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par-tout la nature, cherchant à la corriger ou à la by all the nature, seeking to her to-correct or to her examining nature, endeavouring to correct or to

perfectionner; sondant lui-même les profondeurs des


perfect her;

depths the depth

sounding him sounding

[ocr errors]

same the



fleuves et des mers, ordonnant des écluses, visitant rivers and of-the seas, ordering of-the locks, visiting rivers and seas, ordering locks, visiting

des chantiers, faisant fouiller des mines, éprouvant dock-yards, making to-explore of-the mines,




proving mines, assaying

les métaux, faisant lever des cartes exactes, et y

the metals, making to-raise of-the charts

exact, and there metals, causing accurate maps to be drawn, and



de sa main.

of his hand.

working at them with his own hands.

Il a bâti, dans un lieu sauvage, la ville impériale

He has built, in

He built, on

a place savage, the city imperial a wild spot, the imperial city

de Pétersbourg, qui contient aujourd'hui soixante

[blocks in formation]

une cour brillante, et où enfin on connoît les plaia court brilliant, and where at-last one knows the pleahas been created, and where refined pleasures are at

sirs délicats. Il a bâti le port de Cronstadt sur He has built the port of Cronstadt upon

sures delicate.

length known. He built the port of Cronstadt upon

la Néva, Sainte-Croix sur les frontières de la Perse, upon the frontiers of the Persia, Croix upon the frontiers of Persia,


the Neva, the Neva, St.

des forts dans

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


à Archangel, à Pétersbourg, à Asat Archangel, at Petersburg, at As naval establishments at Archangel, at Petersburg, at As


tracan, à Azoph; des arsenaux, des hôpitaux.


at Azoph; tracan, and at Azoph;

of-the arsenals, of-the hospitals. arsenals and hospitals.

Il faisoit toutes ses maisons petites et de mauvais

He + made

[blocks in formation]

His own houses were all

[blocks in formation]

goût; mais il prodiguoit pour les maisons publiques taste; but he + lavished

for the houses


taste; but he lavished magnificence and grandeur la magnificence et la grandeur. the magnificence and the grandeur. on public edifices.

Les sciences, qui ont été ailleurs le fruit tardif

The sciences, which have been elsewhere the fruit tardy The sciences, which have elsewhere been the tardy growth

de tant de siècles, sont venues par ses soins dans


so-much of centuries, are

of so many

come by his cares in

ages, by his care were introduced into

ses états toutes perfectionnées.

his states



his dominions in their utmost perfection.

Il a créé une

He has created an

He instituted an

académie sur le modèle des sociétés fameuses de academy upon the academy on the

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Paris et de Londres. Les Delisle, les Bulfinger, les The Delisles, the Bulfingers, the

Paris and of London.

Paris and of London.



Hermand, les Bernouilli, le célèbre Wolf, homme
Hermands, the Bernouillis, the celebrated Wolf,
Bernouilli, the celebrated Wolf,

man a man


excellent en tout genre de philosophie, ont excellent in every kind of philosophy, have been

eminent in every branch of philosophy,


appelés à grands frais à Pétersbourg. Cette aca

called at great costs to Petersburg. great expense, to Petersburg.

brought, at






[blocks in formation]

pleins d'esprit et de connoissances. C'est ainsi qu'un

full of wit and of knowledges. full of talent and


It is thus that a

Thus did a

seul homme a changé le plus grand empire du single man has changed the most great

single man

change the


empire of-the empire of the

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the humanity. humanity.

Of the brutality

De la brutalité dans ses plaisirs, de la in his pleasures, of the Brutality in his pleasures,

férocité dans ses mœurs, de la barbarie dans ses venferocity in his manners, of the barbarity in bis venferocity in his manners, barbarity in his re

geances se mêloient à tant de vertus,

geances themselves + mixed to so-much of virtues. venge were mingled with his many virtues.

çoit ses peuples, et subjected-to-police his peoples, and lished



11 poli


He po


† was



his people, while he himself remained a sa

vage; il le sentoit. Il dit à un magistrat d'Am


he it + felt. vage; and he felt it.

He said to a magistrate of Am-
He said to a magistrate of Am-

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

été l'exécuteur de ses sentences sur des criminels been the executioner of his sentences upon of-the criminals; the executioner of his own sentences upon criminals;

[ocr errors]

et dans une débauche de table il a fait voir son debauch of table he has made to-see his a debauch at table he

and in and in


[merged small][ocr errors]

exhibited his

a dans l'Afri

It there has in the Afri

There are
are sovereigns

que des souverains qui versent le sang de leurs

ca' of-the sovereigns who

in Africa

pour-out the blood of their who shed the blood of their

sujets de leurs mains, mais ces monarques passent

subjects of their

hands, but these monarchs subjects with their own hands, but these monarchs

pour des barbares. for of-the barbarians. generally accounted barbarians.



La mort d'un fils, qu'il

The death of a son, whom it
The death of a son, whom he

falloit corriger ou déshériter, rendroit la méwas-necessary to-correct or to-disinherit, would-render ought to have corrected or disinherited, would render

the me


moire de Pierre odieuse, si le bien qu'il a fait à odious, if the good which he has done to odious, if the good he did to


of Peter

ter's memory

ses sujets ne faisoit presque pardonner sa cruauté his subjects not made almost to-pardon his cruelty his subjects did not almost make us forgive his cruelty

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Tel étoit le Czar Pierre; et ses grands desseins

Such † was the Czar Peter;
Such was the Czar Peter;

n'étoient encore qu'ébauchés

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than sketched

were but imperfectly conceived


[blocks in formation]


aux rois de Pologne et de Danemarck contre un kings of Poland and of with the kings of Poland and

enfant qu'ils
qu'ils méprisoient tous.
child whom they + despised
child whom they

[blocks in formation]

all despised.


against a Denmark against a

Le fondateur de

The founder of
The founder of

[blocks in formation]

the Russian empire wished to be a conqueror;

he believed

he thought

pouvoir le devenir sans peine, et qu'une guerre


to-be-able him to-become without trouble, and that a he could become one without difficulty, and that a war

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seins: l'art de la guerre étoit un art nouveau, qu'il

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besoin d'un port à l'orient de
want of a port to the east
east of the Baltic was, moreover,

la Mer Baltique pour l'exécution de toutes ses idées.

[blocks in formation]

for the execution of all his ideas.

the execution of all his designs.

Il avoit besoin de la province de l'Ingrie, qui est

[blocks in formation]

of the province of the Ingria, which is

the province of Ingria, which is

au nord-est de la Livonie. Les Suédois en étoient

to-the north-east of the Livonia. to the north-east of Livonia.

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