I may mention that the above classification is only slightly different from last year. The municipalities of Dixville, Newport and Lingwick having been advanced one step. Trusting that the foregoing, along with previous reports, will be sufficient to give you a fair idea of the state of education in this inspectorate. I have the honour, etc., WM. THOMPSON, School Inspector. NOTICES FROM THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased, under date 7th April, 1891, to appoint a school commissioner for the parish of Rimouski, same county. 13th April. To appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of Farnham West, Co. Missisquoi, also a school trustee for the municipality of Huntingdon. 14th April. To appoint Messrs. David Johnston and George Pringle school commissioners for the municipality of Hinchinbrooke, Co. Huntington, to replace Messrs. James Johnston and Archibald Muir, also to appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of N. D. du Sacré Cœur, Co. Rimouski. 21st April. To appoint two school commissioners for the munici pality of Hereford, Co. Compton. 23rd April. To appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of Cote St. Louis, Co. Hochelaga. 1st May. To divide the Parish of St. Anne of Yamachiche, Co. St. Maurice, into two distinct school municipalities, under the names of Village and Parish of Yamachiche. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated descriptive Pamphlet mailed free. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. A LARGE STOCK OF ALL THE BOOKS IN USE IN THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC CONSTANTLY KEPT ON HAND. SPECIAL NOTICE. MEIKLEJOHN'S New English Grammar, Part I, containing the first 99 pages, with exercises Complete Grammar Short History of the English Language Outlines of English Literature PRICE. 35c. 75c. 30c. 43c. A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL THE ROYAL READERS, School Stationery and all Supplies and Requisites AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention. Ca PLEASE WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. E. M. RENOUF, Educational Publisher and Bookseller, 2238 ST. CATHERINE STREET, MONTREAL. DOMINION DRAWING BOOKS By PROF. McLEOD, Ma.E. McGill College, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Price 10 cts. each. Authorized by the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction for this Province, for use in all Schools. Future Examinations in Drawing will be based on these Books. These Books are got up on a new method. They contain 18 pages of Drawing Copies and 18 pages of blank Drawing Paper, so as to avoid the necessity of a separate Drawing Book. TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. MEIKLEJOHN'S GRAMMAR, Part 1, with Exercises, Price, 35 cts. 75 cts. A large stock of these Grammars on hand. The trade supplied on liberal terms. WM. FOSTER BROWN & CO., Booksellers & Publishers, 233 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. I.-PRIMARY ARITHMETIC. Including Oral, Slate and Written Exercises. With many Wood-cut Illustrations. 25 cts. II. COMPLETE ARITHMETIC. This work is specially adapted to the wants of Common and High Schools, and Collegiate Institutes of Canada. With many Wood-cut Illustrations. 50 cts. The following are a few out of many testimonials: From S. P. ROBINS, LL.D., M.A., formerly Secretary and Superintendent of Schools of Protestant Board of Commissioners, Montreal, now Principal of McGill Normal School. Rev. Prin. Macvicar, LL.D. High School, Metcalfe St., Sept. 30th, 1879. Permit me. after a careful examination of your Arithmetical text-books, the Primary and the Complete Arithmetic, to say that I consider their introduction into the Schools of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners of this city will prove of the greatest assistance to teachers. The more important and peculiar advantages of these books appear to me to arise from the very careful analysis of the subject of arithmetical teaching as a whole, and of each rule in particular, which has preceded the methods of treatment adopted. Hence the books are admirably arranged with reference to the systematic and gradual progress of pupils, and even the most complete processes are presented with great clearness and simplicity. This will be at once evident to every practical teacher who may examine the mode of treatment of such subjects as fractions or square and cube roots. From S. P. ROWELL, formerly Head Master, Ann Street School, now the Dr. Macvicar's Primary Arithmetic, now in use in this School, proves to be a very valuable book for class work. The clearness and conciseness of rules, definitions and explanations in both the Primary and Complete Arithmetic, coupled with their suitability for young pupils, the careful graduation and diagram illustration of the principles of the different subjects, the objective method employed, and the practical business nature of the examples, are all points that cannot fail to recommend the work to every experienced teacher. Too great importance cannot be attached to the plates illustrating Solid Measure in the Primary Arithmetic. The author has shown a thorough practical knowledge of the wants of both teacher and pupil in presenting his subject in a method so attractive and instructive. I hope soon to see these Arithmetics in general use throughout all our Public Schools. From S. H. PARSONS, A.B., formerly Head Master, Point St. Charles School, now Head Master of Victoria School, Montreal. The want of a clear, concise and practical Arithmetic for Canadian Schools, at such a price as would bring it within the reach of all, has been long felt. Macvicar's Elementary Arithmetic, lately published by Dawson Brothers, Montreal, seems to fill that want as no other work published in Canada has done. All rubbish has been rejected, while the mechanical work and typography is all that can be desired. From C. A. HUMPHREY, formerly Head Master, Royal Arthur School, We have used Macvicar's Arithmetic in this School for the last six months, and find it far superior to any Primary Arithmetic that it has been our lot to meet with. From REV. JAMES MITCHELL, Rector High School, Quebec. I have carefully examined your "Primary Arithmetic," and I think it is the very best book for junior pupils that exists in Canada. The "Complete Arithmetic, oral and written," is in reality what it professes to be "complete." In it there are no roundabout demonstrations that do more to perplex than instruct the pupil; but everything is plain, logical, thorough and common-sense. I most cordially commend your two Arithmetics to every teacher, as being by far the cheapest and best in the Dominion. From W. H. LAW, B.A., M.D., Principal, Brockville High School, Ontario. I find the Arithmetic to be concise yet exceedingly clear in its explanations, with a sufficient number of problems to illustrate each successive principle. It appears to be admirably adapted for drill-work, and is calculated to make the student thorough, accurate aud self-reliant. The diagrams found through the work constitute an additional feature to recommend it, especially to the junior pupil. From REV. THOMAS NICHOLSON, Inspector of Schools, New Brunswick. They are far superior in many excellent qualities to any I have seen. The illustrations are admirable, and readily give an intelligent conception of the different rules to even a very youn pupil. Dr. Macvicar has conferred a great boon on the public by such works. PRIZE BOOKS! Messrs. W. DRYSDALE & CO. beg to call the attention of Teachers and Trustees to their choice and varied assortment of BOOKS SUITABLE FOR SCHOOL PRIZES REWARDS A long experience and careful buying, enable us, this season, to offer a line of Books SURPASSING ALL PREVIOUS YEARS. Books embrace all Departments of Literature to please all tastes. Books at all prices, from 5 cents upwards, to suit all pockets. Please send for our Catalogue and Terms. W. DRYSDALE & CO., Publishers and Booksellers, 232 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. NOTE. Many Trustees and Teachers inay prefer leaving the selection of their books in our hands. In such cases, please indicate sex and age of the recipients, and the number of books required for any given amount. We will then guarantee a satisfactory selection.-W. D. & Co. |