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(7). A copy of the School Regulations should be on the teacher's desk, while the items of regulation 87 should be read in the presence of the pupils in a manner to impress them with their importance.

(8). All books should be removed from the desks of the pupils before the papers are distributed.

These directions are, of course, covered by some of the sections and sub-sections of the Regulations, but the fact that their issue, with the instructions for the receiving and the returning of the papers, has resulted in the avoidances of the mistakes of former years, indicates the further necessity of keeping them before the pupils at their examinations during the year.

The additional assistance which has been provided by the Protestant Committee for the examining of the papers has enabled me to carry out the suggestion made in my last year's report with respect to the publishing of the results. The teachers had previously asked that the results of examination in grade II. Academy should be published before the closing of the schools for the midsummer holiday. This request was complied with in 1890. This year, however, the results from all the grades were issued before the end of June, and the prospect is that, though one or two mistakes occurred in the making-up of the lists, the same will be done every year. Considering the number of papers, the undertaking involves a heavy task, and only through the perseverance and industry of my associates (the Rev. Mr. Taylor, the Rev. Mr. LeFebvre, Prof. Macadam and Inspector Parker), all teachers of successful experience, has the experiment been so far satisfactory.

While the papers were being examined, all the examiners working together in the Department of Public Instruction, the improved appearance of the written papers was frequently commented upon. Indeed, when this year's papers are compared with those sent in in 1888, the improvement is very gratifying. No less than thirteen of the Academies have received the maximum mark in this connection, while none of the others have taken less than 75 per cent. Nineteen of the Model Schools have likewise taken the maximum mark. The names of the schools that have paid the most praiseworthy attention in this respect are Huntingdon, Knowlton, Lachute, Inverness, Sherbrooke, Coaticook, Stanstead, Bedford, Cote St. Antoine, Compton, Danville, Clarenceville, Three Rivers, Cookshire, Lennoxville, Ormstown, Sutton, Mansonville, Richmond, New Richmond, Ulverton, Stanbridge East, Frelighsburg, Waterville, Bury, Rawdon, Hemmingford, Gould, Sorel, Berthier, Hatley, Magog. Although

one or two of the Model Schools have not yet reached a standard beyond half-mark, the efforts of the larger number that have made 75 per cent. this year, may naturally lead us to expect even a further improvement next year. There can be no doubt that the practice of sending in neat papers is being appreciated by the examiners in the higher grades, and has been spoken of favorably by the Central Board of Examiners.

Last year I tried to make clear the manner in which the tabular statements are calculated. The new regulation about the number of subjects to be taken by each pupil to constitute a pass was adhered to, except in the matter of Latin, which, according to the resolution of the committee, was not ranked as a fatal subject this year. There is a marked increase in the grand total marks in many of the schools, as well as a more striking similarity in the general averages, thus indicating how far the taking of a full course has come into favor. This is further indicated by the high average of the percentages per grade. Of all the schools nine have taken 75 per cent. or over, five of them being Academies and four of them Model Schools. Thirteen of the Academies have taken from 50 to 75 per cent. and thirty of the Model Schools have done the same, while only six of the schools-one Academy and five Model Schools have taken less than 50 per cent. Last year the total number of pupils presented for examination in the Academies was 675, of whom 476 passed and 199 failed. This year the total number of pupils presented in the Academies was 683, of whom 464 passed and 219 failed. Last year the total number of pupils presented in the Model Schools was 594, of whom 344 passed and 250 failed. This year the total number of pupils presented in the Model Schools was 701, of whom 432 passed and 269 failed. From this statement it may be seen that the numbers brought up for examination in all the superior schools this year are more by 115 than last year.

In considering the branches enumerated in the tabular form, the usual table will indicate at a glance the attention given to these branches :

Total number presented in Latin . . .
Number who failed...

Total number presented in Greek.
Number who failed. . . . .

Total number presented in French.
Number who failed. . . . .

Total number presented in Geometry.

.461 +183 = 644
59+18= 77


..657 +578 = 1235

57 68 125 ..475+ 268 = 743

Number who failed....

Total number presented in Algebra...
Number who failed...


38+ 20= 58
.626+ 428
.117 92 209


These subjects have been selected for presentation in this way to show what attention has been paid to the higher branches. It has been suggested that English be added to these next year.

Of the remaining subjects it may be said that the number of failures in Dictation was too large, considering the character of the selections in the lower grades. We would advise that greater attention should be given to the requirements in this direction, as well as to the studies under the heading of English. In awarding the marks for Reading, some of the deputy-examiners had not given any attention to the directions, though in all the awards there was not a failure. In the English Grammar papers, evidence was given that more attention is being given to the analysis of sentences in its relationship to composition, though there is still great room for improvement in this respect in the majority of our schools. In parsing, the function of the word should determine its classification, not its shape or appearance, as some of the candidates seemed to think. The new standard in History has realized improved results, while the same may be said of the Geography, though in the latter there should be more care bestowed on mapdrawing. The study of Geography is perhaps the most practical of all school subjects, and should never be persevered in without the use of maps, which the pupils ought to be trained to reproduce for themselves. In a word, no lesson on a country is complete without the filling in of a map of it all but correct in outline. The papers in Physiology were on the whole very satisfactory, though some of the answers were of an amusing character, on account of the immaturity of thought exhibited on the practical side of the subject. In regard to Drawing, I regret to say that there are still some teachers who have not come to recognize the importance of this subject. Where there was any pretension to previous training, the papers were very satisfactory, much more so than last year; but some of the papers sent in were from pupils who had evidently never been. trained to hold a pencil.

In closing this report, I would recommend our teachers to make sure of the programme in all the grades from the beginning of the year and to give the pupils some knowledge of it. The pupils who pass for the ordinary A.A. are recognized as having passed in grade III. Academy, and no teacher should be without a copy of the calendar issued by the University School

Examining Board. This year, I have issued the usual circular of instructions, which I beg to subjoin to this report for the information of the teachers who may desire to refer to it in print. J. M. HARPER.


The attention of the teachers of Model Schools and Academies is respectfully directed to the following :

(1). The selections to be studied this year in the Fourth Reader, with special attention to dictation, derivation, definition, grammatical construction and abstract writing, are to be found from the first page to page 152, and in the Fifth Reader from the first page to page 157. The poetical extracts should receive careful study.

(2). The selections in French are to be taken from the last half of the Progressive Reader, the lesson "L'Examen Dangereux" to be taken for re-translation. These are to be selected for grade I. Academy or Grade III. Model. But for Grade II. Academy the selections are to be taken from any part of the Progressive Reader; or, as an alternative, from the last fifteen of the extracts selected for the A.A. with the last three prose extracts for re-translation, not counting the last authorized lesson in either book as one of them.

(3). In arranging classes for the year, teachers are requested to examine carefully the instructions in Regulation 74 of the amendments to the School Regulations, which in future will be adhered to in making up the annual tabular statement of the examination marks. The Regulation reads as follows: "In these written examinations pupils shall be considered as having passed in their respective grades, provided they pass in Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, Scripture, French, Physiology and Drawing, except (1) that pupils in Grade I. Model School will also be required to pass in English; (2) that pupils in Grade II. Model School will also be required to pass in at least one of the remaining subjects of their grade, and (3) that pupils of Grade III. Model School and Grades I. and II. Academy will also be required to pass in at least three of the remaining subjects of their respective grades, of which Latin shall be one.

(4). Teachers should not attempt to carry on all the subjects of the grade at the same time, where there is any seeming over-pressure of work; a time-table, giving prominence to four or five subjects, should be prepared for each term.



Grand Total Marks

Total General Averages.

Av. of Percentages per Gr.











Presented. Passed.



Passed. Failed.


Failed. Presented.) Failed.

Presented.) Failed.






Gr.II.Mod. Gr.I.Acad. Gr.II. Acad. Gr.III.Acad. Geom. Alg.



Total Marks for Appliances.

[blocks in formation]

4..16.. 2..24..10..21.. 8.. 4.. 0..24.. 5.. 918

8.. 3.. 8.. 6.. 2.. 3.. 3.. 0..22.. 0..22.. 1..15.. 1.. 1.. 0..29.. 0..1031

9432..2067..59.. 51..20..12.. 8.. 6.. 5.. 1.. 8.. 6.. 2.. 2.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 0.. 4..14.. 3..14.. 8..14.. 8.. 2.. 2 .20.. 4.. 916 .26112..3091..77.. 60..37..31.. 6..12..11.. 1.. 3.. 2.. 1..12..10.. 2..10.. 8.. 2..25.. 2..24.. 3..37.. 0.. 2.. 0..37.. 5..1095 .15664..1813..86.. 39..28..25.. 3..12.. 9.. 3.. 9.. 9.. 0.. 7.. 7.. 0.

27. 2..25.

0..31.. 0..1090

1..19.. 0.. 828
0..22.. 4.. 988
0..32.. 7..1004
0..90.. 1..1088
0..16.. 2.. 898
0..63.. 2.. 907

16.. 0..28.. 4..16.. 1.. 0.. 0..28.. 1..1043 Cote St. Antoine15801..1653..72.. 73..31..27.. 4..12..12.. 0..13.. 9.. 4.. 6.. 6.. 0. .10.. 2..31.. 4..24.. 0.. 0.. Cowansville. ...10923..2807..76. 71..19..15.. 4.. 8.. 7.. 1.. 6.. 4. 2.. 2. 2.. 0.. 3.. 2.. 1..11.. 0..19.. 0.. 9. 0.. 2.. 9858..2126..57.. 67..22..12..10..13.. 8.. 5. 3.. 1.. 2.. 2.. 0.. 2.. 4.. 3.. 1..10.. 3..22.. 6.. 2.. 0.. 0 Danville .14879..2372..59.. 96..32..17..15..13.. 6.. 7.. 7.. 4.. 3.. 9.. 4.. 5.. 3.. 3.. 0..19.. 5..31..19..18.. 1.. 4.. .60048..2653..72..183..90 .77..13..18. 13.. 5..28..28.. 0..24..23.. 1..20..13.. 7..90.. 2..89..10..61.. 5..15.. .28979..1623..75.. 74. 40..13..27. .13..11 2..23.. 0..29. 0.. 7.. 2.. 1.. 34396..2433..67.. 90..63..39..24..16..15.. 1..23..13..10..18..10.. 8.. 6.. 1. 5 .47 4..62.. 6..60.. 6.. 0 9076..2242..62.. 68..16..11.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 1.. 3.. 3.. 0.. 5.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 3.. 1..12.. 1..16.. 1..12.. 5.. 0.. 0..16.. 1.. 853 .27810..2736..75.. 93..41..38.. 3..12..11.. 1.. 7.. 7.. 0..16..14.. 2.. 6.. 6.. 0..29.. 2..41.. 5..37.. 2.. 8.. 0..41.. 0..1091 20622..2676. 73.. 76..32..25.. 7.. 7.. 4.. 3..13..12.. 1.. 4.. 4.. 0.. 8.. 5.. 3..25.. 1..31.. 4..32.. 1.. 4.. 2 .31.. 1..1021 .16635..1862..49.. 70..42..10..32..18.. 0..18.. 7. 3.. 4..10.. 5.. 5.. 7.. 2. 5..24.. 8..31..15..25.. 5.. 0.. 0..42..14..1030 20169..2219..62.. 91..41..28..13..14..13.. 1..13.. 5.. .11 8.. 3.. 3. 2. 19 3..39..11..28..10. .40.. 3.. 893

[blocks in formation]
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