Billeder på siden

ou non, il est certain qu'il renonça alors aux femmes

or not, it is certain that he renounced then to-the women or not, it is certain that he then renounced

pour jamais, non-seulement de peur

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only not only



verned by them, but


d'en être

of of-them to-be

from fear from the fear of being go

pour donner l'exemple à ses to-give the example to his that he might set an example to his


soldats, qu'il vouloit contenir dans la discipline la soldiers, that he willed to-contain in the discipline the soldiers, whom he wished to restrain by the most rigorous

plus rigoureuse; peut-être encore par la vanité still by the vanity





perhaps also from the vanity

d'être le seul de tous les rois qui domptât un of all the kings who might-subdue king who ever subdued a

of to-be the sole

of being the only
penchant si difficile à surmonter.

leaning SO difficult to to-surmount. propensity so difficult to overcome.


Il résolut de

He resolved of
He resolved

reste de sa vie.

s'abstenir de vin tout le himself to-abstain from wine all the of his life. to abstain from wine for the remainder of his life.

Les uns


m'ont dit qu'il n'avoit pris ce


The ones to-me have said that he not had taken this determination Some persons have told me that he took this resolution

que pour dompter en tout la nature, et pour ajouter


for to-subdue in all the nature, and for only in order to subdue nature completely, and

to-add to add

une nouvelle vertu à son héroïsme; mais le plus

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grand nombre m'a assuré qu'il voulut par-là se

great number to-me has assured that he willed greater number have assured me that he wished

by-there himself thus to punish

punir d'un excès qu'il avoit commis, et d'un afto-punish of an excess which he + had committed, and of an afhimself for an excess which he had committed, and for an in

front qu'il avoit fait à table à une femme, en

front which he had made at table to a sult, which he had offered at table to a

présence même de la reine sa mère. even of the queen his mother. of the queen his mother.

presence presence

woman, in

woman, in the Si cela est

If that is

If this be the

ainsi, cette condamnation de soi-même, et cette pri

thus, this

case, such a

vation qu'il

condemnation of oneself-same, and this pricondemnation of himself, such a pri


vation which he to-himself imposed


toute sa

all his

vie, sont life, are

imposed on himself for his whole life, evince

une espèce d'héroïsme non moins admirable.

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besoin. Ses états étoient déjà ravagés, son châ

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teau de Gottorp pris, sa ville de Tonningue pressée tle of Gottorp taken, his city of Tonningen pressed tle of Gottorp taken, his city of Tonningen pressed où le Roi de Danemarck

par un siége opiniâtre,

by a siege obstinate,

where the King of

by an obstinate siege, to which the King of

Denmark Denmark

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Saxon troops



du Roi de Pologne, celles de Brandebourg, de of-the King of Poland, of the King of Wolfenbuttel,


Poland, those of Brandenburg, of

de Hesse-Cassel, marchoient pour

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Wolfenbuttel, and of


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se joindre aux Danois; de l'autre, les huit themselves to-join to-the of the other, the eight to join the on the other, the King mille hommes du Roi de

thousand men


of-the King of of Sweden's eight thousand

Hanovre et de Zell, et trois

Hanover and of Zell, and three

Hanover and Zell, and three

venoient secourir

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Suède, les troupes de

Sweden, the troops



the troops from

régimens de Hollande, regiments of Holland, Dutch regiments, Tandis que le petit

le Duc.



came to the assistance of the Duke.

Whilst that the little

the little

pays de Holstein étoit ainsi le théâtre de la guerre, country of Holstein + was thus the theatre of the territory of Holstein was thus the theatre of

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deux escadres, l'une d'Angleterre, et l'autre de two squadrons, the one from England, squadrons, the one from England,


the other from

Hollande, parurent dans la Mer Baltique: ces deux

Holland, appeared in the Sea Holland, appeared in the

états étoient garans

states states


these two

these two

du traité d'Altena,

† were guarantees of-the treaty of Altona,

were guarantees of the treaty of Altona, which had

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of Holstein oppressed,

[blocks in formation]

pressed Duke of Holstein, because the interests of their com

merce s'opposoit à l'agrandissement du Roi de merce himself opposed to the aggrandizement of-the King of were opposed to the aggrandizement of the King of Danemarck. Ils savoient que le Danois, étant


Denmark. Denmark.


+ knew

that the Dane, being that the Danes, being

maître du passage du Sund, imposeroit des lois master of-the passage of-the Sound, would-impose of-the laws masters of-the passage of the Sound, would-impose


onéreuses aux nations commerçantes, quand


to-the nations



densome regulations on commercial nations, as soon as il seroit assez fort pour en user ainsi impunément.


of-it to-use thus

he should-be enough strong
they were strong enough to do So



with-impunity. with impunity.

intérêt a long-temps engagé les Anglois et long-time engaged the English and induced the English and

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This consideration long

les Hollandois à tenir, autant qu'ils l'ont pu, la

the Hollanders to to-hold, as-much

Dutch to hold

as they it have been-able, the the balance as even as

balance égale entre les princes du nord; ils se balance equal between the princes of-the north; they themselves they could between the princes of the north; they

joignirent au jeune Roi de Suède, qui sembloit dejoined to-the young King of Sweden, who † seemed joined the young King of Sweden, who



voir être accablé par tant d'ennemis réunis, et Owe to-be overwhelmed by so-many of enemies re-united, and. likely to be overwhelmed by so many combined enemies, and

le secoururent par la même raison pour laquelle on


succoured by the same assisted him for the same

reason for the-which one reason that


l'attaquoit, parcequ'on ne le croyoit pas capable de

him attacked, because one not him + believed

** capable of attacked him, because they thought him incapable of

se défendre.

himself to-defend.

defending himself.

Il étoit à la chasse aux ours quand il reçut la

Het was at the chace to-the bears when he received the He was at a bear-hunt when he received the

nouvelle de l'irruption


des Saxons en Livonie:

Saxons into

Livonia :

of the irruption of-the news of the irruption of the Saxons into


il faisoit cette chasse d'une manière aussi nouvelle het made this

he pursued this

chace of a chace in a

manner manner

as as

[merged small][ocr errors]
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as it was dangerous; no other weapons were used than

des bâtons fourchus derrière un filet tendu à des of-the sticks forked forked sticks

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arbres un ours d'une grandeur démesurée vint droit

greatness unmeasured came right enormous size made right

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at the King, who, after a long struggle, felled him to the

lutte, à l'aide du filet et de son bâton. struggle, at the aid of-the net and of his stick. earth, by the aid of the net and of his


Cet excès de courage fit voir à ceux qui l'envi-
This excess of courage
made to-see to those who him † envi-
This dauntless courage proved to those who surround-

ronnoient quelle valeur il déploieroit contre ses


ed him

what what

valour he would-unfold against his valour he would display against his

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