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tenoient les Czars en tutelle.

† held

Cette milice, plus This soldiery, more force, more

the Czars in tutelage. held the Czars in subjection. This

formidable à ses maîtres qu'à ses voisins, étoit com

formidable to her masters than to her neighbours, was comformidable to its masters than to its neighbours, was com

posée d'environ trente mille hommes de pied, dont posed of about thirty thousand posed of about thirty thousand

la moitié


restoit à Moscou, + remained at Moscow, of whom were stationed at Moscow,

the half

répandue sur les frontières.

spread over the frontiers. scattered over the frontiers.

of foot, of-which



et l'autre étoit

and the other + was while the rest were

Un strélitz n'avoit que

A strelitz not + had than The pay of a strelitz was only

[blocks in formation]

Pierre forma d'abord une compagnie d'étrangers,


Peter formed at first Peter began by forming a dans laquelle il s'enrôla


the-which he himself enrolled

in which he enrolled

pas de commencer par être to-begin by to-be to begin

* of



as a


of strangers, company of foreigners,

lui-même, et ne dédaigna him-same, and not disdained himself, and did not disdain

tambour, et d'en faire les

drummer,, and of of-it to-do the drummer, and perform the

tant la nation avoit besoin d'exemple. so-much the nation + had want

of example.

duties of one; so greatly did the nation stand in need of examples.

Il fit petit à petit de nouveaux

He made little to little of

He gradually formed

se sentant maître de himself feeling master of feeling himself master of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

étoit à peu près ce qu'est la cavalerie Polonoise, et t was to little near that which is the


Polish, and

was nearly the same as the Polish now is, and ce qu'étoit autrefois la Françoise, quand le royaume

that which † was other-time the French, the

when the kingdom French formerly was, when the kingdom

de France n'étoit qu'un assemblage de fiefs. Les of France nott was than an assemblage

of France

of fiefs.


was only a collection of fiefs. The

gentilshommes Russes montoient à cheval à leurs

[blocks in formation]

horse to their themselves,

dépens, et combattoient sans discipline, quelquefois

expenses, and and

+ combated without discipline,


without discipline, sometimes

sans autres armes qu'un sabre ou un carquois; in

without other


with no other arms

than a sabre or a quiver; inthan a sabre or a quiver; in

capables d'être commandés, et par conséquent de

capable of to-be

commanded, and by consequence of

capable of submitting to command, and,


to-vanquish. conquering.

Pierre le Grand leur apprit Peter the Great to-them taught Peter the Great taught them exemple et par les supplices. example and by the punishments. own example and by punishment.

consequently, of

à obéir par

par son to to-obey by his to obey by his

Car il servoit en

For het served in
He served in

qualité de soldat et d'officier subalterne, et punissoit

quality of soldier and of officer

subaltern, and † punished the rank of a private and of a subaltern officer, while, as Czar, he

rigoureusement en Czar les boyards, c'est-à-dire, les

in Czar the boyars,
rigorously punished the boyars,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

de la noblesse étoit de ne servir l'état qu'à leur of the nobility † was of not to-serve the state than at their by the privilege of birth from serving the state otherwise than at Il établit un corps régulier pour He established a body regular He established a regular corps



their own pleasure.
servir l'artillerie, et prit cinq cents cloches
to-serve the artillery,
the artillery service,
églises pour fondre des canons.

and took five hundreds
and took five hundred

churches for to-found of-the cannons. churches to cast as




aux to-the

bells bells from the

Il a eu treize

He has had thirteen

In the year seventeen

mille canons de fonte en l'année mille sept cents

thousand cannons of cast-metal in

the year

thousand seven hundred

hundred and fourteen he had thirteen thousand pieces of brass


Il a formé aussi des corps de dragons, He has formed also of-the bodies of dragoons, cannon. He also formed some dragoon corps, a sort of


milice très convenable au génie des Moscovites, et à soldiery very suitable to-the genius of-the Muscovites, and to force very suitable to the character of the Russians, and to

la forme de leurs chevaux, qui sont petits. La Mos

[blocks in formation]

which are small. which are small.

The Mus

covie avoit, en mille sept cents trente-huit, trente covy + had, in thousand seven hundreds thirty-eight, thirty In seventeen hundred and thirty-eight, Russia had thirty

régimens de dragons, de

mille hommes chacun,

[blocks in formation]

regiments of dragoons, of regiments of dragoons, of a thousand

bien entretenus. C'est lui qui a établi les Houssards

[blocks in formation]

en Russie. Enfin il a eu jusqu'à une école d'in

[blocks in formation]

génieurs dans un pays où personne ne savoit avant gineers in a country where nobody not + knew before gineers in a country where nobody before his time

lui les élémens de la géométrie. him the elements of the geometry. knew even the elements of geometry.

Il étoit bon ingénieur lui-même, mais sur-tout il

Het was

good engineer

[ocr errors]

but over all he
himself, but above all he

He was a good excelloit dans tous les arts de la marine; bon capi† excelled in all the arts of the marine; good capexcelled in all the nautical arts'; he was a good taine de vaisseau, habile pilote, bon matelot, adroit tain of ship, able pilot, good sailor, expert captain of a ship, an able pilot, a good sailor, an expert

charpentier, et d'autant plus estimable dans ces arts, carpenter, and of so-much more estimable in these arts, carpenter, and the more admirable in the attainment of these arts,

qu'il étoit né avec une crainte extrême de

[blocks in formation]


the water.

extreme dread of the water.

that he was born with


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ne pouvoit dans sa jeunesse passer sur un pont not was-able in his youth

to-pass over a bridge

his youth he could not cross

a bridge sans frémir; il faisoit fermer alors les volets de bois

without to-shudder; he made to-shut then the shutters of wood without shuddering, and always shut the wooden blinds

de son carrosse; le courage et le génie domptèrent en of his carriage; the courage and the genius


of his carriage; courage and genius conquered

lui cette foiblesse machinale.



this weakness


this constitutional weakness.


Il fit construire un beau port auprès d'Azoph, à He made to-construct a beautiful port to-the-near of Azoph, at He constructed a beautiful port near Azoph, l'embouchure du Tanais; il vouloit y entretenir des of-the Tanais; he willed there to-maintain of-the of the Tanais; he wished to station galleys


mouth the mouth




galères; et dans la suite croyant que ces vaisseaux galleys; and in the sequel believing that these there; and thinking, subsequently, that these


longs, plats et légers devoient réussir dans la Mer long, flat and light flat, and light vessels

+ ought to-succeed in the Sea were calculated to succeed in the Bal

Baltique, il en a fait construire plus de trois

to-construct more of three more than three hundred to

Baltic, he of-them has made tic Sea, he caused

cents hundreds

dans sa ville favorite de Pétersbourg. in his city favourite be built in his



favourite city of Petersburg.

Il a montré à ses sujets
He has shown to his subjects
He instructed his subjects in

du simple sapin, et celui de

l'art de les bâtir avec the art of them to-build with the art of building them with

les conduire. Il avoit of-the simple fir, and that of them to-conduct. He + had deal alone, and in that of navigating them. He


appris jusqu'à

la chirurgie; on l'a vu

learnt until to acquired a knowledge of surgery; he has been seen

the surgery; one him has seen

dans un besoin faire la ponction à un hydropique : to-make the puncture to a dropsical: in a case of need to make the puncture in a dropsical patient :



in a


réussissoit dans les mécaniques, et instruisoit

+ succeeded

in the mechanics, and instructed and instructed

he was very successful in

les artisans.


the artisans.

the artisans.

Les finances du Czar étoient à la vérité peu de

The finances of-the Czar The finances of the Czar

† were to the truth little of



very small

chose, par rapport à l'immensité de ses états; il n'a thing, by relation to the immensity of his states; he not has in relation to the immensity of his states; he

jamais eu vingt-quatre millions de revenu, à compter

never had twenty-four

millions of revenue, to to-count

never had a revenue of twenty-four millions, reckoning

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