32 Belmont Street, Montreal. The Corporation of McGill University is associated with the Superintendent of Public Instruction in the direction of the McGill Normal School under the regulations of the Protestant Committee. The Normal School is intended to give a thorough training to Protestant teachers. The complete course extends over a period of four annual sessions, an Elementary School Diploma being obtained at the close of the first session, a Model School Diploma at the close of the second, and an Academy Diploma at the close of the fourth. All these Diplomas are valid as authorizations to teach in any part of the Province of Quebec, without limitation of time. None are admitted to the School but those who agree to devote themselves to teaching in the Province of Quebec for at least three years. To such persons, however, the advantages of the School are free of charge, and the sum of $1,200 is annually distributed in bursaries to aid in the payment of the board of the forty most successful pupils that do not reside at home during the School session. A small allowance for travelling expenses is made to those who reside more than ninety miles from Montreal. All candidates who present certificates of having passed in Grade III. Model School Course, and all holders of Elementary School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Elementary School Class. All candidates who have passed at the A. A. examinations, taking two-thirds of the aggregate marks, and who have passed in French, and all holders of Model School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Model School Class. Holders of Elementary School Diplomas, desiring admission to the Model School Class, are examined in Algebra, Geometry and French only. The conditions of admission in other cases may be learned by consulting the prospectus of the School. The next session of the School opens in September, 1890. Names of candidates will be enrolled on the 1st and 2nd days of the month, examinations will be held on the 3rd, successful candidates will be received and lectures will commence on the 4th. Forms of application and copies of the Prospectus of the School may be obtained by application to the Principal, Dr. Robins. When issued, the Prospectus of the School will be sent to every Protestant minister of Quebec, as far as addresses can be found. MONTREAL. The Calendar for the Session of 1891-92 contains information DONALDA SPECIAL COURSE FOR WOMEN. (Sept. 14th.) FACULTY OF MEDICINE. (October 1st.) FACULTY OF LAW. (September 7th.) FACULTY OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE AND VETER- MCGILL NORMAL SCHOOL. (September 1st.) Copies of the Calendar may be obtained on application to the undersigned. J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, B.C.L., Acting Secretary. University of Bishop's College LENNOXVILLE. FACULTY OF ARTS Dean and Professor of Mathematics: REV. THOS. ADAMS, D.C.L. FACULTY OF DIVINITY Dean and Professor of Divinity: VEN. ARCHDEACON ROE, D.D. FACULTY OF MEDICINE Dean: F. W. CAMPBELL, ESQ., M.D. (Montreal). The Academical Year consists of three terms, beginning on the 2nd Saturday in September. BISHOP'S COLLEGE SCHOOL. Rector: REV. PRINCIPAL ADAMS, D.C.L. Assisted by a large Staff of Graduates. For Calendars of College and School, apply to the Secretary, E. CHAPMAN, ESQ., M.A., or to the Principal. THE EDUCATIONAL RECORD OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. THE MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH THE PROTESTANT COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT:- Notices from the Official Gazette. 335 MONTREAL CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTION AND PUBLISHING CO. 1891. Subscription, $1 per annum. Communications and Exchanges to be addressed to "Editor of the Educational Record," Quebec, P.Q. All Business Communications to the Publishers, Montreal. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY The Emulsion DL OF Cod Liver Oil AND THE Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so It is always sweet as cream. Loss of Appetite. Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. General Debility, &c. Mental and Nervous Prostration. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse CURES all others. Perry Davis' STRIKES OF THE PAIN-KILLER Is used both internally and externally. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 25 A BOTTLE, Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. HOW THEY ENJOY IT. JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Is a GOOD FOOD for children, supplying as it does the material that forms "FLESH," "MUSCLE," and "BONE." REPORT OF THE CONVENTION OF 1891. The newspapers of Montreal city have already given attention to the proceedings of the Teachers' Convention of 1891, held last month in that city, and under the guidance of their reports we have been able to make up the following summary. The various sessions were held in the McGill Normal School, all of them being largely attended by teachers from every section of the province. The proceedings were opened in the usual way by the Rev. E. I. Rexford, who called upon the Corresponding Secretary, Mr. Arthy, to read the report of the Executive Committee of the Association. In this report reference was made to the organization of a Dominion Association of Teachers under the presidency of the Hon. G. W. Ross, of Ontario, to the action taken in the matter of compulsory education, to the organization of a Kindergarten in connection with the Public Schools of Montreal, and to the appointment of an interim Secretary in the person of Mr. H. H. Curtis. After the reading of the report, formal congratulations were extended to Mr. G. W. Parmelee, Dr. Kneeland, and the Rev. Mr. Rexford, in consideration of their respective promotions to higher spheres of labour. The report of the sub-committee on compulsory education, which was ordered to be read separately from the Executive Committee's report, need only be mentioned here, as the full report will be found elsewhere in our issue of this month. 21 hoavARD COLLEGE LIBRARY |