, in his name. The author of the libel was broken on the wheel, et celui de la réfutation fut fait évêque de Rezan. Le réformateur de la Moscovie a sur-tout porté of the Muscovy has over all carried The reformer of Russia introduced one law pre-eminent une loi sage, qui fait honte à beaucoup d'états a law wise, which makes shame to for its wisdom, which puts to shame many more civilized policés; c'est qu'il n'est permis à aucun homme subjected-to-police; this is that it not is permitted to any states; it is, that no man in the service of the man au service de l'état, ni à un bourgeois établi, ni surto-the service of the state, nor to a burgher established, nor overstate, no established citizen, and especially no minor, tout à un mineur, de passer dans un cloître. all to a minor, of to-pass into is permitted to enter a cloister. a cloister. Ce prince comprit combien il importe de ne point This prince comprehended how-much it of not imports This prince was aware how important it is not * consacrer à l'oisiveté des sujets qui peuvent être to-consecrate to the idleness of-the subjects who are-able to-be to devote to idleness subjects who may be jamais de sa liberté dans un âge où qu'on dispose à that one may-dispose to l'on ne peut dis ever of one's liberty in an age where the one not is-able to-dishis liberty for ever, at an age when he cannot dis poser de la moindre partie de sa fortune. Cependant pose of the least pose of the smallest Yet part of his fortune. l'industrie des moines élude tous les jours cette loi of-the monks eludes all the days this law daily evades this law the industry the industry of the monks faite pour le bien de l'humanité, comme si les moines made for the good of the humanity, made for the good of mankind, as if the monks as if they had a gagnoient en effet à peupler les cloîtres aux dépens † gained in effect to people the cloisters to-the expense positive interest in peopling the cloisters at the expense de la patrie. of the country. of their country. The Czar not has * Le Czar n'a pas assujetti seulement l'église à l'état, subjected only the church to the state, The Czar not only subjected the church to the state, à l'exemple des sultans Turcs; to the example of-the sultans Turkish; after the example of the Turkish sultans; mais plus grand but more great but with still greater politique, il a détruit une milice semblable à celle a to that politician, he has destroyed soldiery similar political wisdom, destroyed a soldiery similar to des janissaires; et ce que les Ottomans ont vaineof-the janizaries; and that which the Ottomans have vainthe janizaries; and what the Ottomans vain ment tenté, il l'a exécuté en peu de temps; il a disly attempted, he it has executed in little of time; he has disly attempted, he speedily executed; he broke 1 |