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Un soldat

n'eût pas osé refuser le paiement de soldier not might-have * dared to-refuse the payment of A soldier would not have dared to refuse


payment for ce qu'il achetoit, encore moins aller en maraude,

that which he bought, still what he bought,


pas même



less to-go in marauding-party, less to go on a marauding-party;

to go-out of-the

sortir du camp. TI



indeed he would not even have ventured out of the camp. He,

voulut de plus que dans une victoire ses troupes

willed of more that


a victory his troops moreover, commanded that after a victory his troops

ne dépouillassent les morts qu'après en avoir eu la


the dead

might-strip should not strip the dead

than after of-it to-have had the without express

permission, et il parvint aisément à faire observer permission, and he succeeded easily to to-make to-observe permission, and he easily succeeded in causing this law to be

cette loi.

this law.


On faisoit toujours dans son camp la

One + made

Prayers were

always in his camp the regularly read in his camp

prière deux fois par jour, à sept heures

du matin et prayer two times by day, at seven hours of-the morning and a day, at seven in the


morning and

à quatre heures du soir. Il ne manqua jamais d'y

at four

at four


of-the evening. He not failed in the evening. He

never of there

never failed to be

assister et de donner à ses soldats l'exemple de la

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abondance; les paysans aimoient mieux vendre leurs

abundance; the peasants † loved abundance; the peasants

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SO well.

Les bour-
The burgh-

Danois, qui ne les payoient pas si bien.

Danes, who not them countrymen, who did not

+ paid

pay them so well.


geois de la ville furent même obligés de venir plus

ers of the city were citizens


even obliged of to-come more even obliged to go repeatedly

d'une fois chercher au camp du Roi de Suède des to-seek at-the camp of-the King of Sweden of-the to the King of Sweden's camp in search of

of one time

provisions qui manquoient dans leurs marchés.
provisions which + were-wanting in
provisions which their own markets did not afford.

their markets.

Le Roi de Danemarck étoit alors dans le Holstein, + was then in the Holstein, Holstein,

The King of The King of



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then in

rendu que pour lever le

where he + seemed not himself to-be rendered than for to-raise the whither he appeared to

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déjà maître du Zélande, et prêt à s'emparer de sa already master of-the Zealand, and ready to himself to-possess of his already master of Zealand, and preparing to seize

capitale. Il fit


publier dans ses états, que ceux to-publish in his states, that those capital. He issued a proclamation throughout his states,

capital. He made

qui prendroient les armes contre les Suédois auroient who should-take the arms against the Swedes should-have promising freedom to all who would take up arms against leur liberté. Cette déclaration étoit d'un grand

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poids dans un pays autrefois libre,

weight in a country

other-time free,


tous les

all the

in a country formerly free, and in which all the

paysans, et même beaucoup de bourgeois, sont


peasants, and peasants, and even



of burghers, of the citizens,

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are are

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made war upon him only to

l'obliger à faire la paix; qu'il

him to-oblige to to-make the peace; that he compel him

to make peace; that he

n'avoit qu'à se

not † had than to himself had only to decide

résoudre à rendre justice au Duc de Holstein, ou à to-resolve to to-render justice to-the Duke of Holstein, whether he would do justice to the Duke of Holstein,


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voir Copenhague détruite, et son royaume mis à feu
Copenhagen destroyed, and his
Copenhagen destroyed, and his

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étoit trop heureux

† was too happy was most fortunate

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justice; on assembla un congrès dans la ville de

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justice; one assembled a congress justice; a congress was assembled Travendal sur les frontières de Holstein. Travendal frontiers of upon the Holstein. Travendal on the frontiers of Holstein.

The King of

Suède ne souffrit pas que l'art des ministres traînât

Sweden not suffered

that the art of-the ministers might-drag

Sweden did not suffer the negociations to be

les négociations en longueur: il voulut

the negociations by the arts

into length: he willed
of ministers: he chose

protracted que le traité

that the treaty that the treaty



itself might-achieve

should be concluded

aussi rapidement qu'il



as he


+ was

with as much rapidity
with as much rapidity as he had made

descendu en Zélande. Effectivement il fut conclu

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his descent upon Zealand. It was, in fact,

he was concluded concluded

le cinq d'Août, à l'avantage du Duc de Holstein,


five of August, to the advantage of-the Duke of Holstein, on the fifth of August, advantageously for the Duke of Holstein,

qui fut indemnisé de tous les frais de la guerre, et who was indemnified of all the costs of the war, and who was indemnified for all the expenses of the

délivré d'oppression. delivered from oppression. delivered from oppression.

rien pour lui-même,

nothing for


war, and Le Roi de Suède ne voulut The King of Sweden not willed The King of Sweden would take

satisfait d'avoir secouru son

satisfied of to-have succoured his

nothing for himself, he was satisfied with having succoured his

allié, et humilié son ennemi. ally, and humbled his enemy. ally, and humbled his enemy.

à dix-huit ans, commença


eighteen years,

began at the age of eighteen, begin

moins de six semaines.

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Précisément dans le même temps le Roi de Pologne

in the same

time the King of Poland

Exactly at the same time the King of Poland

investissoit la ville de Riga, capitale de la Livonie,
† invested the city of Riga,
capital of the Livonia,
invested the city of Riga, the capital of Livonia,

et le Czar s'avançoit du côté de l'orient, à la tête

and the Czar himself † advanced from-the side

while the Czar

advanced from the

of the east, at the head

east, at the head

de près de cent mille hommes. Riga étoit défendue

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par le vieux Comte d'Alberg, général Suédois, qui,


by the
Count of Alberg,
by the old Count d'Alberg,

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general Swedish, who, a Swedish general, who,

joignoit le feu d'un + joined the fire of a united the fire of

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grand homme

great man:

of war and of cabinet,

guerre et de cabinet,

a man distinguished both in the field and the cabinet,

et le Livonien Patkul, pressoient tous deux le siége

and the Livonian Patkul, + pressed

and the Livonian

sous les yeux

under the eyes


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under the eyes of the King;

all two the siege the siege

both pressed

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périence du vieux Comte d'Alberg rendoit inutiles perience of-the old Count of Alberg † rendered useless perience of the old Count d'Alberg rendered their efforts

leurs efforts, et le Roi de Pologne désespéroit de

their efforts, and the King of ineffectual, and the King of


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+ despaired of despaired occasion honora

occasion honoura

He at length seized an honourable pre

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