Candidates will please note that no applications will be received after the time prescribed by law, namely, the 15th of June. The applications of the candidates should be in the following form: I......(a)...... residing at......(b)... ... county of....(c).... professing the....(d).... Faith, have the honor to inform you that I intend to present myself at...... (e)...... for the examination for .(f)....diploma the first week in July next. I enclose herewith (1) A certificate that I was born at. . . . . . . . . county of. . . . . . . . .the .... day of....18.. (2) A certificate of moral character according to the authorized form. (3) The sum of. . . . . . . . .dollars for examination fees. (Signature) ...... It is absolutely necessary that candidates follow closely this form of application. The special attention of candidates is therefore called to the following points in reference to the form: In the space marked (a) the candidate's name should be written in full-and legibly; much trouble and confusion is caused by neglect of this simple point-some candidates give their initials-some give a shortened form of their real names-s -some give one name in the application and a different name in the certificate of baptism. Insert in the space marked (a) the true name in full, just as it appears in the certificate of baptism or of birth, and in any subsequent correspondence or documents connected with educational matters in the Province give this same name in full as your signature. In the spaces marked (b) (c) give your post office address to which you wish your correspondence, card of admission, diploma, etc., mailed. In the space marked (d) insert "Protestant" or "Roman Catholic ;" at (e) insert the local centre; at (ƒ) the grade of diploma. Three things are to be enclosed with the application: (1) A certificate of baptism or birth, giving the place and exact date of birth. Note that the mere statement in the application is not sufficient. An extract from the register of baptism, or, where this cannot be obtained, a certificate signed by some responsible person, must be submitted with the application. Candidates who are eighteen years old before or during the year 1891 are eligible for examination in July next. Candidates under age are not admitted to examination. (2) A certificate of moral character, according to the following form, must accompany the application: "This is to certify that I, the undersigned, have personally known and had opportunity of observing..... ..(Give name of candidate in full)........for the last past; that during all such time his life and conduct have been without reproach; and I affirm that I believe him to be an upright, conscientious and strictly sober man. (Signatures) ................... (Signature) of the........congregation This certificate must be signed by the minister of the congregation to which the candidate belongs, and by two school commissioners, school trustees or school visitors. As unexpected difficulties and delays arise in the preparation of these certificates of age and moral character, intending candidates will do well to get these certificates at once, in order that they may be in a position to make application at the appointed time. (3) A fee of two dollars for elementary and model school diplomas, and three dollars for academy diplomas, is to be enclosed with the form of application. Upon the receipt of the application with certificates and fees, a card of admission to the examination will be mailed to each candidate. This card must be presented to the deputy examiner on the day of examination. Each card is numbered, and at the examination candidates will put their numbers on their papers instead of their names. Great care should be taken to write the numbers legibly and in a prominent position at the top of each sheet of paper used. In the examination for elementary diplomas, algebra, geometry and French are not compulsory; but, in order to be eligible for a first-class diploma, candidates must pass in these subjects. The same remark applies to Latin in the case of the model school diploma. Those candidates who received third-class diplomas last year with the right to receive second-class diplomas after re-examination in one or two subjects, will require to give notice in the usual way if they intend to present themselves for re-examination. Such candidates are requested to notice that their re-examination must be taken on the day and hour fixed for their subjects in the general scheme of the examination. Candidates claiming exemptions on the ground of their standing in the A. A. examinations should state this in their application, and they will receive a certified list of the subjects in which they are entitled to exemptions. The following is the order and subjects of the examination for the three grades of diplomas : History, Scripture History, Scripture Wednesday, and Canadian ; 9-12. and English; Geography. Geography. Academy. Reading, Writ ing, Dictation; Arithmetic. Grammar and Composition; Literature. History, Scripture and English; Geography. Drawing; Art of Teaching. Book-keeping; Algebra ; French; Latin. Latin; Roman History. ............ Greek; .... ...... ..... Grecian History. ........ Trigonometry. Candidates should examine carefully the amended syllabus of examination and regulations which appeared in the EDUCATIONAL RECORD, October, 1890, and copies of which may be obtained from the Secretary. NOTICES FROM THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased by an Order in Council of the 27th December, 1890, to appoint two school commissioners for the municipality of Ste. Geneviève, No. 3, Co. Jacques Cartier; also under the same date to appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of Weedon Central, Co. Wolfe, and one for the municipality of Ste. Perpétue, Co. Nicolet. 30th September. - To revoke the appointment of Mr. Joseph Philibert, school commissioner of the municipality of the Rivière au Renard, County of Gaspé. 30th December. - To appoint Mr. John Howard school trustee for the municipality of Grenville, No. 2, Co. Argenteuil, to replace Mr. Jas. Barron; also to appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of Ste. Elizabeth, Co. Arthabaska. 10th January, 1891. - To appoint Messrs. J. M. Montle and Win. Harbison school trustees for the municipality of St. Damien, of Stanbridge, Co. Missisquoi, to replace Messrs. A. M. Borden and F. C. Sanders, who have left the municipality. 13th January. - To erect into a school municipality, under the name of "Municipality of the Village of Coteau Station," the territory comprising the Nos. from 116 to 180 inclusively, and 679 to 687 also inclusively, of the cadastre for the parish of St. Polycarpe, Co. Soulanges. The Order in Council of the 20th June, 1890, erecting the municipality of the "Village of Coteau Station" is annulled. 16th January. To detach from the municipality of Sainte Flavie, in the County of Rimouski, the cadastral lots of the parish of Sainte Flavie, Nos. 499, 498 and 222, and to annex them to the municipality of "Mont Joli," in the same county, for school purposes. This annexion shall come into force only on the first day of July next (1891). 17th January. - To detach from the school municipality of Saint Roch North, in the County of Quebec, the south-west two-thirds of the lot No. 426, of the cadastre for the parish of Saint Roch North, and to annex them to the municipality of "Charlesbourg," in the same county, for school purposes. This annexion shall come into force only on the first day of July next (1891). 23rd January. - To appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of St. Edmond du Lac au Saumon, Co. Matane. -To erect a distinct school municipality under the name of "St. Etienne de New Carlisle," Co. Bonaventure, the parish so called with the same limits which were assigned 9th April, 1889. This erection shall concern the Roman Catholics only, and shall come into force the 1st July, 1891. 3rd February. - To annul the Order in Council, No. 222, of the 7th April, 1888, concerning the municipality of Ste. Marie, Co. Beauce. 9th February. - To appoint a school commissioner for the municipality of Cloridorme, Co. Gaspé. 12th February. - To appoint three school commissioners for the municipality of Barford, Co. Stanstead; and five school commissioners for the municipality of St. Herménégilde, in the Counties of Compton and Stanstead. 32 Belmont Street, Montreal. The Corporation of McGill University is associated with the Superintendent of Public Instruction in the direction of the McGill Normal School under the regulations of the Protestant Committee. The Normal School is intended to give a thorough training to Protestant teachers. The complete course extends over a period of four annual sessions, an Elementary School Diploma being obtained at the close of the first session, a Model School Diploma at the close of the second, and an Academy Diploma at the close of the fourth. All these Diplomas are valid as authorizations to teach in any part of the Province of Quebec, without limitation of time. None are admitted to the School but those who agree to devote themselves to teaching in the Province of Quebec for at least three years. To such persons, however, the advantages of the School are free of charge, and the sum of $1,200 is annually distributed in bursaries to aid in the payment of the board of the forty most successful pupils that do not reside at home during the School session. A small allowance for travelling expenses is made to those who reside more than ninety miles from Montreal. All candidates who present certificates of having passed in Grade III. Model School Course, and all holders of Elementary School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Elementary School Class. All candidates who have passed at the A. A. examinations, taking two-thirds of the aggregate marks, and who have passed in French, and all holders of Model School Diplomas, are exempt from examination for admission to the Model School Class. Holders of Elementary School Diplomas, desiring admission to the Model School Class, are examined in Algebra, Geometry and French only. The conditions of admission in other cases may be learned by consulting the prospectus of the School. The next session of the School opens in September, 1890. Names of candidates will be enrolled on the 1st and 2nd days of the month, examinations will be held on the 3rd, successful candidates will be received and lectures will commence on the 4th. Forms of application and copies of the Prospectus of the School may be obtained by application to the Principal, Dr. Robins. When issued, the Prospectus of the School will be sent to every Protestant minister of Quebec, as far as addresses can be found. |