The Secretary submitted the following financial statement of the Committee, which was received, examined and found correct : Inspector's travelling ex 150 00 $ 989 32 penses on account..... Balance in hand....... .... May 22. Total balance in hand as per book balance... . . . Examined with the Bank Pass-Book and found correct. $ 10 68 $3,489 90 R. W. H. The report of the Sub-Committee on Elementary Schools, presented at the last meeting, was taken up for consideration clause by clause. In reference to clause one of the report it was resolved on motion of Dr. Kneeland, seconded by Archdeacon Lindsay, "That the Committee on Legislation be requested to apply to the Government for an additional grant in aid of elementary schools, the same to be distributed by the Department of Public instruction in accordance with regulations to be framed by the two committees, so as to increase the efficiency of the schools and the salary of the teachers, and not in any way to relieve the tax-payers of their present responsibilities in regard to the maintenance of the schools." Resolved, "That clause four in the report on elementary schools be referred to the Normal School Committee with a request that it will report to this Committee on the subject." The remaining clauses of the report were allowed to stand over for future consideration. The Sub-Committee on Text-books begs leave to report (1) that one book has been submitted for examination during the past quarter, viz: an advanced French book. The book has been submitted to the Advisory Committee of the Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers for report. Dr. Calkin, on the suggestion of the SubCommittee, has agreed to make several important changes in his Introductory Geography, which will render the book more acceptable to the teaching body. (Signed) A. W. KNEELAND, Convener. G. L. MASTEN. The report was received and adopted. The Sub-Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Committe to prepare a scheme for granting special certificates in connection with the annual June examinations, begs leave to submit the following :---"That a special certificate be given each year to the pupil from the Academies taking the highest number of marks in the A. A. Examinations. R. J. HEWTON, The report was received and adopted. There being no further business the Committee adjourned, to meet the third Friday in September, or earlier, on the call of the chairman. As stated in our April number, Institutes will be opened at 9 a.m., on Tuesday the seventh of July, at Inverness, Sherbrooke, Cowansville and Lachute. At Inverness arrangements are being made for the entertainment of teachers in the village, and teachers intending to be present should send their names to Mr. W. H. Lambly, Inverness. Inspector Parker will take up the subjects of arithmetic, language lessons and grammar, and the Rev. Elson I. Rexford will take up the subjects of reading, geography and school organization. During the evenings two lectures will be given on astronomy, illustrated with stereopticon views. In Sherbrooke, the Institute will meet in the Hall of St. Peter's Church, which has been kindly granted for this purpose. Teachers can obtain comfortable quarters at a reasonable rate by sending their names to Mr. R. J. Hewton, Sherbrooke. Dr. Harper and Mr. R. J. Hewton will take charge of the Institute at Sherbrooke. At Cowansville the Institute will be held in the Academy. Arrangements have been made with the hotels to receive the teachers at sixty cents per day. Dr. Robins will take up arithmetic, drawing, language lessons, writing and geography. Inspector Taylor will take up reading, object lessons and morals, and Dr. C. Cotton will deliver a lecture upon physiology and hygiene to members of the Institute. At Lachute the Institute will meet in the Academy. Arrangements have been made to provide the teachers with accommodation at the hotels at special rates. Professor Parmelee will take up the teaching of English and school management, and Inspector McGregor will take up reading, history, the use of object lessons and the use of globes. THE NEXT CONVENTION. The next Convention of Protestant Teachers of the Province of Quebec is to be held in Montreal on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October. The programme of proceedings has not yet been completed, but the following persons have consented to address the Convention on the subjects set opposite their respective names : Prof. T. Wesley Mills, M.A., M.D., etc., "Physiology and Hygiene in our Schools." E. A. Dyer, Esq., M.P., Sutton, and W. H. Lambly, Esq., Inverness, "How we may best Increase the Efficiency of our Elementary Schools." W. A. Kneeland, B.C.L., "Moral and Physical Training." R. J. Hewton, M.A., "Professional Training." , "The Teaching Staff in our Superior Schools." J. W. McOuat, B.A., is to secure a paper on "Elementary School Work," from some teacher in his locality. Other subjects that will come up for discussion upon reports of committees are, "Compulsory Education," "Summer Schools," "A.A. Examinations," "Distribution of Government Grants," "Canadian History Text-Book," and "Dominion Association of Teachers." After The English Secretary of the Department of Public Instruction (Rev. Elson I. Rexford) has resigned his position in the Department. His resignation takes effect from the first of September next. that date all correspondence for the English Secretary should be addressed to Geo. W. Parmelee, Esq., M.A., who has been appointed to succeed Mr. Rexford. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. A LARGE STOCK OF ALL THE BOOKS IN USE IN THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC CONSTANTLY KEPT ON HAND. SPECIAL NOTICE. MEIKLEJOHN'S New English Grammar, Part I, containing the PRICE. 35c. 75c. 30c. 45c. A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL THE ROYAL READERS, (Special Canadian Series) School Stationery and all Supplies and Requisites AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention. La PLEASE WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. E. M. RENOUF, Educational Publisher and Bookseller, 2238 ST. CATHERINE STREET, MONTREAL. DOMINION DRAWING BOOKS By PROF. MCLEOD, Ma. E. McGill College, and ANDREW T. TAYLOR, F.R.I.B.A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Price 10 cts. each. Authorized by the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction for this Province, for use in all Schools. Future Examinations in Drawing will be based on these Books. These Books are got up on a new method. They contain 18 pages of Drawing Copies and 18 pages of blank Drawing Paper, so as to avoid the necessity of a separate Drawing Book. TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. MEIKLEJOHN'S GRAMMAR, Part 1, with Exercises, MEIKLEJOHN'S GRAMMAR, complete, Price, 35 cts. 66 75 cts. A large stock of these Grammars on hand. The trade supplied on liberal terms. WM. FOSTER BROWN & CO., Booksellers Publishers, 233 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. |