2. Nommez les pronoms indefinis accompagnés de ne et écrivez trois exemples. 3. Quelle est la position de l'adjectif qualificatif? six exemples. 4. Quels sont les verbes conjugués avec être q 5. Ecrivez le Futur simple et antérieur et l'impératif de venir se promener, être puni, comprendre. 6. Traduisez en français : I am going to see a friend of his. He was writing when I entered. We offer you our services. Sit down, if you please. (a) Never put off until to-morrow what you can do to-day. (b) We want your mill; how much will you take for it? Examiner, Latin. THE VERY REV. DEAN NORMAN, D.D. Cæsar Bell. Gall. Bk. I. ch. 1.-25 1. Translate "Interea ea legione quam secum habebat, militibusque qui ex provincia convenerant, a lacu Lemanno, qui in flumen Rhodanum influit, ad montem Juram, qui fines Sequanorum ab Helvetiis dividit, millia passuum decem novem murum in altitudinem pedem sedecim fossamque perducit. Eo opere perfecto praesidia disponit castella communit, qui facilius, si se invito transire conarentur prohibere possit. Ubi ea dies quam constituerat cum legatis venit, et legati ad eum reverterunt, negat se more et exemplo populi Romani posse iter ulli per provinciam dare; et si vim facere conentur prohibiturum ostendit. Helvetiis ea spe dejecti navibus junctis ratibusque compluribus factis, alii vadis Rhodani, qua minima altitudo fluminis erat, nonnumquam interdiu, saepius noctu, si perrumpere possent conati, operis munitione et militum concursu et telis repulsi hoc conatu destiterunt. 2. Translate into Latin, (1) He drew up his line of battle in the middle of the Hill. (2) At break of day the summit of the mountain was held by the enemy. (3) After his death the Helvetii endeavoured to go out of their camp. (4) Cæsar was informed through spies that the Helvetii had crossed the river. 3. Give the gender and singular number of iter, dies, ager, flumen, jus, impetus-parse possent, fiebat, velint, fluat, miserat, consuessethe 1st person singular of the perfect indicative, 1st future, present subj. also the supine and present infinitive of moveo, sentio, audeo, cresco, peto, fleo. 4. Translate "De tertia vigilia T. Labienum legatum pro prætore cum duabus legionibus et iis ducibus qui iter cognoverant summum ugum montis ascendere jubet; quid sui consilii sit ostendit. Ipse de quarta vigilia eodem itinere quo hostes ierant ad eos contendit equitatumque omnem ante se mittit. P. Considius, qui rei militaris peritissimus habebatur, et in exercitu L. Sullae et postea in M. Crassi fuerat, cum exploratoribus præmittitur. 5. Compare supra, citra, celer, facile, ultra, prope-distinguish between deponent, transitive and intransitive verbs and give an example of each.-Explain the construction of (1) spe reditionis sublata, (2) ut tertia acies venientes sustineret, (3) postero die castra ex eo loco movent. 6. What is the Latin for a hostage, an army, forces, baggage, corn, a space of two years, a trader, a city, a town, a village? What cases are used for point of time, duration of time, and which for motion to and from a place? Examiner, Botany. THE VERY REV. DEAN NORMAN, D.D. 1. How do plants obtain their food, and what benefits do they confer upon nature? 2. What are the uses of tendrils, runners, suckers, bulbs and tubers? Give the names of plants in which they are found. 3. To what families do the following plants belong: Cherry, clover, raspberry, sweat pea, onion, columbine, pansy, adder's tongue and anemone. 4. Name, with explanations, the parts of a complete flower. How can a plant be perfect and yet not complete? 5. State the various modes by which plants can be propagated and explain the difference between organs of vegetation and organs of reproduction. 6. What are the different parts of a leaf? Mention any of the various substances which are commonly called fruits. 1. In building a house, I paid 21⁄2 times as much for material as for labor; had the latter cost 8% more, and the former 10% more, the whole cost would have been $2872.50; find the actual cost. 2. The daily issue of the Times is 60,000 copies. Three days of the week it consists of 3 sheets, and for the remaining three of 4 sheets. If a sheet be 3 ft. long and 2 ft. broad; find the number of acres, which the weekly issue of the Times would cover. 3. Find the cost of making a road 110 yards in length and 18 feet wide: the soil being first excavated to the depth of 1 foot, at a cost of 1 shilling per cubic yard, and rubble being then laid 8 inches deep at 1 shilling per cubic yard, and gravel placed on the top 9 inches thick at 21⁄2 shillings per cubic yard. 4. What is the weight of a hollow spherical iron shell 5 inches in diameter, the thickness of the metal being 1 inch, and a cubic inch of iron weighing tit of a pound? 1. (a) Find the following products, without actual multiplication :(I) (3-1) (3a+b). (III) (x-2)(x-3) (x-4). x-1 1 4 9 2. Simplify (I) 2x+2x+2+2(x+3) x2+5x+6 4. The sum of three numbers is 70; and if the second is divided by the first, the quotient is 2, and the remainder 1; but if the third is divided by the second, the quotient is 3 and the remainder 3; what are the numbers? 5. A farmer buys m sheep for $p, and sells n of them at a gain of 5 per cent; how must he sell each of the remainder to gain 10 per cent on the whole? Geometry. 1. The straight lines joining the extremities of two equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts, are themselves equal and parallel. State the converse of this proposition. 2. Describe a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure, and having an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. 3. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the squares on the whole line and on one of the parts are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole and that part, together with the square on the other part. 4. What proposition of the second book would be formed from Euclid II. 12, by bringing the vertex A down to the point D in the side BC produced ? 5. The straight line drawn through the points of bisection of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side. Correspondence, etc. To the Editor of the EDUCATIONAL RECORD: SIR, Will the new rule that pupils in Grade III. Model School will not be granted certificates unless they pass in Latin, be strictly enforced this year? If so, I think it will inflict a hardship upon those pupils who last year passed Grade II. without taking it up. Pupils who passed Grade II. last year without learning Latin have now a great deal to take up in one year's study, when you consider all the other subjects they have to learn ; and the most enthusiastic advocate of the teaching of Latin would surely never wish it undertaken if it be not learned thoroughly. It is this thoroughness and accurate knowledge of the grammar and the exact fitting of cases and genders, etc., that is the object, I take it, of teaching it, and a slipshod acquaintance is worse than useless. Latin is an optional subject for teachers as high as 2nd class Model School Diploma, but the pupils must take it up therefore we may have the absurdity of a model school teacher who does not know Latin having to teach it. Would it not be much better to let pupils pass in ordinary subjects, and for those who pass in Latin, algebra, geometry, &c., have the fact endorsed on their certificates? Yours obediently, 31st January, 1891. CHARLES PRICE GREEN, B.А., Official Department. Which day the regular quarterly meeting of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction was held. Present: The Right Reverend James Williams, D.D., Lord Bishop of Quebec, in the chair; Sir William Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., R. W. Heneker, Esq., D.C.L, LL.D., George L. Masten, Esq., the Reverend W. I. Shaw, LL.D., A. Cameron, Esq., M.D., M.P.P.,. A. W. Kneeland, Esq., M.A., Ph.D., E. J. Hemming, Esq., D.C.L., the Very Reverend Dean Norman, D.D., the Reverend George Weir, LL.D., Peter McArthur, Esq., R. J. Hewton, Esq., M.A. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Expressions of regret were received from the Venerable Archdeacon Lindsay and the Reverend Dr. Cornish at their inability to be present at the meeting. The Secretary submitted the following correspondence and communications for the consideration of the Committee : 1. From Messrs. J. P. Arnold, Chas. F. Hamilton and Miss Kate McEwen, applying for diplomas under the Regulations of the Committee and submitting certificates. The Committee agreed that Mr. J. P. Arnold be exempt from examination in all subjects for the elementary diploma except School Law. (b) That Mr. Chas. F. Hamilton be granted a First Class Academy Diploma under Regulation 54, Section A. (c) That Miss Kate McEwen be exempt from examination in all subjects for a Model School Diploma except School Law and Regulations. 2. From Mr. Thomas Haney, Lachute, concerning the position of school inspector. The Secretary was directed to inform Mr. Haney that all candidates for the position of school inspector are required to pass an examination. Moved by Dr. Kneeland, seconded by Mr. R. J. Hewton, M.A., "That the Secretary be instructed to advertise that an examination of candidates wishing to qualify for the position of inspector of schools will be held during the second week of May next." Carried. 3. From the Normal School Committee concerning provisions for a course of professional training for undergraduates in Arts. On the motion of the Reverend Dr. Shaw, seconded by the Very Reverend Dean Norman, it was resolved : "That having considered the memorandum of the Normal School Committee respecting the arrangements to be made for the delivery of a course of lectures in the theory and practice of teaching to such students and undergraduates as may be disposed to take advantage of the same, the Protestant Committee approves thereof." 4. From the Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers, submitting for the information of the Committee certain resolutions adopted by the Convention in October last, and giving notice of the re-election of Mr. R. J. Hewton, M.A., as the representative of the Association on the Committee. The communication was received and read. 5. From the Montreal Presbytery concerning the grant in connection with the Jesuits' Estates Act, submitted for the information of the Committee. The communication was received and read. 6. From the Superintendent, submitting a list of the proposed division of the Fund for Poor Municipalities. Moved by Dr. Heneker, seconded by Reverend Dr. Shaw, and resolved, "That this Committee recognize the care with which the list of Poor Municipalities entitled to grants has been prepared in the Department, and approve of the same." 7. On motion of Dr. Heneker, seconded by Dr. Henming, Regulations 7, 8 and 20, and forms 2 and 3 were amended to read as follows: 7. Each candidate shall be examined with reference to : (a) The methods of teaching the subjects of the authorized course of study. |