provision can be made for the few women who make elementary teaching their life-work than the paltry sum of forty dollars per year. It will pay their doctors' bills, perhaps, but, unfortunately, there is little nutriment in medicine. I would suggest that our Government provide a workhouse for superannuated female teachers, taxing high-salaried teachers and school inspectors for its support. Another suggestion I beg leave to make is that women be eligible for the office of school inspector. It would be a comfortable berth for some of us that have been too long on starvation salaries. I remain, Sir, QUEBEC, P.Q., Sept. 12, 1891. ELEMENTARY FEMALE TEACHER. G. S. M.-The pupils who pass A.A. pass in grade III. Academy, hence those preparing pupils in that grade should have in their possession a syllabus of the examination, which they can obtain by application at McGill University or at the Department. Teacher-Your suggestion is certainly an excellent one: if you send a clipping now and again, which will be of like service to the teachers of Quebec, we shall be only too glad to insert it. We have to hold over your communication for another month. Official Department. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Quebec, 18th September, 1891. Which day the quarterly meeting of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction was held. PRESENT:-The Right Reverend James W. Williams, D.D., Lord Bishop of Quebec, in the chair; Sir William Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., R. W. Heneker, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.; The Venerable Archdeacon Lindsay, M.A., George L. Masten, Esq., the Reverend W. I. Shaw, LL.D., A. Cameron, Esq., M.D., M.P.P., A. W. Kneeland, Esq., M.A., E. J. Hemming, Esq., D.C.L., the Reverend Dr. Cornish, LL.D., Peter McArthur, Esq., R. J. Hewton, Esq., M.A. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Moved by Dr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Hewton: "That the entry in the minutes of the last meeting concerning the appointment of a successor to Professor Parmelee be so amended as to read," Sir William Dawson having stated on behalf of the Normal School Committee that it is desirable to provide a successor to Professor Parmelee in case of his appointment as Secretary of the Department, submitted the name of Dr. Kneeland, of Montreal. The name of Mr. H. H. Curtis, of Montreal, having been also submitted, Sir William Dawson stated that either gentleman would be acceptable to the Normal School Committee. A ballot having been taken, Dr. Kneeland received, etc." Carried. The minutes having been thus amended, were confirmed. The Chairman then read the following resolution, which was unanimously agreed to :— "The members of the Protestant Committee of Public Instruction desire to record the regret with which they have learned of the death, since they last met, of the Reverend Dr. Weir, who for many years discharged the duty of Secretary to the Committee, and also that of Inspector of Academies, with diligence and efficiency. Since his resignation of these offices, Dr. Weir was an Associate member of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction, in which capacity his practical experience in school work, together with his unflagging zeal for the advancement of Education in the Province, has constitued him a valuable and effective member of the Committee, where, for his just and genial character, he has always been held by his co-adjutors in affection and respect." Moved by Dr. Heneker, seconded by Mr. Masten: "That the Rev. E. I. Rexford be elected Associate Member of the Protestant Committee of Public Instruction, in the room of the late Rev. Dr. Weir.” Mr. Rexford declined the nomination. Moved in amendment by Dr. Cornish, seconded by Dr. Cameron: "That the question of filling the vacancy be left over for the next meeting of the Committee." Carried on division. The Secretary submitted the following items for the consideration of the Committee : 1. From the school at Kinnear's Mills, asking to be placed on the list of schools for examination and inspection. The Committee agreed to request the Inspector of Superior Schools to inspect the school and report to the Committee. 2. From candidates applying for diplomas, under the regulations of the Committee. The Committee agreed that the diplomas should be granted upon the production of the necessary certificates. 3. Concerning the resignation of Dr. Howe as Headmaster of the High School, Montreal. Moved by the Reverend Dr. Cornish, seconded by Sir William Dawson, and resolved: "That on receiving the report of the resignation by Dr. Howe, of the office of Rector of the High School, Montreal, after forty-three years tenure of the same, we desire to place on record our appreciation of the great value of his services to the cause of Education in this Province, and we wish him long enjoyment of the rest he has so well earned.' 4. Concerning the Convention of the Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers, to be held in Montreal on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October next, and inviting the members of the Protestant Committee to be present. Submitted for the information of the Committee. Summary of Semi-annual Financial Statement of the McGill Normal and Model Schools, from the 1st of January to 30th of June, 1891. The McGill Normal Schools and Model Schools in account with the Superintendent of Public Instruction. DR. 1891. Jan. 1. To Balance General Bank Account. "Balance Savings Bank Account. "Amount of Cheques, Normal S. Grant. "Model School Fees Received. . . . . . . 1891. Jan. 1. By Normal School Salaries $ 128 53 329 16 7005 29 -$9218 25 .$3778 54 2343 60 CR. 252 81 174 10 19 55 6. Application from the McGill Normal School for an increased grant. Extract from minutes of the McGill Normal School Committee of 2nd September, 1891:: Resolved" That, in view of the increased expense of heating, attendance, etc., and the importance of providing additional facilities for the study of chemistry, botany, physiology and agriculture, the Committee is of opinion that the sum of at least $2,000 should be added to the annual grant to the Normal School. That the Chairman and Reverend Dr. Cornish be authorized to lay the matter before the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction at their next meeting, the Principal to supply whatever statements may be (Signed) "J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, necessary. "Acting Secretary." Moved by Sir William Dawson, seconded by the Reverend Dr. Cornish, and Resolved-" That this Committee desires to submit to the Government the Resolution of the Normal School Committee, with the respectful request that it should receive the most favorable possible consideration; and that the Honorable the Superintendent of Education be requested to co-operate in the matter, and also in the request of the Normal School Committee, with reference to the furnishing of the new building." 7. From Mr. A. D. Macquarrie, applying for re-examination as a candidate for the position of School Inspector. The Secretary was instructed to arrange for an examination of candidates for the position of Inspector of Protestant Schools, to be held in December next, and Mr. George W. Parmelee was appointed a member of the Examining Board, in the place of Mr. Rexford, resigned. 8. From the Department, submitting amendments to the School Law. The Committee agreed that the changes in the School Law proposed by the Department be referred to the Committee on Legislation; and that Dr. Hemming be appointed a member of the Sub-committee on Legislation in the place of the late Rev. Dr. Weir. 9. From the Secretary concerning changes in the course of study. The Committee agreed that, in future, Latin be required for a Model School diploma; and that in grade III., Academy course, the entire first book of Virgil's Æneid be read. 10. From the Secretary concerning the EDUCATIONAL RECORD. Moved by Dr. Kneeland, seconded by Dr. Hemming, and Resolved-" That the thanks of the Committee be tendered to the Rev. Mr. Rexford for the valuable services he has rendered in connection with the EDUCATIONAL RECORD; and that, upon Mr. Rexford's resignation, Mr. Parmelee be requested to assume the management of the RECORD." 11. From the Secretary, submitting a report concerning the Central Board of Examiners. Moved by Dr. Cornish, seconded by Dr. Shaw, and Resolved-"That the report be adopted and referred to a committee consisting of Dr. Cornish, Dean Norman and Dr. Kneeland, to recommend action thereon." 12. From the Secretary, resigning his position as Secretary of the Committee, and also his position as Secretary of the Central Board of Examiners. Moved by Dr. Cornish, seconded by Archdeacon Lindsay, and Resolved" That the resignation of the office of Secretary of this Committee, now tendered by Mr. Rexford, be, and hereby is, accepted; and that Mr. G. W. Parmelee be, and hereby is, appointed Secretary of this Committee, at a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum." Moved by the Reverend Dr. Shaw, seconded by the Venerable Archdeacon Lindsay, "That we hereby recommend to His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, that Mr. G. W. Parmelee be appointed Secretary of the Central Board of Examiners, in the place of the Reverend E. I. Rexford, B.A., resigned."-Carried. The Secretary then submitted the following financial statement, which was received, examined and found correct :— Quebec, 18th September, 1891. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE PROTESTANT COMMITTEE. $ 10 68 May 22. Balance in hand... . . . . . . . $5438 50 200 00 $5238 50 |