tion, having received the resignation of their Secretary, the Rev. Elson I. Rexford, appointed to be rector of the High School in Montreal, and regretting the unavoidable severance of his connection with the Department of Public Instruction, do record their high estimation of his organizing and administrative skill, and of the energy, the tact and zeal which have characterized its exercise, and do assure him of their appreciation of the effective service rendered by an officer whose diligence in the preparation of business and prompt execution of the Committee's decisions have contributed not a little to the advance in efficiency observable in the Protestant schools of the Province." 4. From Messrs. Montizambert, Parmelee, Kneeland, Parsons, White and Harper, applying for the position of secretary of the Department of Public Instruction. The applications and certificates submitted therewith were received and read. Moved by Dr. Hemming, seconded by Dr. Cornish, and resolved : "That the recommendation for appointment of a successor to the Rev. Mr. Rexford be decided by ballot, and that said ballots be continued until one candidate obtains a majority of the votes of the members present." The ballot having been taken, a majority of votes was cast for Prof. George W. Parmelee, and on motion of Sir William Dawson it was unanimously resolved to recommend, in accordance with 1940 R.S.Q., Prof. George W. Parmelee, of the McGill Normal School, for appointment as English secretary of the Department of Public Instruction, as successor to Mr. Rexford. Sir William Dawson, having stated on behalf of the Normal School Committee that it is desirable to provide a successor to Prof. Parmelee in case of his appointment as secretary of the Department, submitted the names of Mr. H. H. Curtis, of the Montreal High School, and Dr. Kneeland, of Montreal, as qualified for the position of successor to Prof. Parmelee in the McGill Normal School. A ballot having been taken, Dr. A. W. Kneeland received a majority of votes, and on the motion of Sir William Dawson, seconded by the Very Rev. Dean Norman, it was carried unanimously : "That so soon as Mr. Parmelee be appointed by the Government to be English secretary to the Department of Public Instruction in succession to Mr. Rexford, the Chairman be authorized to recommend to the Government the name of Mr. Kneeland in succession to Mr. Parmelee in the McGill Normal School." Sir William Dawson, having acted as chairman of the Sub-Committee of Legislation in the absence of Dr. Heneker, reported in the interview with the Council of Arts and Manufactures held in Montreal last week, and the result of which was in the hands of the Secretary in the form of a resolution of the Council. In addition to the Rev. Dean Norman and himself, the only members of the Sub-Committee available, he had invited the Rev. Dr. Cornish, the Rev. Dr. Shaw and Dr. Kneeland to be present, and these gentlemen kindly took part in the interview. It appeared from the statements of the Chairman that the Council had committed itself to the Templé Drawing, but without securing, as required by law, the approval of the Protestant and Catholic Committees. This action he vindicated by asserting that the Council could prescribe text-books without approval, and that regulation only required said approval. To this your Sub-Committee objected, holding that text-books and regulations for them must both be contemplated. He further urged that the law contemplated over-riding the authority of the two Committees to secure uniformity. To this we objected that such uniformity held only within the two systems of education, and that the two Committees were authorized by the law to consult the requirements af their respective schools as well as those of schools of different grades, and were bound to do so. He further stated that the Templé drawing-book was intended to enable teachers themselves ignorant of the art to teach drawing. To this we objected that our educational policy was to secure teachers capable of teaching the subjects required and no others, and the idea of using any book suitable for the use of ignorant teachers would waste public money without securing any educational object. Though several of the members of the Council seemed to see the force of our objections, and though your Sub-Committee stated that they merely desired an alternative use of the Dominion drawing-book, the Council by resolution declined to accede to our wishes, and it now only remains for this Committee to consider the best means in the circumstances to protect the educational interest entrusted to them in the matter of drawing, "COUNCIL OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, 12th May, 1891. Extract from the minutes of the regular meeting, held in Montreal May 12th, 1891. "A deputation from the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction, consisting of Sir William Dawson, Rev. Dr. Cornish, Rev. Canon Norman, Rev. Dr. Shaw and Dr. Kneeland, appeared before the Council, requesting that the 'Dominion Freehand Drawing Course' be recognized as an alternative course in the Protestant schools in the Province." Sir William Dawson and the other gentlemen of the deputation explained the object of their visit and then retired. After considerable discussion, it was resolved : "That this Council regrets that it is unable to comply with the request of the deputation of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction, to the effect 'that the Dominion Freehand Drawing Course be recognized as an alternative course in the Protestant schools of the Province,' for the reason that the law requires, as far as possible, that a uniform system of drawing should be followed, and furthermore, for the reason that it is not contended that the Templé system cannot be made use of." The Hon. Mr. Ouimet requested that his name should be inscribed as "not voting" on the question. Moved by Dr. Hemming, seconded by Dr. Shaw, and resolved: "That the report of the Sub-Committee on Legislation, authorized to confer with the Council of Arts and Manufactures on the subject of drawing, be adopted, and that this Committee cannot approve of the resolution of the Council of Arts and Manufactures adopting the system of drawing of Mr. Templé to the exclusion of every other system." Moved by Rev. Dr. Shaw, seconded by the Dean of Quebec, and resolved: "That the Sub-Committee on Legislation be authorized to wait upon the Government and represent the views of the Committee with respect to drawing and inspection." 6. The Secretary reported for the information of the Committee that in the distribution of the grant for equipment, in accordance with the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the Committee, the marks for academies were taken as double the value of model school marks in the pro rata distribution. Of the $2,500 distributed the 17 academies received $1,283 and the 32 model schools received $1,217, as follows: The following circular was issued with each cheque of the grant for equipment:-" I have the honor to inform you that at the February meeting of the Protestant Committee it was decided to distribute the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) among the Model Schools and Academies of the Province, with a view of improving the equipment of these schools. The amount of the grant to your school has been determined by the condition of your school equipment last year, and this grant is to be expended in improving this equipment. In your annual report in July next you will require to report as to the expenditure of this equipment grant and you will also require to satisfy the Inspector of Superior Schools, at his next visit, that the grant has bren expended for the purposes specified and in a satisfactory manner." 7. The Secretary reported for 'the information of the Committee (1) that the amended Regulations adopted at the last meeting of the Committee had been approved by Order in Council, (2) That the Honorable the Provincial Secretary had consented to distribute the School Code in English to the Protestant teachers and clergy of the Province, and (3) that the salaries of Inspectors Thompson and Taylor had been raised to one thousand dollars, the amount now received by all the regular Protestant Inspectors of the Province. The Chairman announced that the Acting-Premier had given the President of the Corporation of Bishop's College a written promise that the Government will recommend to the Legislature at its next session that a grant of $10,000 be made in aid of the restoration of Bishop's College School, to be paid in five annual instalments of $2,000 each. 8. The Secretary submitted a report of the examination of candidates for the position of Inspector of Protestant Schools. In view of the examination passed by J. W. McOuat, B.A., of Lachute, as a candidate for an inspectorship of elementary schools and of the testimonials submitted by him, it was moved by G. L. Masten, seconded by R. J. Hewton, that a first-class certificate be granted to Mr. McOuat as one eligible for the position of Inspector of Protestant Schools." Carried. 9. On motion of Archdeacon Lindsay, seconded by Dr. Cornish, it was resolved, "That the Chairman, Dr. Heneker, the Dean of Quebec, Dr. Weir and Dr. Shaw be a sub committee to examine the tabulated results of the written examination and inspection of the Superior Schools, prepared by the Inspector of Superior Schools, and to prepare a project for the distribution of grants based thereon, for consideration at the September meeting of the Committee. 10. Sir William Dawson submitted on behalf of the Normal School Committee a letter from Dr. Robins concerning the present position of the Normal School and its financial requirements. On the motion of Sir William Dawson, it was resolved "That the Chairman and Dr. Heneker be a sub-committee to wait on the Government with reference to the continuance of a grant for contingencies, and that the statement of the Normal School be received and referred to the above sub-committee, and that the sub-committee on Legislation be authorized to co-operate with the commissioners of schools for Montreal and with the Normal School Committee in asking for such increase of the income of the commissioners as may enable them to consider the claims of the Model Schools." 11. Resolved, on motion of Sir William Dawson, "That Dr. Heneker and Dr. Shaw be a sub-committee to audit the Secretary's accounts, and hand over the same to the new Secretary, and also to receive all the books, records, and documents belonging to the Committee, and hand over the same to the new Secretary." 12. The Inspector of Superior Schools appeared by request before the Committee and read his interim report. The report was received. Moved by the Dean of Quebec, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Cornish, and resolved, "That the list of deputy-examiners submitted by the Inspector be approved for the ensuing year and that the Commissioners of the several Academies and Model Schools be requested to provide for the payment of at least one deputy-examiner in order to secure certainty in carrying out the routine of an examination on which the grant to their school depends." 13. Moved by R. J. Hewton, seconded by G. L. Masten, and resolved "That the Committee ask the Provincial Legislature to amend section 1967 R.S.Q. to read as follows:- 'The Central Board of Examiners shall be composed of not less than five or more than ten members, and a secretary, who, etc.,' and that this resolution be referred to the Committee on Legislation to take the necessary steps to secure the change." 14. Dr. Heneker submitted a letter from Mr. R. H. Pope, M.P., concerning the teaching of Agriculture. It was resolved upon the motion of Dr. Cornish, "That Mr. Pope's letter be referred to a committee consisting of Sir William Dawson, Dr. Shaw and Dr. Cornish." 15. A petition was read from Dunham Academy concerning its status, etc. On the motion of Dr. Heneker the petition was referred to the Inspector of Superior Schools for a report at the September meeting of the Committee. |