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5. Give any four tenses of aller, or recevoir, including the imperative. 6. What is the French for: -Some (before m. sing. noun), mine (f. sing.) me, he whom, this afternoon, yesterday, the day before, people, one another, himself.


7. Conjugate in subjunctive present: - Aller, acquérir, vouloir, prendre.

8. The future of aimer, nourrir, apercevoir, mordre.

9. The plural of:-Je, tu, celui-ci, quelqu'un, personne, cheval, éventail, corail, bétail, il parle, and the feminine of lui, eux, blanc, vermeil, actif, tiers épais, le mien, ce, il parle.



1. Tell what you know of the imprisonment of John the Baptist.

2. Give an account of the cure of the Gadarene demoniac.

3. Describe Christ's triumphal march into Jerusalem.


4. What are the events recorded in the first four chapters of the first book in the New Testament?

5. In what connection with the life of Christ are Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea mentioned ?

6. Give an account of the cure of the leper, and of the paralytic.


7. Draw a map of Palestine with the Roman divisions of the country, the river Jordan, and the Dead Sea carefully outlined. 8. Where were the following places: Bethsaida, Bethesda, Cæsarea, Bethlehem, Bethany, Jericho, Jordan, Damascus, Tyre, Shechem. 9. Give the passage in the Sermon on the Mount which refers to alms-giving, to the forgiving of our enemies, against hypocrisy.


1. Explain the references in the following passages :-
And the pleased lake, like maiden coy,
Trembled, but dimpled not for joy.

Wrothful at such arraignment foul,
Dark lowered the clansman's sable scowl.
The monarch saw the gambols flag,
And bade let loose the gallant stag.
The chieftain reared his form on high,
And fever's fire was in his eye.

The belted plaid and tartan hose
Did ne'er more graceful limbs disclose.

2. Analyse the above sentences and parse the words in italics. 3. Give the context of the following lines to the extent of fifteen lines or more :

The chief in silence strode before

And reached that torrent's sounding shore.


4. Give an account in your own words of the opening scene of the "Lady of the Lake."

5. Explain the terms:- Vanward, barret-cup, snood, fealty, the fairies' fatal green, coif, wot ye why, noontide bag, henchman, sheen. 6. Enumerate ten of the principal events in the life of Sir Walter Scott. When did he die? Who were his contemporaries?


7. Write out a neatly composed paragraph on the "Invasion of the Spanish Armada."

8. Write out any ten lines from Canto V. of the "Lady of the Lake" and paraphrase them.

9. Reconstruct a simple sentence out of the following elements :(a) An officer was bringing up some troops.

(b) The cruel skirmisher probably belonged to these troops.

(c) The troops happened to halt at a spot.

(d) I lay at that spot.

(e) The officer stooped and addressed me.

(f) The officer feared I was badly wounded.


1. While the pupils are engaged with their English as above, the teacher may copy on the blackboard the figure selected from the Dominion Freehand Drawing Course, No. 4, for Grade III. Model School.

2. In addition to the above the pupil is to sketch a maple leaf or any other original design. No marks will be given to a figure which is not in pencil and which is not at least three inches in one of its dimensions.


1. Translate: Postero die castra ex eo loco movent; idem facit Cæsar; equitatumque omnem, ad numerum quatuor millium, quem ex omni provincia et Æduis atque eorum sociis coactum habebat, præmittit qui videant, quas in partes hostes iter faciant. Qui, cupidius novissimum agmen insequuti, alieno loco cum equitatu Helvetiorum prælium committunt; et pauci de nostris cadunt.

2. Translate: The whole of Gaul is divided into three parts; of these, one part is inhabited by the Belgians, another by the Aquitani, the third by the Gauls. All these differ among themselves in language, institutions and laws. The river Garumna separates the Gauls from the Aquitani. The most warlike of them all are the Belgians, because they are farther away from us.


3. Parse every word in the last sentence of above Latin extract. 4. Select the verbs in the above Latin extract, and give the infinitive of each.

5. Decline fully eorum.


6. Give a short description of Gaul as Cæsar found it.

7. Conjugate facio in all its perfect tenses.

8. Give the rules of syntax which may be applied in construing

the first two lines of the above Latin extract.



1. Draw the figure of proposition XVIII. Define a parallelogram, a rectangle, a perpendicular, and a theorem. (The figure must be neatly drawn in pencil, two inches in dimensions at least, as the other figures required ought also to be. Do not use numbers for letters.)

2. Name the references in proposition XXIV. and give the enunciations of the propositions referred to.

3. Give the enunciation, construction and proof of proposition VII. "Upon the same base and on the same side of it there cannot be two triangles," &c.


4. Draw the figures of the propositions II. and XI. in both books. 5. Prove that the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles, and that the three interior angles are together equal to two right angles.

6. Prove that the opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal and that the diagonal bisects it.


7. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, then the squares on the whole line and on one of the parts are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole and that part together with the square on the other part. Prove this proposition.

8. Divide a straight line into two parts so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts may be equal to the square on the other part.

9. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, then the rectangle contained by the whole line and one of the parts is equal to the rectangle contained by the two parts together with the square on the aforesaid part. Prove this proposition.



1. Find the G.C.M. of 9 (a2x2 - 4) and 12 (a2x2 + 4ax + 4)
2. Find the L.C.M. of 4 (α3 – ab2), 12 (ab2 + b2), 8 (as a2b)

[blocks in formation]

7. A father is 24 years old when his eldest son is born; and if both live till the father is twice as old as he is now, the son will be then 8 times as old as now.

Find the father's present age.

8. Divide 150 into two parts, such that if one be divided by 23, and the other by 27, the sum of the two quotients may be six.

9. A horse was sold, at a loss, for $80; but if it had been sold for $100 the gain would have been three-fourths of the former loss. Find its real value.

-The sad intelligence of the death of the Rev. Dr. Weir, of Morrin College, has by this time reached our readers, and while going to press we pause to give space to the following announcement in the Quebec Chronicle of a meeting of the Faculty of Arts of the College in which he labored so zealously for so many years :

"At a meeting of the Faculty of Arts of Morrin College, held in the College on the 17th inst., the Principal being in the chair, it was unanimously resolved:

"That this Faculty record its profound sorrow for the lamented death of their honored and learned colleague, the Rev. George Weir, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Classics and Hebrew. In both the university and more elementary departments of education, Dr. Weir has been engaged in Canada for nearly forty years, during which his enthusiasm never flagged and his success never diminished. His love for the classics, his scholarly attainments, his eager manner, his genial humor, his universal zeal and his warm personal attachments to his students, made him one of the most successful teachers of the day. To Dr. Weir, Morrin College owes more than can be told for its efficiency in accomplishing, the educational work it has done for the city of Quebec and neighborhood, while the whole province has felt the effect of his labors as an educationist, when occupying the positions of Inspector of Superior Schools and Secretary of the Protestant Committee.

"The Faculty desires not only to express its own sense of loss in the sudden departure of Dr. Weir, but to convey most cordial assurances of sympathy to his mourning relatives, and especially his much-loved surviving daughter and grandchildren, over whom his heart vearned with such devoted affection.

"The Faculty instructs the Secretary to forward a copy of this minute to the relatives of the deceased. "JOHN COOK, D.D., LL.D., Principal,

"HENRY WALTERS, B.A., Sec. Faculty of Arts.'

["Dr. Weir was born 15th July, 1825, at Aberlow, Scotland, and educated at Aberdeen University. He graduated in 1848 and was Rector of Banff Academy. When Dr. Cook went to Scotland to choose a man for Queen's College, Kingston, he brought out Dr. Weir as Professor of Classical Literature, where he remained for 11 years. He was 25 years in Quebec as Professor of Classical History, and was a fine Hebrew scholar. About 1881 the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater as a recognition of his scholarship and untiring and successful efforts in the cause of education."]

Correspondence, etc.

To the Editor of the EDUCATIONAL RECORD:

DEAR SIR,-While all are not satisfied with the modern systems of education and examination, it would appear from the following, which I have translated from L'Enseignment Primaire, of our Province, that it would hardly do to return to the old manner of awarding prizes, which seems still to be in vogue in some Quebec schools. R. M.

The article reads as follows:

Yours, etc.,

In some of our schools the task of determining, on the day of examination, which pupil is to have the first prize, which the second, etc., is still left to the Commissioners. The children are questioned individually by one of the members of the School Board, and whoever reads best, solves most rapidly the problems in arithmetic, answers most promptly the questions in geography or history. receives the finest book, and so on through the whole class. The teacher, who has the most intimate knowledge of the pupils personally, from having spent his time with them for ten long months, often sees an

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