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Ses an

maîtres, il falloit la leur arracher. masters, it was-necessary her to-them to-snatch-away. His anof it, he must therefore wrest it from them. His an

cêtres avoient eu des droits sur l'Ingrie, l'Estonie, had of-the rights over the Ingria, the Esthonia,


+ had cestors had

claims upon Ingria, Esthonia,

la Livonie: le temps sembloit propice pour faire

the Livonia: the time and Livonia: the time

+ seemed propitious for to-make seemed propitious for

revivre ces droits perdues


these rights


depuis cent ans, since hundred years,

reclaiming rights which had been virtually lost a century ago,

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a league with the king of concluded a league with the king of

lever au jeune Charles

take-away to-the young to strip the young


He therefore

Pologne pour en




for to

in order

tous ces

all these

Charles the Twelfth of all those

pays, qui sont entre le Golfe de Finlande, la

countries, which are between the Gulf of countries, which lie between the Gulf of

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Mer Baltique, la Pologne, et la Moscovie.

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Changement prodigieux et subit dans le caractère de Charles


prodigious and sudden in the character of Charles

Astonishing and sudden change in the character of Charles the Douze. À l'âge de dix-huit ans il soutient la guerre At the age of eighteen years he sustains the war At the age of eighteen he maintains a war

Twelve. Twelfth.

contre le Danemarck, la Pologne, et la Moscovie; termine against the Denmark, the Poland, and the Muscovy; terminates against Denmark, Poland, and Russia; terminates

la guerre de Danemarck en six semaines; défait quatre

the war
of Denmark in six weeks;
the war with Denmark in six

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weeks; defeats eighty vingt mille Moscovites avec huit mille Suédois, et passe twenty thousand Muscovites with eight thousand Swedes, and passes

thousand Russians with eight thousand Swedes, and marches en Pologne. Description de la Pologne et de son gou



Description of the Poland and of her gointo Poland. Description of Poland and its go

vernement. Charles gagne plusieurs



Charles gains several
Charles gains several

maître de la Pologne, où il

master of the Poland, where he

self master of Poland, where he

batailles, et

battles, and



battles, and makes him

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[blocks in formation]


Douze. Les bruits de ces préparatifs


The noises

of these preparations

Charles the Twelfth. The rumours of their preparations

consternoient la Suède, et alarmoient le conseil. + dismayed the Sweden, and + alarmed the council. struck Sweden with consternation, and alarmed the council.

The great generals

Les grands généraux étoient morts; on avoit raison † were dead; one + had reason Their great generals were dead; every thing was de tout craindre sous un jeune roi, qui n'avoit under a young king, who not † had to be feared under a young king, who

of all



encore donné de lui que de mauvaises impressions.



given of him than of impressions. hitherto given only unfavourable impressions of himself. Il n'assistoit presque jamais dans le conseil que

He not assisted almost

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[blocks in formation]
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indifférent, il n'avoit paru prendre part à rien. indifferent, he not † had appeared to-take part to nothing. indifferent, he had appeared to take interest in nothing.

Le conseil délibéra en sa présence sur le danger
The council deliberated in his presence upon the danger
The council deliberated in his presence upon the danger
conseillers proposoient

où l'on étoit: quelques

where the one † was: of their situation:



+ proposed

some of the counsellors proposed

de détourner la tempête par des of to-turn away the tempest by of-the to avert the storm by


négociations; tout

negociations; negociation;


d'un coup le jeune prince lève avec l'air de of a stroke the young prince himself raises with the air of when the young prince suddenly rose with the grave

gravité et l'assurance d'un homme supérieur, qui a

gravity and the assurance

and confident air

of a of a


súperior, who has superior man, who has

pris son parti: "Messieurs," dit-il, "j'ai résolu

taken his determination:

taken his resolution:



said he, "I have resolved said he, "I have resolved

de ne jamais faire une guerre injuste; mais de


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not of-it

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never to wage an unjust war,




finir une légitime que par la perte de

to-finish a


than by the loss


never to conclude a lawful one except by the destruction of

mes ennemis. Ma résolution est prise:

my enemies. My resolution my enemies. My resolution

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attaquer le premier qui se se déclarera; et quand

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who himself shall-declare; and when to attack the first who declares himself; and when

je l'aurai vaincu, j'espère faire quelque peur

I him shall-have vanquished, I hope I have conquered him, I hope aux autres."

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Ces paroles étonnèrent ces vieux conseillers: ils

These words astonished these old
These words astonished the old

se regardèrent sans

themselves looked-at

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looked at each other without

étonnés d'avoir un tel roi, et

astonished of to-have a such king, and ashamed surprised at having such a king, and ashamed



of to-hope of being

que lui, ils reçurent avec admiration

than he, they received



less sanguine than he, they received with admiration

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vit renoncer tout d'un coup aux amusemens les plus

saw to-renounce all of a stroke to-the amusements

the most

him instantaneously renounce the most innocent amuse

innocens de la jeunesse. innocent of the youth. ments of youth.


moment qu'il se

From-the moment that he himself
From the moment that he

prépara à la guerre, il commença une vie toute

prepared to the prepared for

war, war,


nouvelle, dont



a life


began he commenced an entirely new

s'est jamais depuis écarté

il ne
from-which he not himself is never
from which he

un seul moment.

a single moment. for a single moment.

since put-away never after deviated

Plein de l'idée d'Alexandre, et
Full of the idea of Alexander, and
Full of the idea of Alexander and

proposa d'imiter

de César, il se
of Cæsar, he to-himself proposed of to-imitate
Cæsar, he proposed to himself to imitate




every thing in

ces deux conquérans, hors leurs vices. Il ne connut

these two

He not knew but their vices. He abandoned

conquerors, out-of their vices. these two conquerors

plus ni magnificence, ni jeux, ni délassemens ;

more neither magnificence, nor sports, nor recreations; all magnificence, or amusement, or recreation;

il réduisit sa table à la frugalité la plus grande.

he reduced his table to the he reduced his table to the

Il avoit aimé le faste

frugality the most great. greatest frugality.

dans les habits; il ne fut He + had loved the show in the clothes; he not was He had been fond of splendour in his dress; from that

vêtu depuis que comme un simple soldat.

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a simple soldier. time he wore only the dress of a common soldier.

On l'avoit

One him † had

He had been

soupçonné d'avoir eu une passion pour une femme suspected of to-have had a passion for suspected of entertaining a passion

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de sa cour; of his court; let-be that this intrigue might-be true of his court; whether this intrigue really existed



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