a bonus for every bona fide matriculated student that shall have passed the sessional examination of the University with which the College is affiliated. The amount of this bonus to be determined as follows: The average Academy grant to be taken as a basis. The total bonus to be divided by the number of pupils who have passed the June examination, the quotient (being the rate per pupil in the Academies) to be multiplied by two (2). The bonus per student in the Affiliated Colleges will thus be twice that per pupil in the Academies, and its grant twice the Academy grant. If there should remain a surplus after these bonuses and grants have been assigned, it shall be distributed between the Universities, Academies and Model Schools as follows: one-third to Universities, three-fifths of remainder to Academies, and the residue to the Model Schools. ACADEMIES AND MODEL SCHOOLS. The grants to Universities and Affiliated Colleges being thus provided for, the amount remaining to be distributed as follows: Three-fifths to the Academies and the Special Schools that rank as Academies and two-fifths to Model Schools and special schools that rank as Model Schools. The following is recommended to determine the relative standing of the different schools and consequently the amount of their bonuses: 1. Grand Total of Marks. 2. Average of the Percentages per Grade. 3. Percentage of those enrolled who presented themselves for examination. 4. Percentage of passes, reckoned on those who presented themselves for examination. 5. Average of percentage of those presented who passed in Geometry, Algebra, Latin, French, English and Greek or a subject in Natural Science. 6. General excellence of examination and of schools, as shown by reports of the Inspector. 7. Average number who passed in subjects of Sec 5. Each of the above to have a maximum value of one hundred marks. In considering the bonus, no material diminution should take place on the result of one year's work, unless an extraordinary falling off in marks should be shown and not accounted for by circumstances outside the management of the school. It is the opinion of the Sub-Committee that the method recommended by the Protestant Committee for determining the equipment grant will be found satisfactory. It is recommended that the grant to each Academy be $200, and to each Model School of the first class $100. The Sub-Committee is of the opinion that the adoption of the method herein recommended would determine, with justice and accuracy the relative merit of each institution, and the amount of public money to which it would be thus entitled. R. J. HEWTON, Convener. A. W. KNEELAND. G. L. MASTEN. Practical Hints and Examination Papers. MODEL SCHOOL DIPLOMA. French.-Two hours. 1. Traduisez en anglais un de passages suivants : (a) Un Indien qui n'a pas eu de succès dans sa chasse, erre dans le voisinage d'une plantation en Virginie. Il s'approche de cette plantation, et voyant le propriétaire assis à sa porte, il lui dit qu'il a grand faim et lui demande un morceau de pain. (b) Un berger des montagnes de l'Ecosse amenait souvent son petit garçon de trois ans quand il allait visiter ses moutons. Un jour, il découvrit que deux ou trois d'entre eux s'étaient égarés et il se disposa à aller les chercher en laissant son fils avec le chien. 2. Nommez les adjectifs démonstratifs et indiquez leur emploi. 3. Traduisez et mettez au féminin les adjectifs suivants: big, white, first, lively, happy, Christian. 4. Quelle est la position du pronom subjet? Exemples. 5. Ecrivez le Présent Indicatif et le futur simple de finir, aimer, perdre et le passé indéfini négativement de recevoir. 6. Traduisez en français :- How is the weather to-day? They do not hear us. We shall have much pleasure. You have done nothing this morning. It is not I, it is he. The garden has lost its beauty. Algebra.-1 hours. 1. A rectangular room is feet long, y feet wide, and z feet in height. Find: (1) area of the walls, (2) area of walls, ceiling and floor, (3) the vo ume of the room. 2. (I.) Multiply y 2y23y 4 by y3 + 2y2 + 3y + 4. (II.) Divide 3* + 14x2 + 9x + 2 by x2 + 5x + 1. 6. The sum of the ages of a father and son is half what it will be in 25 years; the difference is one-third what the sum will be in 20 years. Find the respective ages. Geometry.-1 hours. 1. Define :-" Plane Surface," "Diameter of a Circle," linear Figures," "Square," "Parallel Straight Lines." "Recti 2. In how many ways may plane triangles be classified? Classify them in each way you mention. 3. If two angles of a triangle be equal to one another, the sides also which subtend, or are opposite to, the equal angles, shall be equal to one another. 4. If two straight lines cut one another, the vertical, or opposite, angles shall be equal. 5. The greater side of every triangle has the greater angle opposite to it. LANGUAGE. Children must think well before they write well. Children should have something to say before they talk. Children talk best about what they see. Children will talk about what they wish more readily than about what you wish them to talk about. Children will talk with each other better than with you. Children use all parts of speech of their own account before they are four years of age. A child's vocabulary will grow as fast as he has any desire to use it. A child will talk fast enough if you let him talk as he wants to. When a child can write easily he likes to write. The aim to have the child make perfectly formed letters, by drawing the lines in the letters, makes it practically impossible for them to enjoy writing. Never teach penmanship in connection with early composition writing. A child's attention must be upon his thought rather than his pen. The correct formation of the letters must be established by his penmanship lessons. There must be much and frequent writing before it will be enjoyable. Written language work should be incidental rather than formed, a luxury instead of a task.-The American Teacher. PRIMARY GAMES. I have several games that I have tried in my school which I believe primary teachers will welcome as practical helps. One is: The "Story Game." The story is written on a large card; each line across the card making a complete sentence. On little cards is written each word that occurs on the large card. The arrangement of these little cards in the order of the words on the large card is a work of pleasure to the children. The one whose work is first done correctly is considered the victor. The "Word Game" is played in this way: A pile of small cards, on which words are printed, is placed in the centre of the table. The child who can tell correctly the most words on the cards until the centre pile is gone is the victor this time. But one word is given at a time. If the child does not know the word given him, the card is put back in the centre pile and another given. The "Number Game" In this game are I find to be a great help in quick number work. small cards on which I have written single combination of numbers as high as the class have taken. The number of cards used in a game depends on the time that can be given to play a game. These cards are placed in the centre of the table, and but one card is given at a time. As soon as the child has thought of the answer, a hand is raised and another card given. The one who has the most cards when the centre pile is gone wins the game. It is surprising how soon the multiplication table may be learned by this game method. I can but compare the eagerness with which my pupils look forward to the days we play "multiplication," to the days I spent in study on that hated multiplication table. For all these games I keep the cards in envelopes with the name of the game written on the outside. For cards I have used Bristol board or stiff paper. For the youngest children I have the cards of different colors. This makes the game more attractive, and they learn the different colors at the same time they are learning the words. -Gertrude Smith in School News. --Dr. Arnold, of Rugby, it is said, was no disciplinarian, although he lived in the time when corporal punishment was the panacea of school troubles, but he could read the inner souls of boys, and his kindness and tack drew them closer to him. So, in many of our country schools, the teacher who leaves a sort of sanctified reputation behind, is the teacher who has been able to draw from their pupils a strong expression of love and reverence. -When Shakespeare and Milton wrote, only 5,000,000 or 6,000,000 spoke their language. One hundred years ago 40,000,000 of people spoke German, 30,000,000 French, and 15,000,000 English. Professor S. A. Marsh says that more than one-half of the letters of the world's postal service are now written and read by English-speaking people. Jacob Grimm, one of the ablest historians of language says: "The English speech may with full right be called the world language." -The following geographical game is worthy of note:-It has for a foundation some directions found in an old school paper years ago. Each pupil is to be prepared with pencil and paper. I allow a certain time, say five minutes, for writing all the geographical names beginning with a certain letter which I name, after all directions are given. At the end of the time, the one who has the largest number of names tallies ten. One pupil is called upon to read his list. As he names each, those who do not have it, raise hands. If no other has the word, if he can tell of what it is the name and where it is, he tallies a number equal to all in the game excepting himself. Otherwise each of the others tallies one. After his list is finished, others are called upon, until all names are read. Then tally marks are compared and the winner announced.-Educational News. -An elderly Quaker gentleman used to say when he met a boy with dirty hands, "My boy, dost thou study chemistry?" Of course the boy would know nothing about chemistry, and the Quaker would say, "I will teach thee how to perform a curious chemical experiment. Go home, take a piece of soap, put it in water, and rub it briskly on thy face and hands. It will make a beautiful froth, and thy skin will be very much whiter. That is an experiment in chemistry which I advise thee to try." -The following rule is said to be in the Talmud: "If the number of children does not exceed twenty-five, the school shall be conducted by a single teacher; for more than twenty five, the town shall employ an assistant; if the number exceeds forty, there shall be two masters." This would not be considered unsound doctrine even in the full blaze of electric light. Correspondence, etc. To the Editor of the EDUCATIONAL RECORD : SIR, The last Teachers' Convention in Montreal was a very interesting and instructive one in many respects, but I, like others, regret that the amount of practical work accomplished was so small. The speech of the Honorable Justice Lynch was admirable, shewing, as it did, the loose way in which the distribution of grants is made. The Pension Act was the most important question before the Convention, but no time could be given for its discussion until the last session, which being devoted to superior education was attended by only a few of the Elementary Teachers. As these feel the burden of this unjust tax the most, and reap comparatively no benefit from it, it seems a pity that the discussion was not brought up before a full |