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That they have duly examined the accounts of the Secretary to date, and find as follows, viz :

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The balance is found to accord with the Bank Pass-Book.

$4101 84

The Secretary exhibited his books and vouchers, which were handed over to the new Secretary, Mr. Parmelee, who, after verifying the same, will hand a receipt to the Reverend E. I. Rexford. The whole respectfully submitted.

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On motion of Dr. Heneker, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Shaw, the report of the auditors was received and adopted.

Resolved-"That the Chairman and Dean Norman be a committee to prepare a form of certificate for the candidate from the Acadamies, who has taken the highest number of marks in the A. A. Examination, and issue the same to the person entitled to receive it."

Moved by Sir William Dawson, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Cornish : "That the fees for candidates for Associate in Arts be allowed for expenses of A.A. Examiners, under the direction of the Examiners, beginning with the Examination of 1891."

13. From St. Francis College and Stanstead College, applying for an increase of grants.

Action was deferred until the consideration of the report of SubCommittee on grants.

The Inspector of Superior Schools then appeared before the Committee, and submitted his annual report, which was received and


Dr. Heneker reported on behalf of the sub-committee on the distribution of grants, that the sub-committee think it desirable, in order to indicate the method adopted in determining the relative standing of the different schools and their respective claims to grants of public money, to place on record the following data :


1. Grand total of marks.

2. Averages of the percentages per grade.

3. Percentage of those enrolled, who presented themselves for examination.

4. Percentage of passes, reckoned upon those who presented themselves for examination.

5. Average number of pupils who passed in Algebra, Geometry, Latin, Greek and French.

The above determines the claims to the ordinary grant and bonus.


The amount is determined by the aggregate of marks given by the Inspector, for building, furniture, apparatus, grounds, specimens, neatness of examination papers, salaries, efficiency of teaching staff, etc.

Dr. Heneker also reported, that the sub-committee of the distribution of grants had passed the whole of the previous day in examining the tabulated results of the written examinations of the Academies and Model Schools, and the reports on school appliances, etc.

After careful examination and comparison of results, the subcommittee recommends that the Marriage License Fees and the Superior Education Funds, amounting to $19034, be distributed according to the lists submitted.

It was also recommended: (1) that in view of the claims of the Stanstead Wesleyan College as presented in the memorial of the trustees, a special grant of $800 be made to it this year, and that a sub-committee be appointed to take into consideration the whole question of grants to Colleges; (2) that it is not expedient to grant the prayer of the memorial from St. Francis College, asking for an increase of grant; (3) that the grants to Inverness Academy and to Leeds and Ormstown Model Schools be retained until these institutions should have conformed to the regulations respecting superior schools; and (4) that a special grant of $100 be made to Haldimand, New Richmond, and Paspebiac, respectively, and a grant of $50 to Coulonge, Gould, Rawdon, and St. Sylvestre, as special Model Schools.

The attention of the sub-committee having been drawn by the Inspector to the fact, that, in some instances there were indications of copying, it is therefore recommended, that, in the case of one Academy where there were clear evidences of collusion, the bonus that would otherwise have been given to it be withheld, and that stringent measures be taken to avoid any such discreditable action in the future.

Moved by Mr. R. J. Hewton, seconded by Mr. G. L. Masten, and Resolved "That the grant to Stanstead Wesleyan College, as a special school, be the same as last year; and that the extra four hundred dollars recommended by the sub-committee be granted it for the present year, as a College.

The Committee agreed that the grants to Inverness Academy, Leeds Model School, and Ormstown Model School, be paid only

when these institutions fulfil the conditions prescribed by regulations of this Committee, and that the grant to St. Andrews be paid upon a favorable report from the Inspector of Superior Schools.

Moved by Dr. Kneeland, seconded by Dr. Shaw:

"That the report of the Sub-committee on Grants, as amended, be adopted, the list of grants to read as follows:-(Carried.)

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It will be noticed that this exceeds the appropriation of last year, which was $17,308, notwithstanding that the proceeds of the Marriage License fees fall off about $1,000. The difference is made up by appropriating a portion of the interest accrued on the Jesuits' Estates Legislative Grant.

On motion of Dr. Hemming, seconded by the Venerable Archdeacon Lindsay, it was

Resolved "That Sir William Dawson, Dr. Heneker, Dr. Shaw, Dean Norman, G. L. Masten, and the mover and seconder, be a Sub-Committee to consider and report upon the status of affiliated Colleges and Special Schools, with their relation to the Committee, and on the principle on which grants should be distributed.

Sub-Committees on Legislation, Contingencies, Agriculture, and Text-Books, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Sir William Dawson submitted a report from the Normal School Committee, in reference to clause four of the report of the SubCommittee on Elementary Schools.

Moved by Sir William Dawson, seconded by Dr. Heneker, and Resolved-"That the above report be received and printed, and circulated for the information of members, and be taken up for consideration at the next meeting."

There being no further business, the Committee adjourned until Friday, November the 20th, or earlier, on the call of the Chairman. E. I. REXFORD,




As a preface to special reports which deal with various subjects of the examination, it may be well to touch on the stage of development to which the examination has been brought, and to indicate lines of expansion which the Board has laid down for future endeavour.

The examination report for any year seems very much like its fellows. There are the tables of averages and per-centages, the tables of passed and failed, the set vocabulary and the set phrase. But those observers who from interest or duty, watch the results of examination-work from year to year, can detect important differences which escape the casual glance. If the examination is an honest one, its value becomes recognised more and more. If the men who direct it are alive to educational defects and tendencies, weak points are commented on and strengthened, new subjects are introduced, and improvements in method are suggested. Ten or twelve years ago, an observer must have marked

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