yet received a grant. The independent schools include Bishop's College School and St. Francis College School. As the 4 academies include 13 departments, the 6 model schools 15, and the 157 elementary schools 163 departments, each under separate and duly qualified teachers, there are really 191 departments or schools to be inspected. In these schools 9 male and 188 female teachers have been employed, from which it will be seen that there has been but little changing of teachers. Four of the male teachers and 31 of the female teachers held diplomas from McGill Normal School, 133 in all; from Protestant boards of examiners, 15 from Roman Catholic boards, and 14 held no diplomas.. I can report but little change as regard salaries. I have been called upon to hold only one special audit, which resulted favorably for the School Board. Owing to the remoteness of Richmond and Drummond counties from the points where the Institutes are held, comparatively few of the present teachers of these counties have attended the Institutes; but in other sections a large proportion of them have availed themselves of the benefit of these gatherings, much to the advantage of their schools. As I am making this report somewhat in advance of the usual time, I can only refer in anticipation to the Institutes to be held the present month, and express the earnest hope that they will be successful. I am glad to notice indications of improvement in regard to the matter of school appliances, though these are not as marked or as general as I could wish. As this is generally the weakest point, I shall be happy to recognize such improvement in my classification of the municipalities. In that classification for this year, which I will now give, several municipalities have changed places since last year, Danville, on account of its new and excellent school building, moving well up into class 1; two or three changing, owing to improvements, from class 3 to class 2; and some, owing to short terms or other irregularities in one or more districts, dropping to class 3. I have also slightly varied the order of division, entering in class 1, all ranking above 50; in class 2, all ranking 40 and upwards; and in class 3, all below 40; the points being : 1. The length and arrangement of the school...... 10 marks. 2. The condition of the schoolhouses and grounds... 10 3. The supply of appliances, blackboards, maps, etc.. 10 4. The use of the course of study.. 10 5. The use of uniform series of authorized text books 6. The salaries of teachers, and method of payment.. 10 The A.A. Examinations. ---It has already been announced that the Preliminary and Optional Subjects of the A.A. Examinations may be taken in consecutive years. In accordance with this arrangement, candidates from the schools under the control of the Protestant Committee who pass in Grade II. Academy Course will be exempt from examination in the Preliminary Subjects in the A.A. Examination of the following year. In order that this arrangement may have its full effect at once, it has been decided that candidates who passed Grade II. Academy Course in June, 1890, will be exempt from examination in the Preliminary Subjects of the A.A. Examination of June, 1891. Teachers are requested to observe that these exemptions are granted to those candidates only who have passed Grade II. Academy Course. NOTICES FROM THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased, by an Orderin-Council of the 12th November, 1890, to appoint : Five school commissioners for the newly-elected municipality of Ste. Marie Salomé, Co. Montcalm; and two for the municipality of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Co. Megantic; one school commissioner for the municipality of Mille Vaches, Co. Saguenay; and two school commissioners for the municipality of St. Michel No. 3, Co. Yamaska. 21st November. - To define the limits of the school municipality of Tadoussac, P.Q. 28th November. To appoint two school commissioners for the municipality of Maniwaki, Co. Ottawa. -To appoint the Rev. W. Shaw, of the City of Montreal, a member of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for Montreal, in place of the Rev. A. G. Upham, resigned. 3rd December. - To appoint Ernest E. Mills school commissioner for the municipality of Knowlton, Co. Brome, to replace Albert E. Mills, who has left the municipality; and Richard Young school commissioner for the municipality of Shoolbred, Co. Bonaventure, to replace Peter Quinn, deceased. 2nd December. - To order that the following territory be a school municipality, to wit: "All the township of Westbury; the lots Nos. 25, 26, 27 and 28 of the seventh range of the township Stoke; the lots Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 in the ranges eight, nine, ten and eleven of the said township Stoke; the lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the ranges one, two, three and four of the township Dudswell; and the lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the ranges ten and eleven of the township Bury," and to be designated under the name of "Saint Louis de Westbury." The present erection of school municipality applies only to the Roman Catholics who are, and make part of, the said parish of St. Louis de Westbury. -To detach from the municipality of the "parish" Saint Charles, in the county of Saint Hyacinthe, the lots Nos. 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 and 208 of the cadastre of the said parish of Saint Charles, and to annex them to the municipality of the "village" Saint Charles, for school purposes. 6th December. - To detach lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the twelfth range, and lots 1, 2 and 3 in the eleventh range of Chatham No. 2, from the school municipality of Chatham No. 2, lots 1 to 14 inclusive in the first range, and lots 5 to 14 inclusive in the second range of Saint Jérusalem d'Argenteuil, from the school municipality of the parish of Saint Jérusalem d'Argenteuil, and the lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the east half of lot No. 6 in the first range of Wentworth, from the school municipality of Wentworth, all in the county of Argenteuil, and to erect the same into a separate municipality for school purposes, under the name of the school municipality of Dunany. 17th December. -To appoint a school trustee for the municipality of South Winslow, Co. Compton. 13th December. To erect into a school municipality the new parish of Saint Herménégilde, in the townships of Compton and Stanstead, with the same limits which are assigned to it by the proclamation, dated fifteenth of July last (1890). -To cancel the Order-in-Council No. 251, of the 20th June, 1890, erecting a separate school municipality under the name of Côte St. Paul de Jacques Cartier, Co. Hochelaga. 12th December. - To detach certain lots from the parish of St. Damase, Co. St. Hyacinthe, and to annex them for school purposes to the municipality of St. Michel de Rougemont, Co. Rouville. 32 Belmont Street, Montreal. The Corporation of McGill University is associated with the Superintendent of Public Instruction in the direction of the McGill Normal School under the regulations of the Protestant Committee. The Normal School is intended to give a thorough training to Protestant teachers. The complete course extends over a period of four annual sessions, an Elementary School Diploma being obtained at the close of the first session, a Model School Diploma at the close of the second, and an Academy Diploma at the close of the fourth. All these Diplomas are valid as authorizations to teach in any part of the Province of Quebec, without limitation of time. None are admitted to the School but those who agree to devote themselves to teaching in the Province of Quebec for at least three years. To such persons, however, the advantages of the School are free of charge, and the sum of $1,200 is annually distributed in bursaries to aid in the payment of the board of the forty most successful pupils that do not reside at home during the School session. A small allowance for travelling expenses is made to those who reside more than ninety miles from Montreal. All candidates who present certificates of having passed in Grade III. Model School Course, and all holders of Elementary School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Elementary School Class. All candidates who have passed at the A. A. examinations, taking two-thirds of the aggregate marks, and who have passed in French, and all holders of Model School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Model School Class. Holders of Elementary School Diplomas, desiring admission to the Model School Class, are examined in Algebra, Geometry and French only. The conditions of admission in other cases may be learned by consulting the prospectus of the School. The next session of the School opens in September, 1890. Names of candidates will be enrolled on the 1st and 2nd days of the month, examinations will be held on the 3rd, successful candidates will be received and lectures will commence on the 4th. Forms of application and copies of the Prospectus of the School may be obtained by application to the Principal, Dr. Robins. When issued, the Prospectus of the School will be sent to every Protestant minister of Quebec, as far as addresses can be found. MONTREAL. The Calendar for the Session of 1890-91 contains information FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE. - Civil Engineering, Increased facilities are now offered in this Faculty by the erection of entensive workshops FACULTY OF MEDICINE. (October 1st, 1890.) FACULTY OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE AND VETER- FACULTY OF LAW. (October 1st, 1890.) MCGILL NORMAL SCHOOL. (September 1st, 1890.) Copies of the Calendar and of the Examination Papers may be obtained on application to the undersigned. J. W. BRAKENRIDGE, B.C.L., Acting Secretary. : Address-MCGILL COLLEGE. University of Bishop's College LENNOXVILLE. FACULTY OF ARTS-Dean and Professor of Mathematics: REV. THOS. ADAMS, D.C.L. FACULTY OF DIVINITY-Dean and Professor of Divinity: VEN. ARCHDEACON ROE, D.D. 1 FACULTY OF MEDICINE - Dean: F. W. CAMPBELL, ESQ., M.D. (Montreal). Tha Academical Year consists of three terms, beginning on the 2nd Saturday in September. BISHOP'S COLLEGE SCHOOL. Assisted by a large Staff of Graduates. For Calendars of College and School, apply to the Secretary, E. CHAPMAN, ESQ, M.A., or to the Principal. |