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ennemis. Il partit pour sa première campagne le


enemies. He departed for his campaign the enemies. He set out for his first campaign on the huit de Mai, nouveau style, de l'année mille eight of May, style, of the year eighth of May, new style, in the year one thousand Il quitta Stockholm, où il ne re





sept cents. seven hundreds. He quitted Stockholm, where he not reseven hundred. He quitted Stockholm, to which he

vint jamais.

turned never.



Une foule innombrable de peuple


crowd innumerable

of people An innumerable crowd of people

l'accompagna jusqu'au port de

him accompanied accompanied him

until to-the port of

to the port of

Carlscroon, en



faisant des vœux pour lui, en versant des larmes,

making of-the VOWS uttering

for him, in


[blocks in formation]

shedding of-the tears, tears,

[blocks in formation]

devoit prendre soin de tout ce qui regardoit la flotte, † ought to-take care of all that which † regarded the fleet, was to provide for every thing relating to the fleet,

les troupes, et les fortifications du pays. Le

the troops, and the the troops, and the

fortifications of-the country. fortifications of the country.



corps du sénat devoit régler tout le reste provisionbody body of-the senate † ought to-rule all the rest provisionbody of the senate was provisionally to regulate every

nellement dans l'intérieur du royaume.


in the interior of-the kingdom.

thing else in the interior of the kingdom.


ainsi mis un ordre certain dans ses états, son thus put an order certain in his states, his thus provided for the order of his dominions, his

s'occupa plus

esprit, libre de tout autre soin, ne spirit, free from all other care, not itself occupied more mind, freed from all other cares,

[blocks in formation]

nommé le Roi Charles, le

named the King Charles, the called the King Charles, the

jamais vu, étoit de cent



was occupied solely

étoit composée de

† was

composed of consisted of

qu'il monta, which he mounted,

the one in which he sailed,

plus grand qu'on eût most great that one might-have largest

vingt pièces de canon. never seen, † was of hundred twenty pieces of cannon. ever. seen, had a hundred and twenty guns.

Le Comte Piper, son premier ministre, le Général

The Count Piper, his


Count Piper, his prime

minister, the General minister, General

Renschild, et le Comte de Guiscard, ambassadeur de
-Renschild, and the Count of Guiscard,
Renschild, and Count de

[blocks in formation]

ambassador of

Guiscard, French ambas

France in Sweden, themselves there sador to Sweden,

[blocks in formation]

Il joignit les escadres des alliés. La flotte Danoise

He joined the squadrons of-the allies.

The fleet Danish

He joined the allied squadrons.

The Danish fleet

évita le combat, et laissa la liberté aux trois avoided the combat, and left the liberty to-the three avoided the combat, and left the three combined

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Copenhague pour y jeter quelques bombes.

Copenhagen for there to-throw



Copenhagen to throw some shells into the city.

Il est certain que ce fut le Roi lui-même qui pro

It is certain that it was the King him-same who proIt is certain that it was the King himself who then

posa alors au Général Renschild de faire une des

posed then to-the General Renschild proposed to General Renschild

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

bileté que de courage dans un jeune prince sans expélity as of courage in a young prince without expelity as courage in young and inexperienced rience. Bientôt tout fut prêt pour la descente; les



Well-soon all was ready for the descent; the

prince. All was soon ready for ordres furent donnés pour faire




embarquer cinq

were given for to-make to-embark

orders were given

five to embark five

mille hommes, qui étoient sur les côtes de Suède, thousand men, thousand men, who

who † were upon the coasts of Sweden, were upon the coast of Sweden,

et qui furent joints aux troupes qu'on avoit à bord.
aud who were joined to-the troops which one t had at board.
and who were added to the troops
on board.

Le Roi quitta son grand vaisseau, et monta une fré-
The King quitted his great
The King quitted his great ship, and went on board

vessel, and mounted



gate plus légère: on commença par faire partir trois gate more light: one began by to-make to-depart three a light frigate: three hundred grenadiers were first

cents grenadiers dans de petites chaloupes. Entre

hundreds grenadiers in of little

sent off



shallops. little shallops.

Between Between


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des fascines, des chevaux-de-frise, et les instrumens of-the fascines, of-the chevaux-de-frise, and the instruments the fascines,

chevaux-de-frise, and the pioneers'

des pionniers. Cinq cents hommes d'élite suivoient

of-the pioneers. implements.

Five hundreds men of choice + followed
Five hundred picked men followed

dans d'autres chaloupes. Après venoient les vais

in of other in


† came the ves

shallops. other shallops. After them came the King's seaux de guerre du Roi, avec deux frégates An

sels of

war of-the King, with

two frigates Engships of the line, with two English and

gloises et deux Hollandoises, qui devoient favoriser

lish and two


which † ought

two Dutch frigates, which were

to-favour to cover

[blocks in formation]

plaine, ayant au nord-ouest le Sund, et à l'orient plain, having to-the north-west the Sound, and to the east plain, having the Sound to the north-west, and to the east

la Mer Baltique, où étoit alors le Roi de Suède. the Sea Baltic, where was then the King of Sweden. the Baltic Sea, where the King of Sweden then was.

Au mouvement imprévu des vaisseaux qui mena

At-the movement unforeseen of-the vessels which threatAt the unexpected movement of the ships which threat

çoient d'une descente, les habitans

ened of ened



consternés par


descent, the inhabitants dismayed descent, the inhabitants, in consternation at

movement of-the

l'inaction de leur flotte, et par le mouvement des
the inaction of their fleet, and by the
the inactivity of their fleet, and at the movement of the

vaisseaux Suédois, regardoient avec crainte en quel
Swedish, † regarded with fear in what
Swedish vessels,
watched with dread on what


endroit fondroit l'orage: la flotte de Charles s'arplace would-pour-down the storm: the fleet of Charles herself side the storm would burst.

Charles's fleet


rêta vis-à-vis Humblebek, à sept milles de Co

stopped opposite

Humblebek, at seven miles from Co

chored opposite

Humblebek, seven miles from Co

penhague. Aussitôt les Danois rassemblent en cet


As-soon the Danes

re-assemble in this

penhagen. The Danes instantly collected their cavalry

endroit leur cavalerie. Des milices furent placées
place their cavalry. Of-the soldiery were placed
in this place.
The infantry were posted

derrière d'épais retranchemens, et

behind of thick

l'artillerie, the artillery behind thick intrenchments, and whatever artillery

intrenchments, and

qu'on put y conduire, fut tournée contre les which one was-able there to-conduct, was turned against the was turned against the

could be brought there,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


frigate, for frigate, and

himself to-go
went on

shallop, at the head of his

mettre dans la première chaloupe, à la tête de ses board the first shallop, at the head of his gardes. L'ambassadeur de France étoit alors auprès

guards. guards.

The ambassador of France † was then to-the-near
The ambassador of France was at that time near

"Monsieur l'ambassadeur," lui dit-il, en

de lui.

of him.

" Sir,
" Sir,"

the ambassador,"

to-him said he, in. said he to him, in

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